Your Blaming Me

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Ezra pov.
I was in the common room with everyone when hera came back in but she like very upset. Hera what's wrong? I ask. Can I talk to you alone for a sec? She ask. Sure. I got up and we went into our room.

What's wrong? It's kanan. What about him? He's blaming you for all this. Blaming me for what? For us and sabine. He basiclee said if we didn't stay here and pretend to be dead. He was going to ask me out. But he says that you took me away from him. I didn't take you away him. You choose to be with me. And I'm grateful that I am with you and sabine. Yes so am I. Me and her have a beautiful daughter and so you and I.

That reminds me. He also that dawn should be his daughter not yours. I started to get mad when her said that. He can't accept that I have a family now. He has gone to far now. I hug hera and started walking to the door. Ezra where are you going? She ask. I going to have a talk with kanan. Please be careful. Don't worry I will. I said and left.

Kanan pov.
I was still outside when heard ezra voice. KANAN!!! Ezra yelled. I see hera told you about our argument. I said. Yes how dare you disrespect my family like that. Look ezra i'm not in the wrong here. You are. How am I in the wrong? You took hera away from me and you know dama well that green girl should be my daughter.

Hey it's your fault. If didn't wait so long. Then maybe things would have been different. But guess what I'm glad things ended up this way. I have two wives and two daughters to protect. Wait you guys are married? How many lies are you keeping? Don't know but still your in the wrong.

See that's what pissing me off. You and your lies. Your nothing but a fake. Kanan I think it's time for you to go. Ezra said with anger in his voice. Why because you know I'm telling the truth. I said. No it's because your making me upset. You disrespect my family this morning, you made hera upset, and you call me a fake. Leave this place now and never come back. Or what? Or this.

He push me with the force but it was much stronger than before and hit a tree. Everyone came outside to see what was happening.

Ezra pov.
Ezra what's going? Sabine ask. I was telling kanan it's time for him to leave. How did you do that? He ask. I became more powerful in the last 5 years. WHAT!!! He try to get back up but was too weak form the push. Ezra why did you push kanan? Zeb ask. Because he disrespected my family and I want him gone. Kanan what do got against his family? He stole hera from me and I going to kill him. He turn on his lightsaber and charge at me. I turn on my lightsaber and ran towards him.

Our lightsabers hit each other. As he tried to push me I yelled to hera and sabine. HERA, SABINE NOW!!! RIGHT!!! They both said and pulled out their blasters and stun kanan. He fell to the ground unconscious. Well he's out. I said. What do we do with him? Hera ask. We're take him back to yavin and say that it was all a dream. Zeb said. Good. You know you can come back. Thanks ezra but maybe I will once we defeat the empire. But for right now we to go. Ok and let me help you two back to your ship. Why? Because this planet has wolf's in that direction. Ok come on chop. Zeb and I with them.

2 hours later.
I made it back to the ghost and saw my family. Ezra did the trip go ok? Sabine ask. Yes it did. Their gone and no wolf's and hera I'm sorry about what kanan said. It's ok I'm glad I chose you then him. She said and kiss me. Hey daddy can me and dawn train today? Mira ask me. Well it's still morning so why not. YEAH!!! They both yelled. Ah I have a such amazing family.

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