Chapter One

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The plane shook violently in the sky, the thunder booming and the lighting casting shadows in the small plane. Ryan sat in his seat, fearing the worst. The plane he was on was headed to Ivujivik from his home in Brazil to stay with his dad for the summer. A bolt of lightning struck dangerously close to the plane and the couple of passengers that were aboard the plane screamed. A moment later the sound of lighting filled Ryan's ears. Then lighting struck again and directly hit the small plane, the engine began to die and the plane trembled in the air. It began to slow and then drop. Ryan's stomach dropped and he sucked in air but was still out of breath. The passengers screamed and the emergency lights went on. Ryan fastened his seat belt, as they neared the inky black water. The plane smashed into the water with a boom and everything was dark except the eerie red glow of the emergency lights. Then everything went quiet and Ryan fainted.

Ryan woke with a gap as he remembered the crash; he was in his seat, upside down. The water began to slowly rise, Ryan unbuckled his seatbelt and braced for the landing. He landed hard on the top of the plane. He grabbed his bag from the overhead and looked for a way up to the surface.

When he reached the surface of the frigid water, he climbed on a piece of scrap metal from the plane. He looked around for land, but couldn't see any because of the fog. It was still raining as Ryan sat on the piece of metal. He had opened his bag and grabbed his jacket and had put it on, even though it was still wet. His bag had mostly cloths except for a blanket and a utility knife. The rain began to stop and the clouds parted. Ryan sat looking up at the sky, preparing for the inevitable. Ryan sat up, looking around searching for anything. Then he saw a small package floating on the dark water. A bag of pretzels. He realized how hungry he was. Ryan took off his jacket and shirt, then his shorts, trying to keep most of his clothes as dry as he could. He grabbed the package. Then he saw it, a cart filled with peanuts, pretzels and crackers. He swam towards it, ignoring the cold. When he reached the cart he grabbed as many of he could, even shoving some down his underwear. He began to slowly swim back to the piece of metal. When he reached the metal he put the packages into his bag and climbed on the piece of metal. He opened up a couple of packages and greedily ate them. After he ate, he began to feel tired as the warm sun glowed down on him. He began to drift off to sleep.

When he woke, it was dark and he had drifted very far from the crash site. The plane was only a small shape in the distance. He looked around in the dark and saw a large island covered with trees. Ryan guessed that the island was about one mile away; he decided that he would wait a while to get closer and then swim to the island. So he grabbed a package of peanuts and ate them.

A day later he was much closer to the island, and it was raining again. He cupped his hands, catching as much rain as he could and desperately drinking it. He repeated this until his thirst was quenched. He grabbed his bag and began to swim to the island. 

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