SleepOver Confessions

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(Omg, Mettaton's music came on just now, you know, the one when you start the game show... Yep, I'll see you at the bottom (; )

Frisk P.O.V
I hug my bestie and walk in, making a mental note of who's here. Mettaton, papyrus, me, of course, Alphys, Undyne and sans. (I think you can guess what is going to happen next... Fuhuhuhuh) I go around to greet everyone. "Ton Ton!" I cry, dropping my bags and running up to the flamboyant robot monster. "Why hello darling frisk~" he says, hugging me tightly. I thought I saw sans looking at Mettaton jealously, but soon shake it off as it being just apart of my imagination. "NYEHEEHHE HELLO HUMAN!" Papyrus shouts, engulfing me in a hug. "Ah Papyrus.. I can't... Breath." I say breathlessly. Sure Paps' hugs were sweet and all, but dam do they squeeze the life out of you. He puts me down and runs off, probably to go make spaghetti for lunch with Undyne. "H-hey F-Frisk" the quiet otaku dinosaur says from the couch. I smile and wave. "Hey kiddo." A familiar deep voice greets, sending shivers up my spine. "H-hey sans" I try to act cool, despite my face probably looking like a badly sun-burnt tomato. "Omfg, this is priceless" Chara says through her laughing fits. Shut it Chara. I say to her as I walk over to the couch. Undyne comes over with what I presume is spaghetti and hands us all a plate. After we finish choking down the half-editable substance, Undyne stands in front of the couch. "Ok, so now that we have finished our lunch, WE CAN BEGIN THE GAMES!" She shouts proudly? Oh no I think "what? What 'oh no'?" Chara questions me. When ever Undyne says 'games', they tend to be embarrassing. I answer-think (yes that is an action. I CAN WRITE WHAT I WANT)
Me and, surprisingly, sans try to deny, but we get pushed into a circle with everybody else. Undyne gets a bottle out of... Somewhere, and puts it into the middle. I mentally face palm and sigh. Spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven. Oh crap. Undyne spins the bottle and it lands on Alphys. She picks her up and runs off heroically into the next room. Seven minutes later, they come back, Alphys blushing slightly. We decide to break the rules and have me spin next. (Fuhuhuhu) and it lands on... Sans. I blush a deep read, sans a deep blue. I hear Chara laughing her butt off. Shut it. I stand up, extending my hand for sans. He grabs it and we walk off into the next room. Just before we enter, I hear quiet-ish Fangirl screams from Alphys. As we walk in, I feel the need to ask him something. "Hey sans" I ask him, staring right into his eye sockets. "Do you like anyone?"

Sans P.O.V
"Do you like anyone?"
Crap. Crapcrapcrap I start to panic. I try to stay calm, and keep my voice even. "W-well. I can't say." I answer, stuttering slightly. Her face drops. Then I get an idea. "But I can tell you about her." I quickly add, frisk's face lighting up. She looks at me, eager to hear. I take a deep breath and start. (And her we go. The things every girl wants her crush to say about her...) "She is... Kind. Caring. I love every part of her personality. Hearing her laugh makes my day, and she gets even more beautiful each time I lay my eye sockets on her. She... Deserves everything for what she has done." I pause, sighing, and then continuing, a dark blue on my check bones.

"You deserve everything."

Woo! Two chapters in one day, I'm on a roll! Chapters have been coming out slow, but just because my house is getting renovated and we have to stay at my aunts house, and my parents have to keep going to the house to overlook the renos. Sooooooo. I'll try my hardest to get chapters out sooner, rather then later, but only time will tell :D. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this weird chapter and I'll see you next time.
~Greatest Craptasticly Out~

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