*blushes darkly*

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So umm I was sick this weekend and I had a ahem strange dream and I'm not entirely sure what caused it so ummm I'll let you guys decide what to think about it.

So it starts off with me sitting in my home for some reason dressed like my UT OC Scarlett the skeleton when suddenly a portal opens up, and who should appear but Error and who I believe to be code breaker. Now at first I just stare at them until, Error tells me to come with them now because this is a dream I agree and hope through the portal. Suddenly I'm teleported to a cafeteria like club with rave lights, music, dancers, long cafeteria tables, and the most important part monsters.

Yes, yes undertale au monsters mostly sanses from a lot of aus at first I'm really excited until I hear and see a group of the most "popular" sanses including fell, blue, G, sans, sci, lust, and a few others. Now I would have been fine with just standing by the wall or hiding in the bathroom but they see me and start to come over, and for some reason I think it's a great idea to run and I'm zig zagging through the crowd and tables when I'm grabbed by my waist by a I wanna say cactus looks sans and he looks drunk.

Being the shy person I am (even in my dreams apparently) I struggle to get away when who should come to my rescue but a sinner of a skeleton lust, not even looking at me lust looks at mister cactus and says "hey prickly let the chick go she's taken" and he's says it with the most flirty and sinner looking smirk. I guess he also sent prickly and threatening look when I wasn't paying attention cause he lets me go and I continue to run.

Now at this point I've reached a set of stairs going up and start going up them. When I get to like the second floor who should I see asleep against the wall but G and for some reason by some invisible force I walk up to him crouch down in front of him, and kiss his "lips?". After I do this I quickly run to the third floor where I'm hit by someone from behind making me crash into the opposite wall.

In a third person pov I see the most "popular" skeletons starting to walk towards me but them stop and at them same time sweetie and skele ender appear on either side of me worryingly asking if I'm ok, now this is where it gets a bit painful literally, just as I say I'm fine they both disappear as someone calls them not sure who. I shake my head and see the group coming towards me.

Getting scared again I run and somehow end in the hole of the stairwell and I'm hanging there now with all of them looking down at me. Then I slip and fall three floors to the ground and land on my back and it hurts but not that bad kinda. And the last thing I see is the group standing around me and G picking me up bridal style and then black cause I woke up.

So ya that was my dream it was very *coughs* strange. Now go forth and sleep well night everyone :3

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