Chapter 1- Introducing...people I have to live with the next week of my life-

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Please don't get offended by the title of the chapter. It's meant as a joke-

Also, some of your OCs might not act the way you want, if it is that way then you probably haven't given a very detailed description of the personality they have, so I'll have to make do with the few sentences you gave me. If you aren't happy with how you OC acts then please tell me in the comments, I'll try and change it.

Third person p.o.v.

Unbeknownst to Gladys and the teenage girl, there were actually eight more escape pods floating beside them, just that they were slightly out of their vision, due to the small-as-a-peanut window. 

The escape pod landed gently on the hard purple floor. Snow drifted downwards and soon the white pod was covered in even more white. Several more white spheres floated down to the ground, and the gray doors swung open simultaneously. Ten people reluctantly stepped out, the same look of fear and sad disbelief plastered on their faces.

They glanced around, looking around the Polus base. There was a giant abandoned dropship right next to them, abandoned and probably broken. Some faces lit up slightly when they saw a spaceship, but they quickly fell when they realized that there was no way of driving the dropship, like the escape pods. 

There was two buildings to the left and right of them, with a rocky path leading to them. Snow covered most of the trail, but it could still be seen. Gladys glanced around uncertainly, she hadn't expected more people. To her disappointment, they were all teenagers, definitely underage. "Well, the more the merrier, right?" She thought in a attempt to light up her moods. It failed.

"Is-is this Polus?" Someone stuttered, shivering slightly from the cold. It was the girl from the other escape pod she had seen earlier. Even if the answer was obvious, Gladys was grateful that the girl had tried to break the ice. 

"Hate to break it to you... but... yes." Gladys said sadly. The girl trembled and a look of fear came up. But then she steadied herself, and straightened. "Well... I mean... I kinda expected it." She said. "But I didn't want to believe it, y'know."

"I get you." Another girl spoke up. She had dark blonde hair and pale green eyes that would've sparkled, but it was dim. Her skin was slightly tanned. She wore a maroon suit, and it brought back some memories. Back then, no one from her explore group would wear maroon, so her dad did. Gladys smiled despite of the pain. 

"But I'm not scared. I've heard a lot of this place." The green eyed girl said defiantly. Gladys was amazed that someone could still not be scared, despite of the horrible situation they were in. The teenage girl smiled at the other girl. 

"You people seem way too comfortable, huh?" Another girl spoke up, anger flashing in her eyes. She had dark brown hair and very tanned skin, almost brown. She wore a lime spacesuit that contrasted with her brown eyes. She had a small sprout on top of her head, waving in the wind.  "What about we just all sit down, and introduce ourselves despite of the dangerous planet we're currently stepping on? Yeah, sounds good, right?" Another glare.

"To be honest, that sounds pretty good..." Gladys spoke up," Maybe that'll lessen the fear? Y'know, if we get comfortable with the people next to us..." The teenage girl smiled again. Gladys felt a warm pang in her heart, she was liking the girl more and more, she gave off some sort of friendly vibe to her. 

"I'll go first." Gladys said, a little more confident," I'm Gladys. I know that's a weird name, but, uh, yeah. It means 'gift of god', if anyone's wondering. You can call me Glad too, though I am so cringing saying my cringey nickname." Not gonna lie, she was cringing more from her cheesy introduction than her name. 

"Nice to meet you!" said the teenage girl from the other escape pod. "I'm Auburn, Aubbie and Aubs work too. " She flashed a smile, and Gladys could feel the ice between the crew slowly starting to melt. "Nice to meet you too." She replied.

"Huh, I guess we're really going with the introductions. Okay then, I'm Caylee." The green eyed girl said. "You seem pretty cool." She nodded at Auburn. "Thanks!" Auburn grinned.

"I'm Expresso, and I'm non-binary, just so you know." A casual voice said, and everyone turned to look at her. They had pale skin(likewise, likewise, everyone has pale skin-SOMEHOW) and dark curly hair that was messed up, like someone had ruffled it. Gladys noticed some tear tracks on their face, and decided not to ask. Their eyes appeared to be red, like Auburn. They wore a purple spacesuit and a wizard hat rested on top of their head. Expresso also had a shiny necklace in the shape of a crescent moon. 

"Calling me Mooni or Moondrop is also fine." They said. 

"I'm Ruth, I'm non-binary too. Use ae/aer for my pronouns." Ruth had tan-beige-ish skin and dark brown hair that was wavy, it reminded Gladys of truffle from the finest factories.. It stopped at aer shoulder. Aer eyes were a startling blueish hazel, shining with a sad bore. A small scar sat upon aer nose. Ruth wore a coral spacesuit and had a pink ring on aer pinky, which was quite hard to spot.

"Um... I'm Nexus." Someone spoke quietly, it was a boy, standing next to Expresso. He had raven colored hair and crimson red eyes. A thin scar ran down the length of his face, passing through his right eye. Gladys wondered if he could still see. He was quite tall and lean. He wore a blue spacesuit and an antenna sat crookedly on his head. He had a unity belt strapped to his waist, and a bag. A small metal machine stuck to his suit, and a cracked heart shaped locket rested on his chest. Gladys mentally fumbled with her necklace. "You can call me N, yeah, just N." He stepped back into the shadows.

"I'm Jessie-bear." A girl in a brown spacesuit said, her voice was silky and soft. She flipped her brown hair behind her shoulder. She had slightly tanned skin and brown doe-like eyes. She wore a headband with two velvety bear ears, and some blush was applied to her cheeks. "Jessica is my nickname."

"Oh well..." The girl that had been sarcastic to Auburn said. "Well, if you must know, my name is Lily." Gladys thought that was rather contrary to her personality, she seemed rude and harsh. "Don't judge me too harshly. I can be nice too, but I was just pointing out that maybe, that was not the time for introductions." Lily said, as if replying to her thoughts.

"Um... I'm... Aiden?" A boy said, scratching his head as if he was confused about something. He was quite tall, and had black hair that was a little spiky. He had bright blue eyes and slightly tanned skin. Freckles dotted his face sparsely. He was wearing a cyan spacesuit and had blue earmuffs on. He wore a scientist suit and had a 'GUD' sticky note stuck to his visor, covering most of his vision. "I don't have any nicknames..." He said, looking away. (AY YO WE GOT NOVISOR-) (I meant, he is very cool and definitely won't have any references to Novisor in the story, no-)

"Well, I'm Sunni, non-binary too!" They were dressed in a beautiful banana spacesuit said. They had a doctor's mask on and a big cherry was on top of their head, somehow managing to balance and not fall. Sunni had sandy blonde hair that was tied back and green striking eyes. Their tan skin was covered with patches of pale skin, which Gladys assumed to be vitiligo. "Dae works too."

"W-What did you say was y-your name?" Mooni suddenly choked out. Their eyes were strangely watery, and somehow full of rage and sadness. Mooni's hands clenched into fists. Sunni's eyes widened. "Um... My name is Sunni?" They half asked, half replied. "Is-Is something wrong...?"

"YES!" Mooni yelled, their rage evident now. "EVERYTHING'S WRONG WITH YOUR NAME!" Sunni was taken aback, they stepped back a little. "Um... can you explain-"

"Why his name? I HATE YOUR NAME!" Mooni shouted angrily, a few tears dropping onto the snow. "I don't want to ever, EVER see you again!" With that, they stormed away into the dropship.

An awkward silence fell upon the remaining nine crewmates. Everyone was stunned in shock; why did the name 'Sunni' trigger Mooni so much? "I-I didn't-I didn't mean t-to hurt her...I-" Sunni stammered suddenly, looking a little hurt. "Why-"

"It's okay, Sunni. It's not your fault." Gladys said,"You didn't know." "Yeah, I didn't know..." Sunni replied, their lip trembling. "That name-uh, your name, I mean, probably was one of Mooni's loved ones' name." Nexus deduced, his voice quiet. "Maybe he-uh- died? Or something."

"How do you know?" Caylee asked, narrowing her eyes. "Mooni said,'Why his name?' with so much emotion, it was probably some person close to them. The name Sunni wasn't triggering for any of us, and we're so different. Sunni's name must've meant something to Mooni that they didn't like." Nexus explained.

His deduction made sense, so no one questioned anymore. Silence fell over the crew again, clearly at a loss for what to do next. 

"I'll-uh, go after her, see if she's okay." Nexus said, pointing to the dropship. He started to walk away, when Sunni grabbed his arm. "W-Wait, let me go with you. I-I wanna say sorr-"Sunni said desperately. 

"No, Sunni." Gladys said,"You'll just-uh, no offense, and I'm not about to hurt you but-you'll just...anger her more. Right now, we need all our heads together to think of a plan to get off this damn planet, so all the 'sorries' can wait."

Sunni looked a little upset, but they stepped back, and Nexus went into the dropship to find Mooni.

"Okay, so nobody's gonna(talk about Bruno~ NO) address the problem on hand." Ruth said. 

"What's the problem on hand-Oh, you mean that one." said Aiden, looking a little embarrassed. 

"The damn problem... is that we're STUCK on Polus." Ruth rolled aer eyes, looking irritated. "So everyone put on your damn thinking caps and THINK!"

They obliged, as all of them were too wanting to get off Polus. "If only we could communicate to Earth..." Jessica sighed. A lightbulb suddenly went off in Gladys's head, she had an idea.

"Guys, listen up. This is the best idea EVER." Gladys said excitedly, she was sure she had solved the problem on hand. "So the plan is..."




Nexus walked into the dropship. He saw a lone figure standing at the very end of the dropship, silently crying to themselves. "Mooni...?" He asked hesitantly. Mooni whirled around, surprised to see him. "What are you doing here?!" They snarled, wanting to be alone. 

"I-I came to... comfort you." Nexus said. "Are-you okay?" "Do I seem okay to you?" Mooni retorted. "I don't need comfort... just leave." Mooni turned back to the wall, their hands in their pockets. 

Nexus waited a few seconds, before Mooni turned and said,"Are you still here? Go, you won't be able to console me anyways." "Mooni...I don't know much about you, but the name Su-" "DON'T SAY IT!" Mooni shouted,"I don't want to hear it!"

Nexus sighed. "Okay, okay. Her name probably was close to you, right?" "That's none of your business! Why are you even trying?" Mooni growled. Nexus said," Because the crew needs to be together! To get off the planet! If you're going to be here just pouting because of a damn name, then we're never going to succeed!"

"YOU-YOU HAVE N-NO IDEA!" Mooni yelled,"That name... that name!" They turned, their shoulder shaking visibly. "He-he..." They broke down crying. "I was trying so damn hard to forget, why? Why did they have to bring it up again?"

"Mooni...I-" Nexus swallowed. He stepped closer to them, and put a hand on their shoulder. "I've lost a loved one too, haven't you?" He said gently. "Yeah... you too?" Mooni said, still crying. "Well...I'm not yet too ready to share... but...sometimes, Mooni, you have to think from other's perspective. S-I mean, they didn't know. You're very young, and I sympathize for your loss, but they are really sorry." Nexus said," They asked me to say sorry to you, Mooni. They meant no harm."

Mooni looked up, surprised. "I-Well... I'm-I'm s-sorry too." They said, sighing."Maybe I shouldn't have burst out like that. But I-I'm not talking to them. You tell them." Nexus smiled. "That I understand. Alright then! You, uh, ready to go back yet?" Mooni grinned. "Race you." With that, they ran outside. 

Nexus stared at them, stunned at the change of mood. Then he shook himself out of his daze, and ran after them too. He smiled to himself.




Nexus and Mooni ran back to the crew, panting and smiling. The crew was a bit surprised to see them. Then Mooni saw Sunni, and their scowl returned, all of their cheeriness gone. "Humph." They looked away.

Sunni tried for a smile. "Moo-" Gladys elbowed them and mouthed,"Not now." Sunni nodded. 

"Okay, enough 'name' drama. Gladys, you gonna tell them your great idea or something?" Lily said impatiently.

"Yeah, I was just about to." Gladys grinned,"So basically, I was thinking, since the humans, I mean, crewmates set up a base here on Polus, there has to be like a communication center where they report all their findings back to MIRA HQ, right? So we can-"

"Right. You're betting on that to work? The Impostors might already have destroyed it, y'know. Very likely too. In fact, the first thing they'll do is destroy it so that the crewmates have no way reporting back." Caylee said.

"It's our only chance. We can't get back on our own, so we'll have to try. What else are we gonna use to communicate, Nexus's antenna?" Gladys replied, sarcastic.

Mooni piped up," Yeah. Besides, you said 'might'. So they might have not destroyed it. Though the chances are slim, we have to try."

"Really? It seems dangerous. We probably have a better chance figuring out how to pilot the damn escape pod than finding the communication center."Ruth said, twisting aer ring. "No offense." 

"I can't be the only one who hates the escape pods." Gladys said. "And besides, we have no idea where Earth is, so we'll probably get lost in space." 

"Wait, you guys are forgetting something." Caylee expressed, "Polus is dangerous. Very dangerous. If we're going to send a SOS to Earth, they need at least two days or more to come here and pick us up. How are we gonna survive? Guaranteed that we CAN send out the SOS."

"Stop arguing!" Auburn yelled suddenly,"We aren't going to solve anything this way."

"What do you suggest, then?" Jessica said. "I'm out of ideas, and frankly, none of their ideas seem appeasing or likely to work."

"I'm not the smartest, but I suggest that we follow Gladys's idea, try and find Communication on Polus. If not, there has to be some sort of Office here or Admin, which could help us send messages too." Auburn responded," If none, then we can try and figure out how to steer the escape pods. If that doesn't work as well, our last resort is try and stay alive."

"We're all trying to stay alive here." snorted Lily,"But I'll go with your idea."

"Hmm... I'm down." said Sunni, "As long as we stick together."

"Alrighty then. Mission one: Find Communication."


How do you guys feel about Chapter 1? I hope you like it and don't think it's too... complicated.

I'm trying to make more people speak, more variety of who suggests ideas. Please don't think I like your character more than others, I like them equally.

And yes, the tenth person has joined, it's Ruth. 

Anyways, I'll leave you to ponder on who the Impostor is, tell me your thoughts! I'm going back to... homework...;-;

QOTD: What is your favorite task in Among Us(Polus)? For me, it's probably"Monitor Tree", for some reason. 

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