So you don't like him??

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"Woahh Doyoung you're very early today. Looks like you missed school alot" one of the class president says as she sees doyoung walk in very early.

"Yeah...." Doyoung laughed it off.

After the incident last night doyoung is too caught up with that to bother thinking about anything else neither he could talk about it to haruto.

"I'm sle..sleepy.. I'm good night, I mean good night" doyoung said breaking the kiss then he dashed to his room.

"Ahhhh, why did I stutter!! This is so embarrassing." Doyoung banged his head on the desk remembering what he did yesterday.

"Are you okay?" The class president asked as she witness doyoung throwing tantrum.

Doyoung just showed her a thumbs up.

"Actually doyoung, can you please do me a favor?"

"Yeah sure, what is it?"

"We actually have a new student from today and she came early to look around the school but I actually have to collect the class materials so I think It'll be late. So can you show her around?"

"Why does this school take so many new students mid session and why is it always in our class. I mean I know this is a fanfiction but the author definitely lacks creativity."

A/n: just go with the flow dobby, don't you want to get together with ruto. *Smug face*

"Yeah whatever, getting back to the story."

"Yeah sure, but where is she?" Doyoung asked

"The teacher's room."

Doyoung just walked to the teacher's room and saw a new girl standing on the door frame.

"Are you the new girl?, I'm Doyoung by the way the prez told me to help you look around."

"Oh, hi. I'm Hinata." She responded with a cold tone.

Doyoung just shook off the cold response. " So where do you want to start with, the canteen?" Doyoung asked.

"Actually just take me to the classroom. I'm waiting for my boyfriend he'll show me around." She again spoke in a cold tone.

So Doyoung also did not talk back and just walked her to the classroom.

"Oh, my boyfriend" hinata points towards the front.

Doyoung looks at that direction only to find haruto walking towards them.

"Haruto?" Doyoung mumbles.

Doyoung could see haruto looking straight at him as he walked forward and doyoung could not move an inch.

He was confused, embarrassed, shocked and had so many questions for haruto. Did he already have a girlfriend? Why did he hide that...?

"I missed you so much." Before haruto could walk to doyoung, hinata walks forward and hugged haruto.

Doyoung felt heavy heart and his tears were forming, there were lots of emotions running through his head, too overwhelming for him, his heart to understand.

"Let's go"

Before doyoung could say or do something he was being pulled to the opposite direction by jeongwoo, his eyes still wanting look at haruto even though the sight was shattering his heart.

"Doyounga" he heard haruto calling him but he did not look back nor his steps halted. He walked away, avoiding the situation, not because he did not care but because he did not want to get hurt.

Jeongwoo and Doyoung sat on the bench on the corner of the ground.

"I didn't know you liked him that much." Jeongwoo said handing doyoung his handkerchief.

"Huh? It's not like that." Doyoung looked at him confusingly.

"So you don't like him? Then why are you crying?"

"I don't know"doyoung replied in a low voice.

"What do you mean you don't know, isn't crying over him hugging a girl enough for you or are you waiting for him to go out with someone else to figure out your feelings." Jeongwoo said in a serious tone.

"I...I liked it, when I spent time with him, when he cared for me, when.....when he kissed me."

"What,,, he kissed you?"

"Yesterday and I was confused, I wasn't sure till right now, that I liked him." Doyoung said as another drop tear rolled down his cheeks.

"Then why did you walk away earlier?, You said it was him that kissed you than why didn't you confront him, why did you just walk away? You should have flicked my hand away and walked to him."

Doyoung cried harder as jeongwoo speaks.

"Go, go talk to him and sort things out and don't worry about the attendance I'll cover for both of you so skip the classes today."


"Go, I'm not sure if you have noticed but haruto has always liked you so don't suffer from the unsettled feelings anymore. Go"

Doyoung nods as he wipes his tears and walks away.

"Hah, it's not easy acting cupid for your own crush. Aish" jeongwoo wipes away drops of tear falling off his eyes.

A/N: The story is about to end now. Hope you guys enjoyed it!!!!^^

Ps: I'm thinking of writing a sukhoon special chapter. Should I???

Also, I'll try to finish this book before feb 15. Aaaaaahhhhhh can't wait for jikjin.

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