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"CONGRATULATIONS, Lady Maia. I've come to the conclusion that you are with child."

The air around her shifted. Maia felt that she was getting light-headed, or was she just suddenly sick? She was going to puke – again. Everything in the whole word – her fears, her hopes, her destiny – was all going to her head at that moment and all she wanted was some pure silence and to push them out. She couldn't even look at Maester Wolkan. Gods, she should've never listened to Aletia's suggestion, for then she wouldn't be hearing the truth right in front of her.

Her nails dug into her palms. She looked down at her lap, hair covering her features as she tried her best not to cry. No, she told herself, don't you dare cry. But ... how could she not? A child? She continued to ponder. How could I care for a child? I taught children at a school back in my own world, but could I actually have my whole world revolve around one?

Maia never believed that she was made to be a mother, nor did she know what a real mother was like. She never had a good home life during her childhood, which was her reason for not talking to her parents to anyone. She moved out exactly on her eighteenth birthday. She would constantly get into fights with her parents as a teenager, and her father had extreme anger management issues, thus the reason why she stopped speaking to them once she went to college. They were always sharply critical of her, and it took her a long time to realize that they had emotionally abused her. She didn't want to be like them.

Jon was going to be wed to another – a more proper, petite woman, who had the possibility of being younger than her – and that would make her a mistress. If she even dared to bare his child during the time he was courting another woman – or even worse, after he'd marry another – she'd have his bastard. He had been treated as one for most of his life, and she knew he'd love his own children anyway, but she didn't want to bring his offspring into the world the same way. Gods, she thought, I can't bring his offspring into the world. Period.

"Is there something wrong, my lady?" Maester Wolkan asked, laying a hand on her shoulder.

Maia sucked in a sob before staring at the maester. "I ..." She didn't have any words, and found her mouth slowly closing. "I don't know if I want it," she blurted out before she could stop herself.

"Well, there are other options." The maester sighed, resting his hands in his lap. "You may take Moon Tea, which will prevent your pregnancy from growing."

She nodded, glancing over her shoulder to see the small droplets of snowflakes hit against the bars of the window. She felt Maester Wolkan hold her shoulder once again, and she met his eyes.

"You have only laid with King Jon, correct?" He questioned, to which she nodded. "Do you have any plans for marriage?"

Maia looked away. "Not exactly," she muttered.

"Well, you must weigh your choices, Lady Maia. You may be bringing yet another Stark bastard into the world." The maester sensed her worry, and he smiled to help her feel just a bit better. "But I advise you to speak with His Grace before you choose to abort. He should know."

Maia nodded, swallowing down the lump in her throat. She stood, immediately feeling a small kick in the abdomen that she whole-heartedly wished she hadn't felt. "Thank you, Maester Wolkan," she said before parting ways.

She now needed to speak to someone – anyone – about this matter, and Maia knew the first person she could turn to. For the first time, it wasn't going to be Jon.


Though the battle against the Boltons was over, the battle against the undead still rang high. There wasn't time to worry about children or another bastard for Jon, especially with him now being King in the North. Maybe it was the pessimist inside Maia – or the realist, for that matter – but she couldn't tell him now.

Maia found Sansa inside her chambers, which used to belong to the Stark parents. The red-head beauty was staring out her window, watching the small folk children play in the snow. Maia thought she heard her friend sigh, for Gods know what reason, but she ignored the gesture. She knocked her fist on the door as she entered.

Sansa turned, giving the blonde a smile. Maia waited by the door and looked around the hall. She hesitated before asking, "Are you alone?"

"Of course, Maia," Sansa said as her friend slammed the door shut. She even took a moment to lock it. "What is this about?"

There was an odd tension between them. Maia didn't know when or why it started, but it was there. She guessed it was because she just revealed her biggest secret to Sansa and the others, although she thought Sansa accepted her still. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe Sansa just didn't know how to trust her now, and she understood that.

Maia approached Sansa at her window, playing with her fingers. She looked out at the grounds of Winterfell, regarding the snow falling as somewhat peaceful. "I have a problem," she muttered while focusing on the storm outside, "and I fear I won't be able to get out of it."

"It can't be too terrible."

She turned back to meet her icy blue eyes. "It is."

"Maia –"

"Sansa," she repeated in the same voice. Maia gulped down her pride, preparing her answer. "I'm ... I'm with child."

Silence. The red-head stared at her friend with wide eyes. Her mouth didn't move. Maia wondered about her thoughts. Was she ... angry?

"Jon's child," she finished.

Sansa glanced over at her locked door. She then turned back to her friend. "Well, what are you going to do with it?"

Maia moved her head backwards. She didn't expect that answer out of Sansa, who was seemingly sweet to her decisions and problems. Her brow furrowed. "I'm not sure," she answered honestly.

"You cannot have Jon's heir, Maia. The child wouldn't be of royal blood, seeing as you are from somewhere else – supposedly. Another world, I should say." Her nostrils flared, and Maia wasn't sure if she was truly angry with her or not. "Therefore, your child would be born a bastard, and you will look like a mistress."

Maia didn't know how to reply, so Sansa continued, "I understand now that you and Jon are part of a prophecy, according to some witch who was exiled, but this cannot happen."

"Don't you think I know that?" Maia snapped, her tone now becoming agitated. She didn't like her friend's attitude. "Then what do you suppose I do?"

"I don't know." She shrugged, and her eyes soon formed into slits. "But I do know that you need to tell Jon. You can't keep another secret from him."

The blonde let out a sarcastic laugh. "You're one to talk about secrets."

Sansa only stared at Maia. She crossed her arms over her chest. Truthfully, Sansa didn't understand why she was becoming angry, but she couldn't stop herself. Ever since Maia revealed herself to be some huge historical figure called the Traveler, she was questioning her loyalties as of lately. Though, the Stark girl did understand that someone with such a gift did have a target put on their backs and couldn't just tell everyone who she was.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." Maia soon huffed. "I'll tell him. Someday."

"Or do you wish for me to tell Jon?"

Maia immediately grasped Sansa's forearm, her eyes crazed with worry. "No, don't. I'll ... I will tell him, Sansa. He needs to hear it from me."

Sansa nodded, agreeing with the blonde. Maia breathed out a heavy sigh and realized the conversation was over. She didn't plan for it to go this way, but Maia found the courage to finally walk away. She clasped her hands together before beginning to open the door, but it was already opening for her. Petyr Baelish began to stride through. Maia wrinkled her nose at his presence, but curtly nodded her head nonetheless.

"Maia," Sansa called, causing the other girl to turn. "I hope you know what you're doing."

"Don't worry," Maia replied, "I do."

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