Chapter 03

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Mom stop ittttt ...... what the hell are you doing. He screams making his mother hell Shocked out of her. She can't believe her son who loves her more than Anything shouted at her they also for this girl whom he met before a day.

Shivaay you will shout at me for this stupid girl who is nothing but a mad omen. She says giving disgusting look to Anika making her son more angry

Mom please Atleast see you words before spilling them out. You can't talk to her like this. She is human being for god sake. Stop treating her like shit.

You don't know her shivaay she is an evil. She is trapping you like she did to om. And i don't want one more son to get slip out of my hands

Mom what are you saying. This is all bullshit. Stop trusting on these things like mad person . Give me give me my son. You are making him cry. He says take his son in his arms who immediately hugged his neck having thick hiccups. Anika's eyes filled with tears seeing him sobbing so badly. She don't know but her heart broke seeing this child in pain. She is not able to see him in this condition. She don't care about pinky or her words. Right now his crying sound is echoing in her ears which is making her so sad. Shivaay look at her and got confused seeing her eyes stuck on the baby. First he thought might she is crying because of his mother but seeing her looking at his baby he got to know she is hurt seeing his tears.

Shivaay let's go from here. From now on I really don't wanna see you near her even room. Stay away from her as much as you can. Come let's go. Chalo she hold his arm and took him away from there dragging him with her leaving Anika alone in her too. Anika bend her head down and set on the bed thinking about vansh who was crying bitterly. Somewhere she is blaming herself for his sobs. If she won't had carry him then might that poor child won't had cry so loudly having hiccups. It's all her fault. She always cause for other pain she never been good with anyone. Pinky is right she is bad omen. Wherever she goes she spread her bad shadow only. She never been good for anyone. But now it's enough she don't want shivaay or his baby to get hurt because of her so better she leave from here. She shouldn't stay here anymore. That's only good for her only. Yes she should move away she sniffles and got up from the bed determining to leave this house. She wipe her tears and went outside from her room

In Dadi's room

Dadi is sitting on her bed drinking the water when she heard knock on the door. She look towards it and found Anika is standing fidgeting with her fingers.

Anika putar what you doing here. Come inside. Anika sniffles and went inside with slow steps

What happened are you alright. I'd heard noises outside.

Erm Dadi I wanna leave.

What ,,??? What are you saying.

Dadi i can't stay here any more. I'm fed up now. I wanna leave this house. I know you did loads of favour on me and I'm thankful to you for that but I guess it's high time I should leave now. Because of me this house is getting shattered everyday a new fight happens. I'm being reason of your people uncomfortableness so I'm thinking I should move out. Atleast with my departure pinky aunty and others will be in peace. And moreover I'll be able to stand on my feet. for how many days I'll lay here without doing anything.

If you wanna do something then tell me I'll ask shivaay he will do something for you. But leaving house is not the choice beta.

No you won't say anything to anyone. I just wanna leave this house. She sobs wiping her tears.

Do you know what are you saying. Have you realised what will be consequences if you left this house. You remember what will happen if he got to know about your where being. They are searching you like dogs everywhere and if they caught you then they will kill you which I really don't want.

I don't care Dadi. Let him kill me. Atleast I'll be free from this life.

Don't say that. You how long live ahead. And about leaving then I'm sorry I can't let you go like this. I really won't like if someone would harm you

But Dadi.

Anika I'm not listening anything. You won't leave and that's final. Anyways here take this jug and get me water. It's got empty.

But Dadi.


Fine Dadi she wipe her tears and left from there half heartedly. She thought that if she would tell Dadi then might she will understand her point of view but she didn't and forcing her to live here with them being known how hard it is for her to face humiliation everyday. She agreed that those people are searching her like dog but Atleast she will be relax after dying. She don't need to see people hating her like this. She will leave and that's final. She clear her face and went towards kitchen holding the jug. She about entered when she stopped hearing maid who is happily telling another one her mischief being telling about Anika to pinky. She don't understand why these maids have problem with her and why the hell they bully her. She never done to them anything then on what biases they are hating her.

Erm Anika. Anika cAme out from her zone hearing manly voice she turns and found shivaay is standing behind her. Seeing both of them standing maids immediately made their way back To their work before shivaay catch them doing Kaam Chori.

Do you need anything she says looking around being conscious about pinky's presence if she saw them together then she will make issue again.

Mom is not here. She went with badi maa for little outing. Anyways can you please go in my room and look at vansh. He is alone there and I need to make his milk. He spoke showing her bottle.

Me ??I mean you can ask any of maids as well.

I don't trust them. Can you go please. Anika first thought to deny him but then she got agreed thinking about the baby.

Ok. Come soon saying this she immediately went towards his room.

As she arrived there. Her ears drums hit by baby's cry. She immediately run towards him and pick him up in her arms.

What happened baby. Why are you crying she said in baby tone walking around slowly. As baby felt himself in her arms he open his eyes and look at her with glistening eyes.

Oh my baby is hungly. Baby sobs twisting his lips telling her that yes he is hungry.

Oh it's ok daddy would be getting my bacha's drink. He would be on the way. She says kissing his nose joining forehead with him. Shivaay who came in room he stopped seeing her talking with the baby so sweetly on top of that baby also got quite coming in her arms. Before few minutes he was crying so badly and now look at him as he cAme in her arms he got back to normal forgetting even his hunger.

Erm I've got his milk he spoke making her realise his presence in the room she gave him little smile and hold the bottle with her wounded hand.

Hey careful it will hurt.  it you will hold with this hand. Give me to him I'll feed him

Are you sure ???

Yh that's fine. Anika smile and pass the baby to him. As he went in his arms he started crying again making him confused.

Baby look it's daddy here. Look at the daddy. He try to calm him down but he is crying making Anika feel bad to seeing him like this

Erm it's ok I'll Carry him. Maybe he get quite. Shivaay nods and passed her

Anika walk around and caresses his forehead tracing her fingers softly. Feeling her touch he stopped crying and open his eyes again making her giggle. She kissed his cheek and set on the bed taking bottle from shivaay.

Look what I've got. I've got my baby's milk. Wow it's looking so yummy she made cute faces and put nipple in his mouth. As it connected he started sucking it Fastly looking at her face.

He never get quite so early. I'm shocked the way he is behaving with you. He says taking place besides her but feeling him near her she move little away which didn't go outsight from shivaay.

Maybe he likes me that's why.

He definitely does. Shivaay chuckle looking at her face earning smile from her. But soon she got hit on her hand from vansh making her look at him. As she see his face she made ohhh face finding him grumpy

I'm sholly I'll look at you only. No one else.

He is being jealous. Shivaay giggle caressing his head.

Don't worry I won't snatch your Anika aunty from you. She is yours only. He chuckle kissing his Forehead without realising what he said in absent mind.

Erm I think he is being relax. You can carry him she says passing him in his arms.

Ok see you later then. He says looking at her with smile but in return he got nothing bht lost Anika

What happened??? Did I say something wrong.

Erm yes maybe.


Means maybe we never meet again.

What ????

Nothing. I'm just joking. Take care of him she gave last look to Vansh and went away from there.

Whaoo he slept as well. My son is getting good habits day by day. He made amazed face and kept him in his crib removing bottle from his mouth.

At night

D. Anika haven't come yet. Where's she. She asked maid who made face like she don't have any clue

I don't know mam I didn't see her.

Better she don't come infront of me. I hate to seeing her face. Pinky says taking bite of salad.

D. You just keep your mouth shut. whenever you speak ,only speak venom only.

I can't fake anything. I speak whatever is in my heart. I don't like that girl and that's only truth.

Don't worry Dadi I will see her. Shivaay says getting up from the chair but soon pulled by his mother back earning glare from her

You are not going anywhere. Sit silently.

Mom please. I'm going to call her only. There is nothing sort of gonna happen which you are thinking. Saying this he left from there leaving his mother hell angry on him

This boy never listen to me   She twist her mouth seeing his retreating figure.

have your food. Shakti says passing her tray of rice.

On the otherside

Shivaay cAme there and got confused not finding her there

Anika he went towards washroom but she is not there either. He frowns and about to head out from the room when his eyes fell on a white paper which is resting on the bed having pen on the top

What the hell is this he pick it up and open it but next second he got shocked when he red whatever is written over it.

Dadi he run outside and come fastly towards dining table huffing badly.

Billu what happened.

Dadi wo Anika

Now what she did. Has she died or she is injured. Pinky says twisting her mouth being annoyed.

Dadi Anika left the house

Chalo ji. Jaan chooti. First time she done something gd. I'm Happy she left. Now I don't need to see her face.

D. What are you saying shivaay

I'm saying right Dadi. She left this latter in room and said she is leaving the house. She can't stay here anymore. Dadi hold her head and set on the chair being so worried for her.

Sha. Mom. Are you alright

She had asked me she wanna leave but I had said her she can't. I thought she would listen to me but she didn't and left. Dadi started crying making her whole family worried.

P. Don't need to worry about maa. She did that which was right. Don't bother. Now let her see on her own way.

You just shut up pinky. It's all happened because of you. You forced her to leave.

Why are you blaming me for her departure.

Because you are the reason. Shivaay get her back. I don't want her to stay out. Please

Dadi don't worry I'm going now only.

You don't Need to go behind her Shivay.

Not now mom. Not now.

Maid. Sir baby is crying she come running there holding the baby. Shivaay first look at his family then on the baby. If Anika would had been here then he would had left him but he can't leave him with his family. He can't stay with them. So without thinking anything he take him in his arms and run out from there in search of her

Precap .... Anika closed her eyes sitting on her knees when the person kept gun on her head. Her whole life revolve around her eyes being sitting there. She don't know what's happening with other people but right now she knows she gonna die that also now at this time

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