Chapter 18

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Anika is standing near the dinning table holding the baby when his whole family entered there.

Shivaay how are you. You got so thin since you have cAme back from there. His mom says caressing his cheek lovingly.

I'm absolutely fine mom don't worry he says taking her in hug.

Dadi shivaay smile at his Dadi and hugged her as well. His brother who were waiting for him to meet him his eyes Travel towards Anika who is standing in distance. Anika smile at him and wave her hand.

Ru. Anika Di he goes towards her and take her in hug.

How are you. Pinky twist her mouth seeing her standing there. She really hates this girl. seeing her blood boils and remember everything whatever happened in the past. She so wanted to hold her hand and throw her out of their lives but then her hands are tied because of her mother in law and son who are stubbornly wanna keep her with them.

Dadi how are you. Anika ask her moving towards her.

I'm fine. Just missed you so much. She caresses her face and hugged her

After meeting her Anika move towards pinky to touch her feet but she moves away and took her grand son from her hand

Give my grandson to me. I wanna hold him she harshly snatched him from her and move him in her arms thinking he will like to be moving in her arms but he started crying as he lost the warmth of his mother

Pinky aunty give me to him. He will cry more. She try to take him away but she didn't let him and pushed her making her fell in shivaay's arms

Mom. He glares her seeing her mistreating Anika again

Don't yell at me shivaay. Just say her stay out of our family. He is my grand son and I will hold him. She really don't have any right to say me to not to do. She glares holding Vansh tightly who is trying to go to his mother arms.

Anika come out from shivaay's hold and turn her face away hiding her tears which started trickling seeing her behaviour.

Mom he is little cranky. When he will be fine you can hold him he takes him from her and give him TO Anika back who hold him instantly moving back. Baby subsided his sobs and hugged her tightly hiding his face in her crook

Shshsh it's ok. I'm here baby. I'm here. She caresses his hair and kiss him many times soothing him. Baby sniffles and kept hugging him without giving look at anyone who are standing besides them

Mom Dadi come let's go in. He takes his whole family in and made them sit on the sofa.

I've informed Mrs kapoor on the way about our arrival. Soon they gonna reach here. Pinky says giving smile to shivaay whose eyes are stuck on Anika who is going towards kitchen

Mom you could had called   Them later as well. What was the needed to inform them so early.

No shivaay I just want everything to be happen as soon as possible. Can't delay anymore. Moreover we have to start preparation now as tomorrow I've kept your engagement. That's why I've called them here so that tia could tell me what will she like in her engagement and I could arrange it

What ??? You fixed my engagement and didn't even care to tell me.

There was nothing to tell shivaay. When you have to marry her then why not soon. Let it happen as much as early it should be. I'll be relax and you will get wife along with the mother of your child. Who would able to take care of vansh and won't let you feel need of someone else for Looking after him. Pinky says looking at anika who is standing on her place looking at shivaay whose eyes stuck on her. 

Mom not now. Stop them. Atleast give me a week.

No shivaay now nothing can happen . You are getting engaged tomorrow and that's final.  And you girl better keep arrange everything. I want my son's wedding properly.  Anika nods and went in the kitchen not able to handle  all this shit.

Ru. I guess we should leave for  our penthouse. I'm really tired and wanna take some rest.  Moreover tomorrow we have to come back as well.  He says looking at the watch which is tucking 9pm. 

I thought you gonna stay here. 

Sha. No shivaay I've itself   Decided to stay in penthouse as this house doesn't  have enough room for all the people. Anyways we should leave now. Take care of yourself. We will meet tomorrow. Saying this they all left from there grabbing their things. As they went out. Shivaay Immediately run towards the kitchen where Anika went.

Anika he takes her name stopping in the door when he saw her standing  there holding vansh  who is sucking the milk out of bottle. Anika flicker her eyes and gave him weak smile. shivaay slowly move towards her end stood infront of her having guilty expression.

I didn't know that mom will make it do fast. I thought...

Now or later. It had to happen shivaay then what's the need of being guilty.  She says giving stern look  without having expression on it

Though she is right as soon as early you will get marry you will be able to  start your family and vansh as well will get his mommy who will take Care of him properly

And what about you ha. Where will you go after this

Anywhere shivaay. World is such a big place . I'm sure god will make space for me in this  wild world.  Anyways I need to put   Vansh on the bed and later I've to arrange everything for tomorrow. After all you are getting engaged. She gave him tight smile and walked out from there without looking back.  Shivaay rub his forehead wnd closed his eyes being frustrated to not able to do anything.

In room

After putting baby on the bed and she about to head out but shivaay block her way coming infront of her. 

What now. She says turning her face without gazing at him.

Look at me. I wanna talk to you.  Anika squeezes her eyes and look at him folding her arms.

What do you want shivaay.what you wanna talk about. Shivay hold her arms and pulled her towards him looking at her furiously.

If you will say once then I'll stop all this I'll promise. 

So you are waiting for me to say then you will stop it. She chuckle looking t him disbelievingly.

Yes.  I want you to say me to not do it. I  swear i will do every shit of it to stop it

You itself got agreed and told your mother you are ready to marry tia.  Otherwise she would never had   Do all this and now you are saying if I will say to stop it you will do it. For god sake stop playing with people's life shivaay. Already you have done damage I don't want you to do more.  Marry tia and settle down. I guess she is better match for you whom you mother likes even she  gives him hurtful look patting his  chest. 

Shivay grit his teeth and pulled her toward him looking at her Angrily

You can't decide what is right and what is wrong for me

I'm not deciding shivaay I'm just telling you to take wise decision. Don't play with people's hearts. It's not good. She sobs having floody eyes making his heart broke seeing her tears. He  slowly withdraw her arms and cup her face In his hands softly.

Anika  don't think about me. Think about vansh. He won't be able to live without you. Moreover think about your ownself. Just tell me will you manage to  live without him even  a day. Anika look at him and then the baby who is laying there snoring acutely. A sob come out from her mouth not able to control her emotions.

Anika he  wrap his arms around her waist and take her in tight hug caressing her hair. Anika burst into tears feeling his warmth so near her

I can't live without him. I can't she hiccups hugging him with her all  strength letting his shoulder soak in tears. Shivaay caresses his hair and kissed her head numerous times.

And I can't live without you. I want you to be with me.  Please don't leave us.  Just don't. He run his fingers in her locks and kisses her temple  tenderly.  Feeling his kisses she parted away and look At him with  watery eyes. Shivaay caresses her face and kiss her forehead and then cheek then nose softly. He about to kiss her lips but she step back and look at him  sternly.

Don't do this.  I think it's not right you are Getting engage tomorrow.  Shivaay hit his head and look at her frustratedly.  This girl is heading on his nerves. He don't know what's wrong with her. Whenever he try to sort it. She is the one who push him so hard that he can't even able to stand.

I can't make you understand Anika. I just can't. He shakes his head in disbelief and stormed away from there in anger.

Seeing his retreating figure anika sighs and set on the bed near the vansh who is looking all cute having pout on his face

I'm sorry baby for hurting your daddy but it's all betterment for him. I don't want him to get any of hurt because of me. Already loads of people have lost their lives because of me. She sobs and kissed his forehead subsiding her feelings for him which is breaming in her but because of fear she is not able to move her foot towards him.

In morning

Pinky enters in home along with whole family and got shocked seeing the decorations. Everything has been set up for the function the way she wanted. She literally wanna praise that person who done all this but then she is controlling herself to say anything and why won't she when she hate her to the core.

Anika done very good work here. Dadi says looking around

It's not that nice the way you are saying. It's just alright. She twist her lips going inside. Shivay who enters behind them. He got shocked seeing all the scenario infront of him. But in none second anger filled in his brain to thinking she done all this for his engagement.

Ru. Anika di done such a good work. I'm impressed by her. In such a short time she managed to do all this. He says side hugging shivaay who didn't answer and wondering his eyes around to see her

Dadi you came. Anika spoke coming towards ger having basket.

Yh I've came and very impressed by your decoration.

I did all this for shivaay I mean shivaay ji. After all it's his engagement. Shivaay grit his teeth giving her glare

It's not that good the way you all people are praising. Pinky twist her lips looking at anika sternly. Anika tear her gaze from shivaay and look at pinky who is glaring her

Now if your people praising session has finished then can you please tell me what you have decided in Venue.

Yes Aunty this way she show her way towards kitchen and took her in. Shivaay huffs and went towards his room without sparing glance at anyone.

At evening

Every where is hustle bustle of function. Relatives already have came there along with business associates. Pinky who is so much happy on her son's wedding she is going around greeting people and welcoming them giggling happily

On the other side

Anika who is running all around from last night she comes in shivaay's room and stopped seeing him sitting on his bed lost in his own thoughts.

Shivaay I've got you clothes to wear. Pinky aunty gave me. She says Forwarding him but instead of holding it he held her hand and pulled her in his lap gripping her tightly

Shivaay what you doing let me goooo .....

Precap .......... Shivaay try to make anika jealous

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