Chapter Fifteen: The Cave

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It took several seconds for Hiccup's eyes to adjust to the lamplight in the tent. They were filled to the brim with tears and sweat. His clothes were soaked, his hair plastered to his forehead, his breathing shaky and ragged, his whole body trembling... this was the worst nightmare he had ever had. He put his hands up to his temples and closed his eyes. But the images he had just seen, as clear as if they were happening right at that moment, continued to flash at him until he was certain he would go insane.

"Hiccup, are you okay? Do you need anything?" Fishlegs muttered softly over Hiccup's panting.

Hiccup nodded. "Water." he choked, his throat sore and scratchy from his screaming.

Fishlegs immediately grabbed the closest skin of water he could find and handed it to his friend. Hiccup drank it down within seconds and wiped his mouth, still panting but at least feeling like he could speak properly. Tears continued to pour out of his eyes as he grabbed a nearby cloth and wiped down his forehead. Toothless cooed quietly and nuzzled his human's shoulder. Once most of his sweat had been wiped off his body, Hiccup threw his arms around his dragon.

"Toothless... bud... you're okay..." he whispered, sniffling and gently stroking the Night Fury's neck.

There was a long pause as Hiccup continued to cry quietly into the dragon's scales. Toothless made a comforting sort of croon and snuggled up to the distressed human. For a while, there was complete silence aside from Hiccup's intermittent sniffles. Meatlug stuck her head into the tent, her eyes wide and directed at her pale human. Fishlegs beckoned her over and rubbed her behind the ears. She licked his face, hoping that her little bit of affection would be enough to calm him down. She didn't like it when her human was upset. And she definitely didn't like the screams she had heard a few minutes previously.

Fishlegs stared at his friend as he cuddled up to his dragon. Hiccup clutched the Night Fury's neck as though letting go or loosening his hold would throw him back into his nightmare. His whole body trembled; his eyes were wide and unfocused. The burly Viking had been awakened by Hiccup's cries for Astrid and had desperately tried to wake his chief as he then cried out for his dragon and then his children. Fishlegs didn't know why Hiccup had pleaded before finally awakening but he was almost too frightened to want to find out.

At long last, Hiccup's cries died down. He finally looked at Fishlegs, still stroking his dragon's neck as he did so but not clutching as hard as before.

"Is that... are they always that bad?" Fishlegs ventured, hoping that Hiccup wouldn't lash out at him or start crying again.

"N-never that b-bad." Hiccup mumbled in a shaking voice.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Fishlegs asked, scooting forward slightly. "It might help if you get it all out. That's what I do when I'm upset..."

Hiccup nodded, adjusting himself so that he was now leaning against his dragon's stomach. Toothless protectively curled his body around his human. It took several seconds before Hiccup found the strength to speak. As he recounted the horrible images he had watched, Fishlegs paled and his hands flew to his mouth. When Hiccup came to the part of the dream when he had watched Toothless die, he stroked his dragon again and a few tears leaked from his eyes. But it was recounting the fate of the children that appeared to be the hardest. It was all he could do not to burst into tears once more as he choked out their individual fates. As he spoke, he silently prayed to all the gods he knew of that his children were still alive. That his daughter was home safe and that his son would be within a day or two. He would do anything, anything at all to save them from the events he had seen. His head began to ache from the strain, both emotional and physical, he had experienced in the last hour.

Fishlegs was completely silent throughout the dream's retelling. He couldn't allow his mind to wander even for a second for fear that his brain would conjure up the most horrible images imaginable. Sweet Adrianna dressed in filthy rags and taken advantage of before being murdered on an impulse; Finn, the fearless boy who had such a zest for life, frozen in the last expression his face ever took: fear and pain. He certainly didn't feel about them the way he felt about his own children but watching the twins grow up and supporting the family during the darkest of times gave him a strong affection for them. He remained silent for a few minutes longer to organize his thoughts and think of something encouraging to say, given the situation.

Hiccup squirmed uncomfortably after a bit before interrupting the silence in an emotionally raspy voice. "Please say something. Before I lose my mind."

Fishlegs took several deep breaths, resting a hand on his dragon, who nuzzled it affectionately. "I... I don't know what to say."

Hiccup rubbed his forehead, trying to relieve the throbbing. He had to think: would he really go back in time and give Dagur a chance to live? Would he rather die instead? Leave his family to... that future? What future? All it was was pain and abuse and mockery... and it wasn't just his family, it was his friends... his eyes suddenly widened. Gobber, Snotlout, Fishlegs, the Thorston twins... they sacrificed themselves, died at the hands of the Berserkers. They left children fatherless and motherless in the attempt to preserve Berk and the Haddock heritage. They had been afraid in their lack of support but they weren't unfaithful or disloyal. In fact, they were as close to loyal as loyalty could come.

Understanding clicked in his mind and a heavy weight suddenly lifted from his shoulders. He felt his eyes focus and his muscles relax; it was worth it. Killing a man was the most horrible, heinous thing he had ever done. But if it meant his village was safe from the bonds of a terrible clan, it was worth it. If it saved his little boy and girl from the world's most disgusting forms of abuse, it was worth it. If it saved Astrid from Dagur's constant torture through physical and emotional abuse, Hel, even protecting her from watching her own children die before her eyes and becoming a murderer herself... without a shadow of a doubt, it was worth it.

Hiccup looked at his prosthetic with an exhausted look of shame. "I'm a fool." Through his peripheral he noticed his friend look up at him. "I've been so bent out of shape these two years for killing a man... when really, if I hadn't, he would have destroyed everything...everythingnear and dear to me." Hiccup huffed and buried his face in his hands. "I disgust myself."

"Well... Hiccup, if it's any consolation, I understand why you felt the way you did." Fishlegs said in a gentle voice. "But you did what you had to do. And we all commend you for that. The question is... what are you going to do now?"

Hiccup paused, contemplating his question. For the first time in ages he felt... calm. Relaxed. Passionate instead of cold. Formidable by not murderous. For the first time in a long time, Hiccup felt like himself. He felt free.

But he also felt something else. A new burden had fallen on his shoulders, this one lighter and, he realized, one he had put there himself. He took a deep, shaking breath, the throbbing in his head coming back full force as the weight of what he had done to his family crashed over him.

"There really isn't anything I can do." he admitted, placing his fingers on his temple. "I'm... I'm divorced; I'm probably going to come back to find my job being taken over by someone else. As for the kids, well, they'll be gone too. I have done to my family, in a way, what Dagur would have done. Maybe not so violently, but I ripped the people I love to pieces."

Fishlegs nodded solemnly. "It's true that you've done a lot of damage and you may no longer be allowed to be chief of Berk. But you can still mend those relationships."

"With the kids, maybe. Probably." Hiccup breathed a humorless laugh, a few tears escaping his eyelids once more. "But Astrid? No. Forgiveness is too much to ask."

Fishlegs shook his head. "See, I don't think so." he said with a smile. "I think she's holding out for the man she fell in love with. So it's up to you now. You can let her walk away or you can come barreling after her with an apology and probably a new weapon of some sort. Because that's what you do. Both of you."

Hiccup gave his friend a wistful smile but shook his head so vehemently, his dark hair was tousled. "Thanks for that Fish, but... I don't think it's possible. She hates me. It would be better if I just tried to see the kids and leave her alone. She might end up killing me with her bare hands."

"You don't know that." Fishlegs insisted. "Astrid loves the man she married. Still loves him. And it's not so hard to become that man again. All you have to do is make sure she knows just how sorry you are."

"All speculation," Hiccup raised a finger. "But you don't know her like I do. Once she's been pushed this far, there's no going back."

"Hiccup, what I'm about to say may be the most important thing I've said since we left Berk." Fishlegs said, his eyes boring into Hiccup's. "I think you're wrong."

Hiccup chortled. "I was expecting something more..."

"Profound?" Fishlegs suggested.

Hiccup shrugged. "Something like that."

Fishlegs was happy to hear his friend's laugh but he scowled. "I'm serious."

Hiccup took a deep breath, the laughter within finally released. "I think I'm going to go outside to get some air."

Berk's chief grabbed a lantern and stepped out of the tent. He appreciated the cool breeze that met him the moment he was outside. He sat down and stared at the sky, waiting for the sun to ascend and bathe the forest in a little bit of light. There was a long stretch of silence. The lantern flickered, illuminating the wood in the tiny bit of light it provided.

Suddenly, there was a squawk. Hiccup looked up and saw an outline of a dragon in the sky before he caught sight of it in the lamplight.

"Pipsqueak?" he asked, genuinely confused. "What are you doing here?"

The Terrible Terror landed on his shoulder and stuck out her foot. Hiccup quickly untied the note and instructed the little dragon to go find Fishlegs for a reward. He unfolded the paper and raised an eyebrow at Fishlegs' untidy scrawl.

"What in the world..." he muttered to himself, turning the paper over.

And then he stopped.

That handwriting was familiar. Uncomfortably familiar. Hiccup was about to call for Fishlegs to take the note... but he stopped. His name was on the top of the paper. He leaned toward the lamplight so that he could read the writing.


This mess we've gotten ourselves into was my fault. I pushed you away, I didn't listen to you when you needed someone to confide in, to talk to, and I became impatient when you started to distance yourself from me. I can see now that you were in a lot of pain and I ignored it, hoping it would go away. But it didn't. And I made things so much worse for you by forcing you to deal with all of this on your own.

I know you're probably still angry and never want to see me again. But if there's anything I can say that can get through to you, please come home. I need to speak to you and Adri is doing so well. She needs to see her daddy again. Just... please come home. Please find Finn and bring him home safe. I hope to see you both soon.


Astrid's writing became smudged as it captured the tears now raining from her husband's eyes. Hiccup wanted to read the note again but he couldn't see clearly enough to make out the letters. It didn't matter. Astrid wanted him back. The gods had given him a second chance he hadn't deserved.

He clutched the letter to his chest as the tears flowed. "She wants me... she still wants me." he heard himself murmuring through the tears. He felt like his heart would burst with joy; the love of his life didn't hate him. She wanted to see him.

Fishlegs, hearing the fresh sobs from the outside, bounded out of the tent only to see his friend lovingly tracing the outlines of the letters his wife had written, almost like he was caressing her face.

Hiccup beamed up at him, tears still falling but eyes alight with happiness. "She still wants me..." Hiccup looked back at the paper with a short laugh, smoothing out the lines on the paper. "Why did I ever doubt you?"

"Because you're stubborn. And that's how I know our Hiccup is back." Fishlegs chuckled, gently tugging the note from Hiccup's hand. "I told you she was going to forgive you."

Hiccup paused to wipe his face off with the collar of his shirt. "Unless she ends up punching me in the face as soon as I get there. But I won't assume things or doubt her. She seems pretty... honest, here." he took the note back and gently tapped it with his forefinger.

Fishlegs looked up just in time to see a small reddish hue on the horizon. Dawn had come at last. He turned back to Hiccup, whose green eyes shone with optimism and hope, and felt his heart leap with happiness. There was no doubt in his mind that the Hiccup everyone had so sorely missed was back at last.

It was almost a surreal experience to watch his friend and chief stand tall and proud as he once did, before turning towards him with a daring smirk. "Let's go get my son."

Fishlegs felt like embarking on their quest right away but he paused for a moment. "After you change clothes. Can't hug Finn in that sweaty shirt."

"Hm?" Hiccup looked down at the damp cloth clinging to his chest. "No, I guess not." he let out a laugh. "Thanks, mom!" he added as he crawled into the tent.

Hiccup threw on his last clean shirt, his only one with buttons down the front, and a fresh pair of pants. Sweaty, sticky clothes weren't comfortable and he wasn't about to subject his son to that just because he was too impatient to take a moment to change. He emerged from the tent with a wide grin and packed his things as quickly as he could. Fishlegs helped, relishing the sounds of his friend's laughter.

Once their bags were packed and tied to their dragons, who were in much better spirits now that their humans were happy, they walked toward Ratri's residence. Rather, Fishlegs walked. Hiccup's cheerfulness seemed to envelop him completely so he skipped merrily along, not at all caring about how silly he looked. Toothless delightedly bounded beside him, hopping about and hoping that his human would play with him later. It had been far too long.

His wish was granted seconds later when Hiccup picked up a branch. "Go long!" he shouted, pitching it as far as he could.

Toothless galloped after it and caught it in midair. He then ran back to his human, walking backwards so that Hiccup wouldn't have to break his stride. Hiccup reached for the branch but his dragon growled and moved it out of his reach.

"Oh, so that's how it's going to be!" Hiccup chirped, lunging for the stick. "Give it back, you big lizard!"

Toothless growled again, grinning as his human continued to narrowly miss the edges of the stick. Hiccup suddenly bolted forward and dived at his dragon, grabbing the reptile around the neck. Toothless snorted in amusement and lifted himself so that his human dangled off of him.

"Let me have it!" Hiccup shouted, laughing as he tried to climb up Toothless' neck.

Toothless rumbled his stubborn refusal. Fishlegs was doubling over, laughing at the pair. It was like Hiccup was fifteen again, roughhousing with his dragon in the most undignified way possible. Not that anyone minded, of course.

They arrived at Ratri's residence far too soon. The smiles faded as they arrived. Ratri was nowhere to be seen but an elderly man sat outside the house, smiling kindly as they approached.

The elderly man slowly stood, the marks on his body visible from the Hooligans' vantage point. The men couldn't help the simultaneous rise of anger in their chests at the obvious abuse the old man had endured.

Before either man could speak, the elderly man stepped forward and bowed low. "Hello gentleman, it is good to meet you at last."

Hiccup and Fishlegs shared a look as the man stood straight. They tensed when he held Hiccup's hand in his and shook it gingerly.

"At last?" Hiccup asked.

"Yes, sir. The Night Fury, the descriptions match; you are strong Finn's father, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third chief of Berk."

Hiccup blinked several times, surprised at this man's observations. "Finn's talked about me?"

"Although he ran from you originally, he missed you more than anyone would realize, even himself." the man smiled warmly, still lightly patting Hiccup's large freckled hand.

"And you are... sorry, what's your name?"

"Where are my manners?" the man tittered lightly. "My name is Benen. I, too, have been working for Ratri."

Hiccup couldn't help but feel the warmth of the slave's personality, a man who probably suffered day in and day out. It was refreshing and again made him feel a tad guilty for being so petty. But he had to move on.

He cast aside his thoughts and urgently asked, "Where is he? And how is he?"

"Your son is a little worse for wear but he'll pull through. You've named him well. He's a fearless lad. So much spirit."

"You should have seen him when he was three." Hiccup said cheerfully; Benen joined in his laughter.

"He has been a light to me in this dark place, these few days. But I could not be more happy that soon, he will be free."

Hiccup smiled at him graciously and patted his shoulder. "And I'm thankful he had such a great man in the same house as him." He hadn't been talking to this man for five minutes but he knew a good heart when he saw one.

"You must be Fishlegs." Benen said, turning to Hiccup's companion. "Finn, understandably, didn't talk about you quite as much but he says you're a loyal friend of the family." he gestured toward a path leading down a small hill. "Ratri instructed me to walk you to the mines."

"Mines?" Hiccup's heart rate quickened as they followed him down the worn path.

"I can't pretend I know what he's up to." Benen said, walking alongside them. "But I can tell you that he's a shrewd businessman. And he wouldn't irreparably harm what he considers to be property. Your son will be fine."

Hiccup sighed in relief, but paused when a thought struck him. "But I'm-we're-basically a threat to that. So i can't imagine this exchange will be a walk to the sweets shop."

"No." said Benen. "But if Finn's description of you is any indicator, you're not going to give up so easily. He saw that firsthand."

"If you've learned anything of Finn I am sure you've noticed he has a strong streak of stubbornness?" Benen nodded vehemently with a laugh. "Well it's been debated who has the most stubbornness: me or his mother."

Fishlegs instantly piped up, "Mother."

"Oh, I'm sure." Benen chuckled. "She's a woman. Keep an eye on your daughter; she's likely to be the same way." he paused for a moment. "Of course, I mean no disrespect."

"Nah." Hiccup waved a hand, the smile still firmly on his face. "I agree with you."

"Sir, if I may-"

"Yes, you may call me Hiccup."

Benen paused for a moment before a willing smile appeared. "Very well... Hiccup. But if I may, you seem much happier than young Finn described. Was this due to some bitterness on his part or has something changed?"

"That's a bit of a complicated story." Hiccup said with a sigh. "But, to keep it brief, yes, something has most certainly changed. Finn had every right to be bitter. And I'm determined to make it up to him."

"Well here's your chance." Benen gestured toward the cave just ahead of them where Ratri was standing.

Hiccup's eyes narrowed. "It's a cave... not a mine."

"Ah yes. Ratri was very specific about taking you to this entrance." Benen said, the smile fading from his face at the sight of his master. "I must leave you here. But I am honored to have met two of the people Finn was so fond of. And, of course, these magnificent dragons." he added, patting Toothless on the head.

Ratri stomped over as fast as he could with his cane. Benen walked away from the Hooligans and when he was in range, was slapped in the face. Hiccup and Fishlegs gaped and had to restrain themselves from attacking the sweet old man's assailant.

"You stupid slave! You take too long! You not eat tonight!" Ratri glared at the old slave and slapped him again. Benen gingerly lay on the ground before his master, hands nearly touching his feet in a silent plea for forgiveness. The cruel man turned toward the Hooligan chief and smirked at him. "You go inside alone," he paused to shoot a look at Toothless, who met his glare with a toothy growl. "No light and no supplies. If you find de boy, I will allow you to buy him for a price. But I hope you are prepared: he was expensive."

"I'm prepared for anything." Hiccup said, his voice trembling with rage. He leaned over to help Benen to his feet but the elderly man shook his head. He sighed deeply. "So just go in and find Finn?"

"Yes." Ratri pointed to the entrance. "Dat is all."

"It seems a little... easy." Fishlegs muttered to his friend, eyeing Ratri suspiciously.

"If I don't play along, I won't get my son back. I don't have a choice." Hiccup replied. He turned to the vile man who had bought his son. "I agree to your terms."

Hiccup strode forward confidently, entering the darkness of the cave within seconds. Blackness surrounded him as the entrance became smaller and smaller in the distance. Soon there was no light left. He felt along the edges, hoping that Finn would be easy to find.

"Finn!" he called, his voice echoing around him. "Buddy?"

There was suddenly a loud rumble from above him. He looked up (though it did no good whatsoever) and suddenly became aware of the sounds of loosening rocks. He took a chance and ran forward into the darkness, tripping over a rock but quickly getting up as rocks fell around him, blocking his way out. He barely escaped the falling boulders but he knew there was no way he would be able to get out the way he came. His heart constricted painfully. His son hadn't called back. And with the sudden cave in... was he still alive? His heart stopped completely when he remembered that this was how his father had died.

He could barely draw breath but he forced air into his lungs. "FINN!"

And still there was no answer.

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