You're still so cute

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"Hyung I can't live alone but how can you expect me to live with a stranger?!" said doyoung.

"You don't want to go US with me, you don't want to live alone in this house and you don't even want a house partner then what am i supposed to do. And for God's sake how is Haruto a stranger?" Hyunsuk fired back as he was so done with his brother.

"That i- . And you I only met haruto when I went to japan with you and I was 7 back then so technically he is a stranger atleast for me."

" No I'm not listening to any of your excuses stay here with haruto or come with me"

"But is Haruto okay with living with a stranger?"

"Actually he was the one who suggested to stay with you and unlike you he does not consider you a stranger."

"Umm okay then. But hyung I'll miss you"

"Aigoo I'll miss you too doyounga" replied hyunsuk pulling his brother into a tight hug.

Hyunsuk and Doyoung were brothers. Actually doyoung was adopted one but never felt like one until he had to write his name kim Doyoung. But it was his own wish to go with his real surname.

They lost their parents at a young age back then doyoung was just 7 and hyunsuk was 15. It was hardest phase of life for them but luckily their father's friend i.e haruto's father helped them.

Hyunsuk started to manage their parents business at a young age to support his brother. Luckily their parents had a good business so they could afford until hyunsuk started to work.
He even went Japan to haruto's father's company to learn about business and help his brother heal from the loss. Although he was broken himself he stood straight for his brother. He is indeed best brother doyoung could ever ask for.

Hyunsuk had to go US for business matters for some months and doyoung had never lived alone so hyunsuk insisted on taking doyoung with him but doyoung did not want to leave so haruto came as a savior but for doyoung a stranger savior.

Next day

"Eat on time and make sure you're not coming home late"

"Okay hyung don't worry just focus on your business matters. I'm big enough to take care of myself now"

"Aigoo my doyoungie is all grown up now" hyunsuk said cupping his younger brother's face and pulling him in a hug.

"And make sure haruto is comfortable here and don't get started with your stranger thing with haruto. He genuinely wanted to help you so he'll be hurt if he listens to your attitude towards him, okay?" Hyunsuk added.

"Okay hyung I won't" doyoung said in an assuring tone.

"Haruto will be arriving in an hour maybe so be sure to be at home to welcome him."

"Okay hyung. But aren't you late, it's already 2pm"

"Shit I'm late I'm leaving okay doyounga take care" hyunsuk said squishing doyoung in his arms then rushing to his car.

Doyoung waved hyunsuk bidding him a good bye. He was very sad to see his brother leave but kept a smile in his face to assure hyunsuk that he was gonna be okay but doyoung wasn't sure if he would be fine without his brother.

Doyoung just shook off all his thoughts and laid down on the couch in the living room. He just scrolled down through his phone.


Haruto arrived to the address that hyunsuk had given to him. But he was still not sure if he arrived at the right building. He just got on the lift and searched for the right flat. Unfortunately he forgot to ask for doyoung's number and hyunsuk would currently be in the plane so haruto haad to figure out on his own.

"602, okay this is the one" haruto said to himself and walked towards the door.

He was about to ring the doorbell but notice that the door was open. He was shocked and now wondered if this was the right place. He slightly pushed the door only to find doyoung sound asleep on the couch.

A smile appeared on haruto's face with the sight of doyoung but he came back to reality. WHY THE HELL WAS THE DOOR OPEN!?

Haruto walked inside and placed his bag on a table and gently shook doyoung to wake him up.

"Yah doyoung why wake up"-no response

"Wake up"-still no response

"Yah doyoung why was the door open shouldn't you close it" haruto slightly raised his voice.

"Oh I'm sorry hyunsuk hyung close it for me okay" doyoung replied in a sleepy tone still not opening his eyes.

"Yah Kim Doyoung I'm not hyunsuk hyung I'm haruto" haruto again raised his voice.

This knocked sense into doyoung's head and he quickly opened his eyes and got up to find haruto in front of him. He just stared at haruto's face not speaking any words.

"It's not very safe to let the door open" haruto broke the silence.

"Oh that I mu.. I must have forgotten about that." Doyoung spoke trying his best to get his words right.

"You're still so cute" haruto said softly patting doyoung's head.

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