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"I can't believe you actually went off the deep end." Caroline mused. "I always thought you were the definition of perfect: tall, smart, blonde."

Maia swirled around the the liquid in her shot glass, sending her friend a glare. Alcohol didn't exactly mix with the medication her doctor prescribed, but it wasn't like she took it anyways. The bar stool she sat on creaked and hurt her, as the old eighties tunes blasted through Caroline's favorite bar.

The blonde was grateful for things she now had, she realized. She enjoyed having internet again, and television – especially, Netflix. She loved being able to shower everyday and the basic necessities that the modern age brought. She could travel using a car, rather than a horse. Her world had everything, except the one thing she needed.

It had been so long since she'd been with him, but if she'd learned anything from her research, it was that time moved faster where she was originally. She guessed the other universe had only spent a week, maybe two, without her.

"So," Caroline continued, downing the last of her shot, "have you been feeling any better?"

Maia turned with a confused expression. "I've told you before, Caroline: I'm fine."

"Yeah, but the problem is that you say that and then you completely disappear from me for more than six months."

Maia rolled her eyes.

"Have you talked with your family yet about the situation?"

The blonde shrugged. "My family hasn't called me since I left for college, so no."

Caroline sighed. "What happened to you? You used to be so much fun." She flagged down the bartender. "Can I get a Bud Light?"

Maia didn't want to answer. While she did agree with Caroline that she had changed, she wouldn't ever admit it.

"Is it ... Derek?" Caroline whispered. "Do you, like, miss him or something?"

Maia shook her head. "I'm happy for him. He's better; I'm better now. I heard him and his girlfriend are doing well."

"Just thought you'd be more down about it. It's almost like you weren't together for five years and engaged."

Maia's jaw set. Had she never noticed how annoying Caroline was before? Actually, yes, she most definitely had noticed. Maia had never thought of her as a real friend, maybe not even an acquaintance. Caroline had this agonizing tone about her, like she was always judging someone.

"Are you trying to make me feel bad about myself?"

Her friend's eyes met her own. She gave her a false pout. "I'm not trying anything. But c'mon, Maia. How can you not be upset? Did you really think you were on a romantic adventure with that bastard from an HBO show for months?"

Maia's fist reigned down on the bar table, causing a shake to occur. Caroline's body went rigid.

"No," the blonde seethed, hands trembling as anger raged through her. "You don't get it, Caroline. I know that I sound fucking crazy. But you don't know what I know, and you never will."

Caroline released a huff. "Maia, I've coped with things in the past too. I didn't –"

"Forget it," she spat, throwing down money for her shot and slinging her purse around her shoulder. "Thanks for not being a friend."


Jon felt different. He wasn't sure if it was from the resurrection or not having someone by his side as he sat by the fire, but he didn't feel whole.

Somehow, he found a part of his soul lost when he'd woken up. Flashes of the afterlife repeated when he went to sleep, which were usually just images of never-ending darkness. Tormund told him that everyone thought him to be some kind of god, but what kind of god was scared of his own mind? His hands were always shaking now, wishing from another pair to engulf them in their warmth. Jon missed the familiar sight of beautiful, chocolate eyes that matched his own.

Nobody would ever understand what it was like to die. To feel your own sworn brothers turn against you for doing what was right. To know that one of your lovers had yet again slipped away from your grasp. It was a terrible feeling, turning Jon's stomach in knots.

Surprisingly, he hadn't flinched when Ed knocked on his quarters. He had been expecting his beckoned call. His friend opened the door, spotting Jon watching the flames in his hearth swarm together. Ed cleared his throat, "It's time."

Jon stood, throwing his Night's Watch uniform on the table that sat beside him. His new outfit felt snug, but he was grateful to finally be rid of the clothes that still had rips in the leather from when blades pierced his skin. He wasn't used to the shortness of his locks now, for he couldn't run his fingers through it when he was stressed.

He moved outside, feeling the familiar touch of snowflakes coat his head. The Wildling army made a path for Jon, who walked through with his head held down. Each step he took up the stairs – of which he cut off Ser Janos' head – was loud as Ed followed suit. Jon knew who were hanging by a thick rope in front of him, though he did not look up.

Finally, Jon peered at the four men who conspired against him, who left him to swim in the darkness of death, who – most likely – killed the storm of a girl he fell in love with. Ser Bowen and Othell were squirming in their places, while Alliser and Olly seemed lifeless.

"If you have any last words, now is the time." He spoke clearly, but not exactly defiantly.

Bowen's teeth chattered from the cold. "You shouldn't be alive. It's not right."

Jon's dark eyes met his former partner. "Neither was killing me."

"My mother's still living at White Harbor," Ser Othell pleaded. "Could you write? Tell her I died fighting the Wildlings."

Jon took a step forward, standing in front of Alliser Thorne, the man that wanted to crush everything he had in his life. He held no remorse. "I had a choice, Lord Commander." Alliser said, his tone sarcastic. "Betray you, or betray the Night's Watch. You brought an army of Wildlings into our lands – an army of murderers and raiders. If I had to do it all over, knowing where I'd end up, I'd pray I'd make the right choice again."

"I'm sure you would, Ser Alliser."

"I fought," the traitor sighed, "I lost. Now I rest. But you, Lord Snow – you'll be fighting their battles forever." His tone softened as he whispered, "I killed her. I always knew you two were involved with one another, because you have always been weak towards pretty girls. I shoved my sword right through her back. She screamed for you, and now I know this is my punishment. An eye for an eye. A storm for a storm."

Jon grit his teeth and watched Alliser's head move upward as he stepped in front of Olly. The young boy – who's eyes once held such kindness, were now staring down at him menacingly. He said nothing, his expression nothing but a frown.

The raven-haired man nodded, realizing he had heard everything he needed to. He walked towards the end of the rope that would so gracefully cause these brothers untimely deaths. Jon unsheathed his sword, looking down at the blade with pure horror. Was he really going to kill these men he's was sworn with, who once fought beside him? He could feel Olly staring daggers into his back.

If there was anything he'd learned from his father, it was that the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.

The crowd waited anxiously, almost believing that Jon wouldn't do it. But throughout all of the good times, Jon knew that these were also the males that betrayed him, and thus, his blade cut the rope.

The barrels were kicked out from under them as the the prisoners' ropes were tightened around their necks. Four men struggled for air, clutching their jugulars as Jon watched them with narrowed eyes. Their faces turned blue and their legs dangled until they finally stopped searching for a breath.

All their eyes were glazed over, but Jon couldn't stop staring at Olly. His orbs blood-shot, his skin a mix of purple and blue. Jon's face contorted into anger, remembering what he did to his life, while he put Longclaw back in his sheath.

"We should burn the bodies." Ed murmured as Jon strode over to him.

"You should," Jon countered, removing his cloak and putting it in Ed's arms.

His friend furrowed his brow. "What do you want me to do with this?"

"Wear it. Burn it. Whatever you want." He muttered. "You have Castle Black."

Ed's eyes went wide as Jon walked away, shoving his way through the crowd that stared at him in shock. It was time; he had nothing and no one left to live for. He needed to find that out, and this allowed him to utter the words, "My Watch has ended."


A/N: AAAAAAAND IT'S HERE! Book II is now beginning and I hope y'all are ready for some season 6 action ;))))

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