Chapter 10

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Hi I'm not dead!😂 In the end you need to vote on your favorite story I have written that you have read and which two upcoming stories of mine you look forward to the most. The two that get the most I'll write first so this is IMPORTANT!!!

Kanan's pov

We finally arrived at the ghost and I immediately headed for the med bay. Once inside I laid Ezra down on the bed. Everyone else was busy, plus they knew that I didn't want anyone else touching Ezra at the moment. It's a dad thing. I grabbed some painkillers and bandages for his wounds and started to wrap them. He whimpered in pain a little at first telling me to wrap more gently than I had been before. "Sorry." I said sadly "It wasn't your fault, besides I'm glad ugly is dead....." We sat in silence for a while until Ezra spoke again "You really kicked his butt." We laughed and I ruffled his hair playfully "That's because no one messes with your father or his son." We laughed more and soon a tickle fight started, I won of course after I had Ezra pinned down gently. I didn't want to ruffle him to much because of his wounds. I brought him in for a hug and kissed his forehead. "You remember when we first met?" Ezra chuckled "Yeah I thought you were some crazy lunatic that had received a concussion from a fall." "Nah turns out you are the crazy one." He gave me the pouty face "It's true!" We laughed and then the room went silent again "We really have come a long way from when we first met." I smiled and pulled him closer to me "Yes we have." Right on que Hera spoke over the coms telling us we were clear from imperials. And so we head down to the cock pit, me supporting Ezra and Ezra leaning on me.The way it should be.....
As father and son.

I'm sorry that it was short but I'm just plain bored with this story. Hence why I want you to vote starting now.😁

Alright which was your favorite story I've written that you have read? Pick one.

A. Ezra's past life

B. Ezra's new life

C. Girls' night out/one-shot story

D. Star wars rebels one-shots

E. Strange sight

Alright leave your vote of A. through E.

Next vote one your top two stories I plan on writing, I'll have descriptions available.😉

You and me A.

This is about how Hera met Kanan and their life before, lots of adventures, Kanera, and Cham appears a little bit here and there.😁

SWR at disney world B.

The rebels go on a vacation to Disney! This features them on the rides, in the parks, restaurants, and some character meet and greets.😋

The academy C.

This is a bunch of one-shots of Ezra when he was at the imperial academy. He does get bullied by that one kid in it that was mean to him. Rewatch that episode if you don't remember but he is in there.

The wingless angel D.

What if Hera hadn't found Kanan until after all the others? Kanan still grieving order 66 is brought into the ghost crew and pulled out of depression by Ezra. A 14 yearold wingless angel.

When he cries E.

This takes place after 'The holicorn of fate' in season 3. A bunch of father and son fluff basically. Feel free to contribute ideas if this sounds interesting.

Alright vote A. through F.😁
Please comment and vote! No vote no story period so vote.😏

Col out

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