Wait for me!

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"Don't say stuffs like that." Doyoung replied with a straight face although his cheeks were blooming red. Haruto chuckled at that and softly ruffled doyoung's hair.

"Right, the view is pretty too." Haruto said looking at the river. The illusion of glitters flickering over the surface of the river below the orange painted sky, it was indeed a beautiful sight.

"It's an orphanage." Doyoung started speaking and haruto did not utter any word rather waited for doyoung to continue.

"My father opened this orphanage home with Mrs.Lee, the grandma when he found out that my mom loves kids. My mom came to visit the kids often so they got closer and fell in love. They ended up marrying each other later." Doyoung chuckles.

"Then both of them together started to take care of kids here on their free times. They even bought me and hyunsuk hyung here sometimes. That was until that accident then..." Doyoung stopped speaking because he remembered his long gone parents. Haruto moved a little closer and softly patted doyoung's back. Doyoung slightly smiled to assure that he was fine and continued.

"Then mrs.lee also looked after us and that's how I started calling her grandma. Hyunsuk hyung used to come here often but now that he's away I wanted to come here instead. Aren't the kids nice?" Doyoung looked at haruto.

"Umm. They're very nice." Haruto assured with a smile.

Haruto did not utter any words cause he did not want to regret later about his pick of words as the topic was quite sensitive. So he just interlocked his hands with doyoung's and caressed it by slightly rubbing his thumb on back of doyoung's hand.

They just watched the sky turn into darker shades and water flow peacefully. Later, they walked back to the bus stop and luckily were able to get on the bus. Since it was late the bus was almost empty, just few seats being occupied.

Haruto takes the window seat and doyoung seats beside him. The outskirts looked beautiful in the dark as it glowed under the bright moon up in the sky. It was a healing sight, and to sum up his entire day turned out to be a beautiful experience. Haruto smiles.

Suddenly he feels weight on his shoulders. He smiles again now that he sees doyoung sound asleep. He scoots a little down so that doyoung could be more comfortable. He helds doyoung's hand and interlocks it with his own.

"His hands are just like him tiny and cute." He speaks a little louder than just a thought inside his head. A man  on the next row hears it and his mouth leaves an audible laugh, enough for haruto to hear. So, he awkwardly laughs feeling embarrassed.

The bus stops just then and the man stands up as it was her destination.
"You two make a cute couple" the said man winks at haruto. Haruto wanted to tell that they weren't a couple.....yet, but a part of him couldn't form a word and he was speechless and had a shy smile as he watched the man walk off the bus.

Haruto watched their interlocked hands and looked at doyoung's face who was still cluelessly asleep. He felt a weird tickle inside his stomach and heart, smile never leaving his lips.

"...nga, wake up, it's our stop." Doyoung wakes up as he feels someone slightly shaking him. And he turns his face towards the source of sound and haruto's face caught his eyes.

"Let's go" haruto again speaks.

"Umm" doyoung slightly nods and they get off.

They slowly walk towards the apartment with no words as doyoung still seemed to be asleep. Just at the front of the main entrance they spot a familiar car and just then a familiar man walks out of the door.

"Doyounga, haruto where were you?" The said man walks closer.

"We went out, hyung. But why are you here jihoonie hyung?"

"I came to check on you guys. You should've told me, I was scared when you both were not home." Jihoon said as he ruffled doyoung's hair.

"You went to meet grandma?" Jihoon questioned.

Doyoung nodded.

"Then I'll leave. Good night." Jihoon said as he moved towards his car.

"Oh and aren't you guys gonna let go off your hands?" Jihoon winked at the two boys and got inside the car laughing sightly.

That's when both haruto and doyoung realize that they still had their hands interlocked. Doyoung quickly pulled his hand and walked inside, haruto looked at his hand with a smile and followed doyoung inside scratching his nape shyly.

"Wait for me!" Haruto exclaims as he walks inside.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! Sorry for the late update.

Share your thoughts through comments 🙆🏻‍♀️💛

Ps: This author took this too seriously and is best at procrastinating ಥ‿ಥ

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