Chapter 16

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In morning

Anika is sitting on the dinning table along with him. Her face is all dull and pale she is feeling to do nothing not even eating. She so wanna stop all this but she is not able to do anything because of This man who is sitting beside her Eating food without giving her single glance.

Shivaay shall I get you your coffee. She saYs resting her hand on his arm which he jerk it away

No thank you. Don't need to think about me so much.

Shivaay I think now you should step it. It's been long you are behaving like this and That's not nice. Atleast think about vansh. What impression you are putting on him with your grumpy face.

He is my son and I know how to behave infront of him how not. You keep your lecture with you. He says getting up from the chair looking at her angrily

I know he is son and you Know more than me how to talk infront of him. But your this behaviour is ruining the environment of house which is not good.

My behaviour or yours Anika. I just asked you a little thing that also betterment for you and for Vansh but Tum itni Zidi ho that doesn't even listen to me.

For god sake it just been one and half month we are married. Neither you know me properly nor I do. We have loads of barrier between us till now. You even properly don't know from where I've cAme. We didn't share a single word with each other about our life. Then how can you say that I suddenly  should  start behaving as your wife. Moreover it's contract marriage which you did to have vansh. You itself has said that it gonna finish in few months then what happened now. Why so Sudden Change of mind

Because I wanna keep you with me I don't want you to go away from me. I want you to stay with us forever. If you went  then our lives will be ups and down specially vansh who can't stay without you. But you ,, you are the one who is not understanding anything. You are just stuck on one place and don't wanna move. Now I feel like I'm making my own price low infront of you that's why you are behaving like this.

It's nothing like that I just

I just whAt Anika. I don't understand you. Girls lay down infront of their husbands on first day. They just forget about their past and walk ahead. But I don't know why you are not able to. You even pull your hand away when even I try to touch it.

Shivaay i

Leave it Anika I don't wanna talk to you let it be. It's better we drop it here. Saying this he stormed away from there leaving her deep in thoughts.

Shivaay she whispered but he already left from there

After this whole day passed but he didn't come back. She kept calling him waiting for him but he is no where to be seen.

At night

He enters there and directly went in his room without bothering to look If Anika is awake or not

He enters in his room but next second he got confused finding it all dark except the lamp light which is on in the corner. He about to turn it on when suddenly he stopped hearing door cracking voice. He turn and next second his  breath hitched finding Anika standing in maroon lingerie looking down.  she is looking drop dead gorgeous in that having her curls open on her white shoulders

Anika. As he took her name she gave him smile and went towards him with slow steps

What , what happened he stammers looking at her tip to toe having lump in his throat. 

Anika didn't say anything and wrap her arms around his  neck helping him to keep  his hands on her waist.

I thoughts it's enough of our fighting. It's been long we are doing it. So why not to stop it here.  SHe  says giving him  unusual  smile which didn't go well with him

Anika are you alright.

Yes I'm. Am I not looking she says placing kiss on his nose making him shock

Anikaaa he widen hia eyes seeing her bold avatar.

You wanted this Right let's go it and put full stop on this fight. She hold his shoulder and pushed him on the bed. Before he recover she comes on top of him and trace her finger on his cheek Leaning her whole body on him ....

Anika I think you are not well.

I'm more than well shivaay don't worry. Infect I've got to know what's causing us fighting like this so now I'm trying to solve it. Saying this she kissed his lips sucking them little making him shock hell out of her.

It's been almost month i was trying to figure out problem between us but wasn't able to but today as I'd got to know I decided to do it instead of carry on. She set straight on him and started peeling off whatever she was wearing. As Shivaay felt her famine gonna be visible he stopped her her and got up holding her shoulder.

Have you gone mad what the hell are you doing. He made her stand up and wrap his jacket around her picking up from the bed

I'm doing which you wanted. Or not you the one who wanted me To give chance to this contract marriage so look I'm doing what else you want more

God anika I didn't want this. I want you just happy with me

Stop lying shivaay. Since our fight has begin. Only this topic you are bringing infront of me leave all this since I've came each and every person is telling me that how big womaniser you are. But I didn't believe them. I thoughts thay are wrong but your antics made me realise they are right.  You just want only these things that's why you brought me here.  You wanted me to use same the way you use another woman and then your heart will  get fulfil you will leave me and will throw me out of your life like a trash. Hearing her  land slipped out of his feet. He can't believe she can say him something like this. That's mean all those days she was thinking all this.    She thinks he is a bloody womaniser who  got her here to fulfil his desires  and when it will be done he will leave her. How can she. How could she think about him like this.  Didn't she   Use her  brain before blabbering all this

You think about me like this. He chocked looking at her with shock expressions. Anika who realise what she said to him she gulp and nods no

I I didn't mean I just she try to touch him but he didn't let her and move back.

I never thought That you think about me so low.

Shivaay listen to me. I didn't mean any of thing I just. She again raise her hand to touch him but he  didn't and jerk her hand

You broke my heart Anika. You made me feel so disgusting on my own self after knowing you have this kind of opinion about me in your heart

Shivaay I said it out of flow. I didn't mean anything. I just said which other told me. I don't think about you like this. Please listen to him.

I don't wanna listen anything.   This is enough for me. 

Shivaay please where are you going listen to me. Shivaay she shout his name but he didn't listen to her and left from there   Being broken

Please shivaay don't go stop here shivaayyy she calls him but he already left from there  in anger. She let  out a cry and set on the bed  keeping hand on her mouth

What I've done. Why didn't I think before speaking anything. I'm sorry Shiv. Please come back to me. Please she sobs requesting him to come back but there is none who would listen to her.  She is alone there crying like anything. 

Like this almost three  days passed but he didn't shown up.  She tried to call him many times but didn't get any answer from his side. She is feeling so restless and tensed With his disappearance. She used every possible way to reach to him but  unfortunately she is not able to contact to him. On the other side she is alone at  home with the baby. Maid also went on holidays. Being alone literally Eating her. She is scared and tensed on the same time with his departure.

Meanwhile right now she went in kitchen after  feeling grumbling in her stomach. She open the fridge and found nothing in there not even one piece of bread. She sighs and closed it carrying the baby in her arms who is sucking his thumb silently. She peck his cheek and went out side after drinking glass of water to calm her hunger but she knows it won't work.  She  come outside and  went in her room to check her purse in hope she would find some money but  unfortunately whatever she had she had spent  that day on the taxi when she came back home. She frustratedly drop the bag on the floor and set on the bed holding the baby in her arms.

After some hours

After putting baby on the bed   She got up with much difficulties having lazy eyes.

Aaaa she moan when her head  got  Sudden pain. She kept fingers on her temple and rub soothing herself which actually little worked and she started walking towards the washroom having little steps. She open the door having spinning head and  about to enter but because of dizziness she mistakenly  stumble with the edge and she fell Straight hitting her head  with the sink and fell down unconscious making baby alert who started crying feeling his mother in danger

After sometime

Shivay enters in his house talking with his mother.

Yes mom I'm ready to do whatever you are saying. You can say yes to the tia's parents.

Sach. Oh such a wise decision you have took.  I can't tell you how much I'm happy after listening to you Shivaay

Hmm ok mom I'll talk to you later. I've some work saying this he cut the call and and set on the sofa  keeping hand on his forehead. Suddenly he got  alert when he heard his son voice who is crying lungs out of him

Vansh be Immediately got up and run towards  upstairs.

Vanu baby he run towards him and pick him up.

Shsh calm down baby.  Stop crying. Tell me where is your mother.   Why the hell she left you here. Baby cry more and more and try to point towards the bathroom but his father is so much angry on his mother that he is not paying attention to him

How careless she is. How can she leave you here alone. God this woman is so careless. As she felt me going out she started behaving like this.  It's my mistake I shouldn't had leave my son with a unknown woman. I should had take my son with me .   Shsh it's ok baby dad is here. He will itself take class of that girl.  Just see. Anika Anika he calls her name and stormed out of the room looking around.

Anika where the hell are you.  Come infront of me. He calls her again descended from the stairs.

Anika I said come out woman ... where are you. He enters in the  kitchen but she is not there even.   He frowns and got confused to not  finding her anywhere

Where she has gone. Baby calm down stop crying. Shsh. His heart gripped with the fear thinking about something happen to her.

God Damn Anika where are you. He fetch out his phone and call her  which made him realise her phone is ringing in home somewhere.

Anika will you come outside. That's enough for playing around. I know you are doing all this-to tease me. Come out he enters in the room and again check everything except washroom where his eyes fell now.

Ani he calls her again and move towards it and next second his  soul left the body when he saw her laying  there unconscious having blood oozing out  from her head


Precap .... pinky says shivaay they will arrange his marriage in LA only

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