Crash landing

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Narrator pov.
Hera, Sabine, Ezra Were On The Ghost After Coming Back From A Mission. They Had To Steal Supplies From The Empire. They Got Supplies But Were Being Attacked By The Empire's Tie Fighters.

WE HAVE THE SUPPLIES!!! LET'S MAKE THE JUMP INTO HYPERSPACE!!! Sabine yelled Through Her Com. SETTING THE CORDNESS!!! Hera yelled Back. Then A Tie Fighter Fired At The Engines and The Cordness Were Put Incorrectly. Making The Ghost Jump Into Hyperspace.

What's Happening? Ezra ask Running Into The Cockpit. The Hyperdive Is Out of Control. I'm Turning Off Everything To Stop It. Hera said. She Turned Off The Power and Ship Come Out of Hyperspace But It Was Speeding Towards To An Unknown Planet.

Um Hera? Sabine ask Who Just Came Back In. Were Going To Have To Crash On That Planet. HANG ON!!! The Ghost Went In Fast and Hot. It Crash Into Some Trees and Hit The Ground. Knocking All of Them Out On Impact.

3 hours later.
Hera pov.
I Woke Up Trying To Remember What Happened. Then I Remember. We Crash On A Unknown Planet. I Look Around The Cockpit To See The Damage and Ezra and Sabine Still Knock Out. I Went To Them and Woke Them Up. Sabine! Ezra! Wake Up. I said Shaking Them. Then Woke Up. What Happened? Where Are We? Ezra ask.

We're On A Unknown Planet and I Can't Contact Rebel Comman. We're Stranded. Great What Do We Do Now? Sabine ask. Well Let's Go Outside and Check On The Damage. We Went Outside and Look At The Damage and It Didn't Look Good.

There Was Cracks In The Windows. The Engines Were Had Black Smoke Coming Out But Not The Explosion Way. And There Were Metal Piece's All Over The Ground. No Telling What We Lost.

This Is Going To Take A While To Fix. Maybe Longer With No Communications and We Have So Little To Do With. Sabine said. Should We Look To See If Anybody In This Planet? Ezra ask. We Might Seeing That We're In The Woods. I said.

Well I Can Get The Scanner Back Online. If There Not Too Damage. Sabine Suggested. Yes Then We Can See What's On This Planet. Ok Let's Get Started. We Went Back Inside The Ship To Get Planet Scanner Back Online.

2 Hours Later
Alright It's Working. Sabine said. Ok Let's Try It Out. I Turn It On and The Ghost Began Scanning The Planet. So What's The Name of This Planet? Ezra ask. Don't Know? It's Not On Any Star Charts. Sabine said. So It's One of Those Lost Planets Right?

Yes and We're On One of Them. Well Looking At This. There Is A Fresh Water Sources To The East of Here. But It's Getting Dark. So You and Ezra Are Going. I said. Right. The Both said. Alright Let's Get Some Sleep. We'll Start In The Morning. We All Went To Our Cabins and Went To Sleep.

Back On Yavin 4
Narrator pov.
Rebel Command Have Been Trying To Contact The Ghost. But Haven't Got Any Response. Rebel Command To Ghost Crew. Do You Copied. Rebel Soldiers Said and All They Got Was Static. Mon Mothma We're Still Getting Not Getting Any Response From The Ghost. Then Kanan, Zeb, and Chopper Walk In.

Heard Anything Yet? Kanan ask. No. All We're Getting Is That The Ship Jump Into Hyperspace. But We Don't Know Where. Are You Saying That Their Somewhere Lost In The Galaxy? Zeb ask. Yes. They Could Be Anywhere. Flowing In Space Or On A Planet. But Will Keep Trying. Mon Mothma Said.

Ok. They Walk Back To Their Rooms On The Base Until The Ghost Got Back. Kanan Can You Feel Ezra Through The Force? Zeb ask. No. I Can Only Feel Though Places I know. But Not Places I Haven't Been. He Somewhere Out There. I Just Don't Know.

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