Breakfast date?

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Doyoung heard his name being called so he rushed his way to the hall.
The guitar cover was thrown in the ground, haruto was locking someone in his arms. That person had a blanket over them and haruto was occasionally hitting that person's head.

"Yah, haruto what are you doing and who is this"Doyoung asked in literal horror trying to get better look of anyone that haruto is fighting.

"He's a thief. He was sneeking inside but I caught him."haruto replied still holding the 'theif'.

Doyoung was about to speak again but his eyes fell on a bag that was kept near the door.

"Jeongwoo??" Doyoung spoke and rushed to pull the 'theif'.

Doyoung pulled and removed the blanket to find jeongwoo who literally looked like a mess after haruto's treatment towards him.

"Yah haruto what the hell. He's my friend." Doyoung spoke inspecting jeongwoo.

"Doyoungie who the hell is this?" Jeongwoo asked pointing at haruto.

"My roommate, I told you about it yesterday" doyoung replied.

"Wah you got a weirdo as a roommate"

"Says the one who broke into someone else's house"

"Yah both of you stop fighting" doyoung slightly raised his voice.

"Aigoo, my jeongwooya" doyoung said cupping jeongwoo's face and taming the hair which was all messed up.
Jeongwoo pouted making a sad face looking straight at doyoung.

Haruto just stared at doyoung as he did not like whatever he was doing.

"Are you guys dating?" Haruto asked in quite serious tone.

"Yah, what are you saying. You sure are a overthinker." Doyoung spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"I'll bring first aid you be here" doyoung again spoke patting jeongwoo's shoulder.

Haruto was just staring at jeongwoo who had been blushing slightly ever since he made the 'are you guys dating?' comment which was not noticed by doyoung but in his eyes that was all he could see.
He just scoffed leaving the hall.

He closed the door and plopped down in the bed as he did not want to see doyoung treating jeongwoo's nose where he had mistakely scrapped earlier.

'Friends? Tch. That jeongwoo was literally blushing.' he thought to himself hugging mini doyoung.

'But why was that jeongwoo sneeking inside if he is not a theif.' He turned to another side.

'Wait, why is he here this late?' haruto got up yet still sitting on the bed.

But he again laid down hugging the plushie tighter and slowly maybe a little too late as his mind was way too occupied with alot of thoughts but gradually he drifted to his dreamland.

In the morning~

"Haruto wake up" doyoung weakly said as he was also not fully awake slightly shaking haruto.

"Hmmm" haruto just hummed as response still with his eyes closed.

"Hyunsuk hyung just called me. He said that all the works related to administration is done but we need to go early before the school at the shop to buy you uniform." Doyoung simply stated.

"What time is it now though?" Haruto asked.

"5:00 am"doyoung replied before letting out a yawn.

"What!?" Haruto opened his eyes wide directly staring at doyoung.

"Yes it is look" doyoung said pointing at the wall clock.

"And school starts at 10. Why would you wake me up so early!?" Haruto groned.

"I know I just thought you would take time getting ready." Doyoung innocently stated.

"It's not like I'm going on a date. Why would I take so long to get ready?" Haruto stated now staring at doyoung.

"Okay then do whatever you want. Get out at 7. I'm craving pancakes so let's have breakfast outside." Doyoung informed haruto standing up from haruto's bed.

"Oh so it indeed is a date." Haruto said smirking at doyoung.

"Yeah you are indeed a weirdo" doyoung said marching out of the room.

"Breakfast date." Haruto again spoke getting seated at his bed.

[A/N: You're prettier when you smile😉]

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