Chapter 14

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How can you even thought that I would give priority to that woman over you or my son. I just helped her out of humanity. If someone else would had Been on her place then still I would had do same.  In end of the day she is a woman and I won't let anyone harass a woman like this.  And about loving her then I don't love her. Did you get that I don't love that woman infect hate her to the core.  For me my son is most important in all over world. He is precious to me.  I love him so much. You can't say that I don't love him. Moreover you just cAme here before few days. It's been only  a little time you have entered in our lives. You don't know anything about us. So stop judging so fastly miss Anika

I won't had judge if you won't had leave us alone out there. Do you know what you have done. 

I know I did mistake and I'm sorry about it ok. I'm dumb and stupid who left you both out there. I shouldn't had do it.  It's  just slipped out of my mind.

Slipped out of your Mind. Huh do you know Your one mistake would had lead us in big problem.  Anything could had happened. Someone even could had kill us and throw us in somewhere and you won't had able to find us.  For me it was ok.  I don't have any wish to live upon as there  is none who needed me  out here but vansh he is a child who didn't see  anything in the world till now. He deserve a better life but you didn't care and forgot about him even. Hearing her wishing herself  death his anger reached on peak and he pulled her towards him twisting her hand on her back 

Shut up Anika just shut up how could you even say that no one care about you . Everyone does. I do care about you. For me you and  vansh both are Same. I  just can't afford If something happens to you. So don't even to dare to think that no one is here who wants you.  He says shaking her in his arm looking straight in her eyes being angry.

Don't give me false hopes. Trust me I don't want them. I really don't want you to show me your fake concern. I'm ok being alone without having anyone's  care for me. Atleast I won't feel heart pain in end.  She says  turning her face away from his gaze. 

Do you really think so I'll Leave you in end.

You didn't even hold my hand shivaay.  We are just standing two strangers together  who don't know anything about each other.  So leaving matter doesn't come between us.  Moreover we  are bound in contract marriage which when gonna collapse  no one knows. So  please stay away from me. I really don't want myself to get habitual of you. Though  your mom always says I'm a bad omen so you should   Keep a good distance from person like me who   Just spread bad fate only nothing else. Saying this she remove his grip on her wrist and went inside leaving him alone out there bending his head down. He had so manythings to tell her how important she is and how much he wants her in his life but he couldn't and   Just got statue having tied mouth.

In morning

Shivaay cAme  towards kitchen to make something for himself or Anika  so that it help him to pacify her but he stopped in the door when he saw her already in the kitchen making breakfast having  vansh in his small cart sucking the milk from his bottle

Good morning he gave her smiles well wishing her which she  wished it back

Good morning  she mumbles  diverting the gaze from him

Where is maid. Didn't she come

No  she had called me and informed me that today she is not coming. Anyways  breakfast is ready you go on the table I'm bringing it.

Shall I help you

No it's fine I'll manage. Seeing her still little stern with him he decided do keep mmm and listen to her whichever she says.

He comes on the table and set there tapping his foot on the floor being impatient.  Meanwhile Anika come out from the kitchen and kept the tray infront of him

Let me pour the coffee he says holding her wrist but soon she pulled it  feeling sharp pain in it making  him panic

Hwy what's wrong he hold her hand back and get shocked to seeing red mark on it

How this happened he says caressing it but soon be remember hi deed from last night. This is the same hand which he had held it tightly in his grip

It will be fine in  a day. You just do your breakfast. Saying this she free her hand  and about to go but on meantime  he hold her and pulled her back which cause her fell in his Lap directly making her nervous

I   Hurted you last night didn't I. He says eyeing on her hand feeling hell angry on himself for hurting her

It doesn't matter Shivay don't worry I'm fine

It's not fine look how it turned red. Such a bad person I'm who hurted you like this. I'm sorry ani please forgive me.  He says  caressing  it softly

Shivay it's ok. It's just but in none minute her breath hitches when he peck is still running his finger on her wound

I hope it will be fine. He whispered having worry lines on his forehead.  Anika about to say something but  hearing vansh voice she  got panic and cAme out from his arm

Baby  she mumbles and run towards  the  kitchen

What happened baby. Why are you crying jaan.  Baby twist his Lips and raise his  hands towards her to pick him up. Anika sighs and immediately took him in her arms rubbing his back

It's ok it's ok I'm here come let's go outside. She kisses his cheek and took him out along with her

Why he is crying Shivay says seeing his face wet

I left him alone in there that's why. 

Still you says no one care about you. He chuckle moving closer to her. 

I know he does

His father do as well he says pulling her closer Resting his hand on her waist. Anika clear her throat and cAme out from his hold

Food is getting cold. Let's eat it. Saying this she  divert her gaze from him and set on fine chair along with him. Soon they fill their plates and got busy in eating

After sometime

She is doing dishes well Shivaay is  wiping them with towel when his phone ring.  seeing his mother calling he closed his eyes and ignored it

What happened why are you not picking up.  She says seeing him ignoring his mother call

She will talk Same thing and I really don't have any answer for That.

It's ok pick it maybe she has something to share with you important . Hearing her be sighs and pick it up Unwillingly.

How are you mom ???

I'm ok what about you

Im fine as well.  By the way what you thought about it. I had gave you two days and it's been week and you didn't answer me

Mom you know my answer still you are repeating Same thing

I'm repeating same thing in hope you will listen to me one day.  For god sake for how many days you will stay like this. Get marry and get Settle. Hearing her Anika's  eyes travel on Shivay who is already looking at her

I've friend  whose daughter tia really likes you and  she is ready to accept vansh as well infect she is settle in USA. So meet her and tell me how's she

Mom I don't wanna get marry why are you not understanding

I've understood everything. Do which I say. Otherwise don't talk to me ever. Saying this she cut the call making him hell angry. He about to break the phone when Anika stopped him holding his hand

Do what she is says shivaay. Get marry. she is right for how many days you will  sit like this though vansh needs a mother so do whatever she is wishing for. Shivay who was already angry on pinky he got more  furious hearing her

If you  care about  vansh ans me so much then why don't you give chance to this marriage ha.  He says holding her arms looking deep in her eyes.

I just i .....

When you can't do this then don't order me what should I do and what not   It's my  life and I'll decide about it. You people  just stop poking your nose in it. Saying this he pushed her and stormed away from there in anger

Why are you doing this shivaay. What do you want. She sobs looking towards the door from where he had left few minutes ago.

On the other side

Shivaay came in his room and just throw the lamp on the floor alerting anika who was in kitchen

Shivaay she whispered and run towards his room fastly

Shivaay what happened. What got broke. Shivaay open the door please

Can you please leave me alone I really don't want anyone presence near me

Shivaay please don't be stupid and open the door.

Anika I said leave me fuckin alone can't you understand a little thingggg hearing his roar she got scared and step back being frightened.

In the room seeing her not talking Shivaay run his fingers in his hair and set on the bed holding his head.

This girl is heading on his nerves. They are fuckin married he married her legally and instead of accepting the fate she is the one who is just asking him to marry another woman. She knew that vansh can't live without her. He needs her every time so do he. But still she is thinking that he gonna leave her and will throw her out of his life one day. First his mom second that bitch ananya and anika who is not understanding his situation and trying to control him.he growl and just Kick the table making anika muffles with the of inside. She set on the floor and clutch her knees in frightened state

It's been four hours Shivaay didn't come out from the room. He is sitting inside still trying to calm himself which he is not able to do it remembering her words again and again. He is feeling hell frustrated and angry on the same time. He so wanna fix the problem of his and wanna lead a peaceful life but it's not happening everytime his family do something which piss him off and he get angry because of it. He huffs and get up grabbing the keys from the table decided to go out to relax his mind. Otherwise if he set like this inside then his brain will explode with the thoughts. He slipped in his shoes and March towards the door having frown. Hw about to head out when suddenly he stopped seeing anika is sitting on the floor having baby in her arm who have been slept

Shivaay she immediately got up and started checking him tip to toe touching his whole body

Shivaay are you fine. Did you get hurt somewhere. What had you break inside. Show me show me she about to cup his face but he didn't let her and pushed her.

Don't show me fake concern anika when in actual you don't care about me. Stay away from me

Shivaay listen to me I just

I said stay away from me. Leave me fuckin alone. He jerk her and stormed away from there leaving her crying still standing on same place being helpless for not able to gain his forgiveness

Precap .... He goes on date with tia

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