《 Final Trailer 》

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In Bowser's Kingdom, Luigi's scream could be heard as a cage was falling down until it stopped, hanging above the lava with the rest of the prisoners that are in the same cage as Luigi's. Luigi looks down at the lava.

"Where am I?" Luigi whimpered, looking around through the bars.

A childish laughter was heard, making Luigi shriek and turn to see a glowing cyan Luma named Lumalee. Lumalee spins around his cage before facing him.

"Ooh, fresh meat for the grinder." Lumalee said rather creepily.

"Pay him no heed."

He turned to see King Penguin in the cage with the rest of his penguin armies.

"He's cute, but he is..."

King Penguin then whistled to show him a point with his flipper pointing to his head as if telling him that Lumalee is crazy.

"There's gotta be a way outta here." Luigi said, determined to break out of this prison.

Lumalee rocks his cage back and forth.

"There's no escape." he said. "The only hope is the sweet relief of death."

This caused the penguins to comment at that while some are frustrated.


"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" King Penguin groaned.

Luigi sighed in frustration and leaned his head against the bar. Lumalee laughed at them.


Bats flies by as Koopas and others are having a party before it shows Bowser sitting in his throne with Kamek standing besides him and Y/N on the other side, but she looked uncomfortable. Bowser smiled at his armies.

"My army!"

He points to the red, green, and blue shelled Koopas as they cheer on him.


He then points to the brown mushroom-like creatures as they snarl at each other.


He later points to the two spiky turtle-like creatures that have red spiked shell as they appear excited to be acknowledged by the king.

"Whatever those things are!"

This caused them to frown, feeling down. Feeling bad for those creatures, Y/N whispered to Bowser.

"They're called Spiny."

Bowser's eyes widened in realization.

"Oh... Uh... Spiny! Yes, that's it!"

This caused the two Spinies to cheer that he remembers. Bowser leaned over to Y/N.

"How'd you know?"

Y/N looked at him funny.

"I'm not just a plumber, I'm also a zoologist. I attend to do research on animals and other creatures like those two."


Bowser's castle flies closer to the Mushroom Kingdom, as the dark clouds covers up the bright sky.

"We will destroy the Mushroom Kingdom!" Bowser declared, shocking Y/N.

The army of Bowser shouted in agreement.


"No!" Y/N shouted, knowing that's where her brother and her friends are.

Koopa Troopas descend from the Bowser Kingdom as they run down to the snowy ground where the Penguin Kingdom stood.

"Please don't do this! There are innocent people down there, who didn't do anything!" Y/N pleaded to Bowser.

"Sorry, Y/N, but I'm ruling the world. If I'm going to rule, I need to take down every kingdom that stands in my way."

In anger, Y/N draws her sword and points it to him.

"I won't let that happen."

In Peach's castle, Peach walks through the crowd of the Toads, wearing her biker suit.

"Bowser is coming." she warned.

Luigi was floated in the air by Kamek's magic wand as he floats him towards Bowser, who smirks.

"I'm not afraid." Mario said.

They're now in the field full of Fire Flowers.

"We'll do anything for our brother. We're family." Y/N chimed in.

Mario, Y/N, Peach, and Toad traveled past the cannon and through the desert full of floating pyramids.

"We're going to save him." Peach said.

The Koopa Troopas turned and stood straight as soon as Kamek placed his wand down to the ground as the path was made for Bowser. Then on top of the castle, Koopa Paratroopas spread their wings.


Bowser and Y/N charges at each other with a battle cry and crossed their weapons together. Y/N blows off the hair that was over her eye and glares at him.

"Had enough?"

Bowser copies her by blowing off his spiky red hair and smirks.

"I can do this all day."

He pushes her off and attempts to attack her when she blocks it with her sword.

"But now, tell me where your other brother is!"

"Ah, big mighty King Bowser needs to meet by dear brother." Y/N cooed.

"I don't want to meet him. I want to capture him and eradicate him!"

Y/N smirked.

"Well, eradicate this!"

She fires out a light beam, to which he dodges it on time. But it hits where Kamek and the Koopa Troopas are as they went flying. Bowser and Y/N went back to fighting as their blades combined.

"Ask him. He'll appreciate it." Kamek said to the Koopa Troopas.


Koopa Troopa looked at Bowser.

"Need any help?"

Bowser roared at them, scaring them.


Before he went back to battling with Y/N.


Mario kicks the mystery block towards Donkey Kong as he grabs it to reveal a Fire Flower. He smacks it into his hands, causing his body to be on fire for a moment until it fades off to reveal Donkey all red and white. He stares at himself in amazement and excitement.

"Yes! Fire!"

Mario gulps on the red mushroom, causing him to grow big like the size of Donkey.


Luigi punches the mystery block and transforms into a Cat Luigi.


The trio charges towards the Koopas that are invading the Mushroom Kingdom village. They each fired, punched, or scratched at every enemies they encountered.

"You asked for it!" Mario said.

"This is fun!" Donkey said.

Mario jumps and spins, bringing down his behind with his legs up and slams down onto the Koopas, leaving only their shells out. Underneath, everyone are building their vehicles ready for battle. Peach, Mario, Luigi, and Toad head to their station to create their own vehicle as the machine did the job.

Now, everyone is on board as they start their engine. Mario's and Luigi's kart could be seen, looking nice and shiny.


Peach's motorcycle could be seen as she twists her handle with her engine roaring.


Peach faces Mario and Luigi and points forward, driving off.


Everyone followed pursuit.

"Attack!" Koopa ordered before he and the Koopas drive down towards Mario and others.

One fired out a shell as it spins and hits the Kongs' karts, causing it to explode.

Bowser glares down at his enemy as he raised his arms up.

"Let's end this."

Mario pushed his pedal to get his kart to go faster as he drives through the Rainbow Road. The Koopa fired out two missiles towards Mario, who quickly acts in time and jumps off from his kart before it explodes. He goes flying for a moment until he landed on the hover bike where the Koopa was driving. The Koopa tried to get him off, but Mario holds on and then climbs up and covers the Koopa's eye, causing him to steer to the side and crash onto the kart of Koopa's. Mario jumps off and stomps onto the Koopa, causing him to hide in his shell. He holds onto it and takes over the kart. A Koopa behind him shoots three missiles when Mario dodges them and throws out a shell, causing the Koopa to fly out of his kart and the kart to move crazy until it explodes.

"Ha ha!" Mario laughed, wiping his nose under with his thumb as he keeps on driving. "I'm coming, sissy!"

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