Chapter 01

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We are done shivaay we were not meant to be together. I guess our journey was till here only. I don't think so we ever will meet. Lady spoke standing infront having having stern face without caring about her child even who is crying lungs out of him being ruin between his parents

You can't do this. We have son for god sake. You don't care about me but Atleast think about our son.

I never wanted him shivaay. It was you who always wanted it. I had dreams my own life but no you ruined me for you. I was going so well in my career but you stamped full stop on it putting him in my stomach. I've faced a lot because of you but not anymore. I wanna Settle my life down. I wanna see me standing there where I wanted. God have given me chance so I will surely won't lose it specially for you who is good for nothing and don't have any motive in his life but I have. I have my aims and motives and I really wanna fulfil them. You can stop me you can't

Please try to understand how will he live. He is one month old baby for god sake.

I don't care I'm going. Saying this she hold her bag and started dragging her towards the door

Stop please don't go. I will do whatever you will say. I will earn every damn thing which you want. Only one chance just one chance baby. I'm on verge of earning my goal please don't go please he run behind her to stop her but she didn't even look back and stormed away from there leaving him sitting on the floor holding his little baby who is crying having thick hiccups outbeing scared with all this fiasco.


Suddenly he got up having heavy breath. His eyes are blood shot red well his heart beat is so high that near by person can here it clearly. He look towards his side and find A naked woman laying besides him. Feeling gaze on her lady got up and move towards him seducing him but he just pushed her and got up grabbing his pant from the floor.

What happened she says wrapping sheet around her chest.

Here take this money and get the hell out of here. He says throwing bunch of money on her face which she instantly grabbed it.

After this don't show me your face and leave

Let me freshenup up first she goes towards him and try to touch his shoulder but he didn't let her and glare her making her gulp her saliva

I said get out woman. Can't you understand a little thing she flinch with his roar and immediately walked away from there saving his life. He run his fingers in his hair and grab his black coffee from the table which he freshly poured from his machine. Suddenly his all attention went on the baby monitor when it's started screaming with his baby's voice. He immediately kept the coffee back and went out from there. He enters in baby's room and hurriedly picked him up in his arms controlling his wails.Seeing his father he immediately snuggles with him subsiding his sobs.

Shshsh dad is here dad is here. He caresses his hair and peck his forehead. Baby muffles and stick with him feeling his warmth. As he felt he calmed down he put him on his little cribe and went to grab his milk from mini fridge. He took out the bottle and again take him in his arms pushing nipple in his mouth. As he attached the bottle he started sucking it keeping his tiny hand on it. He look at his face and smile caressing his soft fluffy cheek.... suddenly he started crying again when his phone started ringing with loud noice scaring him

Shshsh it's ok it's ok. Don't panic. It's just a phone baby he pulled out his phone kept on his ear calming him down. as it stop ringing he got busy sucking his milk again

Mom you called he says directly without saying hello or about her health or something

Shivaay please come back. Everyone miss you

Mom I can't I've work here. Please try to understand.

I can understand beta but that's enough now. It's been four years you haven't came home. Every one misses you and specially your Dadi. After om's departure her condition is Not fine. She is hell worried for you and wants you to come home safe and fine.

Mom but I've important things to do.

Stop lying to your mom I know which work you are talking about. Come back. everyone wants you here .

But mom I

Billu please come back I miss you. I really wanna meet you and vansh before I die. His Dadi spoke snatching phone from his mother

What are you saying Dadi. Is this the way you will talk.

Please come back please.

Fine Dadi I'm coming. Saying this he about to cut the call but stopped hearing a sweet soft voice which is unknown to him and never heard before.

Dadi your medicine she spoke in low voice making him stop on his track.

What the hell are you doing here. Didn't I say you to stay away from us. I really don't want your black shadow on us anymore. Already you eaten my son I don't wanna lose any other person of my family. His mother screams making him confused with her behaviour. She never behaved with someone like this then how come she is screaming at someone that also so harsh.

Who's there mom,,, with whom you are talking. He spoke as he heard her whimper on the phone

Not important. You don't bother about it. Just come soon we are waiting for you.

Yes mom saying this he cut the call going in deep thoughts thinking about the girl who got hunted by his mothers anger

Who was she he whispered looking at his baby who have been slept again having bottle in his mouth

After two day

His all family gathered around him as he entered in the house. They started hugging him kissing him expressing their love for him. Some are crying then some are jumping happily seeing him after so many years. It's been four years he was in USA for his business and today he cAme back that also carrying his baby.

I can't tell you how much I'm happy to see you. His mother says taking him in tight hug kissing his cheek making him annoy with their extra attention.

Dadi. Billu you got so thin. What happened my grand son she says caressing his cheek looking at him tip to toe

Dadi I'm fine. Nothing happened to me. But you don't seems fine. What happened to you Dadi.

Nothing I'm fine after seeing you. Her voice crack still touching his face. Shivaay sighs and take her in hug kissing her forehead knowing her condition is because of om his brother who passed away before few months ago on his wedding day. His death traumatised everyone not only him but his whole family. He can't believe his Brother who was full in life is no more and left them forever.

P. Shivaay come inside. You must be tired.

Yes mom saying this he got in side hugging her.

Anika why are you standing there come here and meet shivaay. Hearing her name shivaay's eyes travel towards dinning area and find a girl is standing in long dress looking down playing with her fingers. She is looking so nervous and scared being statue on her place . He try to look at her face but it's covered with her locks making him bit irritated. He don't know but he wanna see her face. His inner fillings making him frustrated to not able to get her full view.

Don't need to call her here. I don't think so she should meet my son. Hey girl go from here and arrange dinner for us. She Trimble with her loud voice and run away from there leaving him disappointed for not getting her glance.

This is not the way you should treat her pinky.

I know how to treat her and how not mummy ji. You please stay out of it.

Pinky stop being so harsh. It wasn't her fault.

It was her fault. If her won't had attached with my son then he might won't had leave us like this

Shivaay frowns hearing his mother and look towards the place where she was standing before.

Who's she mom

No one. You must be tired. Come I'll take you in room. Give vansh to me. She takes her grand son from him and took him inside.

In kitchen.

Did you see shivaay Saab he cAme after four years in this house. Look how handsome he became in those four years.

Yh you are right. But where is his wife. Didn't she come with him.

She left him I've heard. Now he is and his son only. Maids talk with each other standing in the corner munching apples without paying head to Anika who is standing cutting the veggies. Once she had heard his name from Dadi's mouth but she never seen him before. Maybe he didn't come in the house in her presence that's why. But the way his family reacted seeing him she got to know what place he keep in their lives and how they missed him. But why she is thinking about him. Why she just kept looking at him as he entered. It cringed her to thinking she literally looked at him tip to toe seeing him infront of her. She never did this before then how come she do this today. She thinks in-her brain biting her lips without realising she is on verge of cutting her finger but Might it was too late and she already cut her finger.

Ssss she hissed and pushed her finger in her mouth tasting her own blood

Shivaay sir wanted coffee mugs in his room. Can anyone keep it there. One of maid spoke entering in the kitchen.

I'm not going in lion's mouth. I've heard he is really harsh. Another maid says twisting her mouth.

Erm Anika why don't you go and give him. I'm sure he won't say you anything. Third maid spoke having smirk on her face.

Me I mean I can't ??? Pinky aunty won't like it.

Nothing will happen. She must be in her room. Here take these mugs and go.


Don't do if and but. Just go. She forcefully passed her and pushed her towards the door. Anika look at them and clutch the tray tightly thinking about consequences if pinky got to know but now she has to go. She can't even say no to them otherwise they will make one more lie infront of pinky and will make her take her class infront of all people. She rub her forehead in tension and left from there with slow steps

She reached in her room and stood infront of it being nervous.

What shall I do she whispered having sweaty palms.

I should leave she think to go but then again stopped to thinking if she have already cAme here then what's the need of leaving she will keep it inside and quickly leave without talking to him. She exhale the breath and move closer the door. She closed her eyes and knock the door slowly expecting someone to open it but she got confused when no one approached towards it and door remain closed.

Maybe he is not in there. That's good. I should go in and leave after keeping it. She decided on her own and went in opening the door she get in and look around expecting him in there but there is no one expect her. she sighs and immediately run towards the table to keeping it over there. She about to rest it there when she stopped hearing cooing sound from the bed. She turns and saw the baby laying there throwing his legs and arms in the air surrounding by the pillows. Seeing him there a small smile appeared on her face. She don't know but she instantly like the baby as she saw him

What you doing here Suddenly her World started Shaking around her when she heard his thick manly voice. She look towards the bathroom door and gulp seeing him standing only in black pants looking at her with his blue cyan eyes. Seeing him half naked tray slipped from her hand and it directly fell on her feet making them bruised.

Sssss she hissed feeling sharp pain in them.

What the hell you did. He raise his foot to go towards her but before he do she widen her eyes and try to run but her feet didn't let her and she slipped making him grasp.

Heyyy She about to touch the floor but before she do he hold her instantly and pulled her towards him making her fell in his arms. Feeling herself so near him she got statue and closed her eyes being scared. On the other side shivaay who got full view of her face his heart beat stopped ticking instantly. Her eyes her lips her everything he found so perfect. He is not able to remove his gaze from her beautiful features. He can't believe someone can be that pretty and innocent on the same time. Feeling his burning gaze Anika open her eyes and straighten up stepping back.

Careful you were going to jump on the broken cups he says holding her arm stoping her to step on the cups. Anika first look at him and then his hand which is resting on her arm. She immediately remove it and stood in distance making him confused

You alright. ???

Yeah i I'm .... she spoke licking her dry lips which got his attention in next second.

What happened here. Pinky spoke entering in the room but soon she got angry when she saw Anika there.

What the hell she is doing here

I just i came to give ...

I had told you to stay away from my son the how the hell you landed here.

I'm sorry aunty I just

Get out from here just leave. Hearing her scream Anika look st shivaay being scared and left from there hurriedly before shivaay stops her

Mom who is she and why you talk to her like this

She is no one don't think about it.

But mom ...

Leave her shivaay..... oh god what the fuck she has done. She shakes her head and bend down to gather the broken pieces but shivaay stopped him

Mom leave it. It's ok. Call servant he will do it.

Ok that's fine I'm sending but don't step on. Shivaay nods and she left from there. As she went shivaay look at the pieces and remembered about Anika whose feet are injured because of it.

At night

Shivay is walking here and there holding his son who is crying so much from last half an hour. At this mid night he don't understand what happened to him. He never cry like this but today he is doing continuously without getting quite for second. He is trying his best to calm him down but nothing is working making him angry and tensed on same time.

What happened baby?? Why are you crying. He says shaking him little trying to pacifying him but it's making him more cry.

Are you hungry. Do you wanna have milk. Shall I give you. He grab bottle from the table and try to push in his mouth but he move his face away not taking the milk even which made him more worried

What's wrong baby. Why are you crying like this. Tell your daddy please. He says walking here and there trying to pacifying him

On the other side

Anika who wasn't able to sleep because of her feet pain she was walking through the pool side when she stopped seeing shivaay there having his baby in his arms trying to calm him down. Seeing baby crying worry lines formed on her forehead she don't know but her heart clenched seeing him crying like this. First she thought to leave but seeing him not quitting down she decided to go to him

What happened to him. She stammers gaining his attention.

Shivaay turns and found Same girl is standing holding the jug. First he kept looking at her for good few seconds but then he maintain himself and clear his throat.

You here???

Can I can I carry him she stutter keeping jug aside raising her hand to take him.

Erm he don't go to anyone. He will cry more. He refuse to give her making her disappoint.

Ok that's fine. She made sad face and about to go but he stopped her making her look back

But you can try maybe it work. Hearing him she immediately take him in her arms giving him small smile

What happened baby .... why my bacha is clying ( crying ) she spoke in babyish tone holding him securely. Hearing her baby subsided and open his moist eyes looking at her.

Why my baby is crying. Is there somewhere paining. Baby wails and twist his mouth looking at her with glistening eyes. Anika look at his legs and understood he is having stomach pain which causing him to move his legs a lot.

My baby is having stomach pain. Awww it's ok Annie aunty will fix it. Soon this pain will go away from my angel ok. She kiss his forehead and kept him near by sofa sitting besides him.

Can I have oil please. Shivaay nods and immediately get it for her from the room. Anika grabs it and pour it in her hand rubbing them.

It will get disappear in minute... ,don't worry she straighten him up and slowly massage his little belly with her soft hands. As she started baby stop crying and muffles feeling relax. In no time he got quite and rub his eyes showing he is sleepy.

He is fine now but make sure you give him syrup. She carry him in her arms and peck his forehead. As he felt himself in her arms he snuggle with her and clutch her shirt in his tiny fist rubbing his face on her chest. Shivaay got amazed to seeing him like this. He never behave with someone like this before but today he shocked him being so attached with this lady whose name even he don't know

How's it

It will be calm and a beautiful love story Between them 🥰


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