Chapter 7

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"Like...on vacation, or..?"

Yasmin looked away. "Moving... for a while," she responded.

Gawain nodded. "It's going to destroy Lance and Daisy..."

Yasmin sighed. "We've been planning this for a while, Hellbent and I. He should actually be getting home tomorrow night."

Gawain nodded. "Will you ever visit? Like for Christmas?"

She looked crestfallen. "I don't think so," she replied quietly. "Though we can talk through telepathy."

"Yes, Daisy is quite adept at using her powers. You can thank Giratina for that," he said, gritting his teeth as he said the Renegade Pokemon's name.

She sighed once more at that.

"Anyways, when are you leaving again?"

"Leaving here tomorrow morning, and going to Johto in two days time."

"Well, I better get started."

"Started on what?"

"Dinner. I can't see my friend off with nothing."

"Oh. Well, thank you."

"Of course...I just hope Lance and Daisy will take it easily..."

"I really am sorry..." Yasmin said quietly.

"It's alright. I'm not in charge of you. I can't tell you what to do."

"I just feel bad now..."

"Don't. If you believe this will help you and your family, you have every right to, and should do it."


"Now, what would you like for dinner?"

"You can choose," Yasmin laughed slightly.

"No, you should choose. My treat."

Oh, alright. Macaron and cheese?"

Yasmin laughed. "It's Lilacs favorite.
"That sounds good. Does she mind if there's salt on it?"

"She prefers it with salt," Yasmin replied.

"Then it's a date, I guess," Gawain joked, getting up.

Yasmin laughed at that and stood as well. "When should we tell Lance and Daisy?"

"Well...I'm not sure..." "Lilac probably hasn't. I'm sure she's forgotten," the purple Gardevoir replied.

"Alright. Whenever you feel comfortable."


Lance, Daisy, and Lilac were playing hot potato, but were taking a break. "Hey, Lilac, what do you wanna do when you grow up," Daisy asked.

Lilac froze, her eyes wide. "Johto," she whispered.

"What's that." Lance asked.

"It's a region... far away from here..."

"What about it," Daisy asked.

"Tomorrow..." Lilac fell silent, tears filling her eyes.

Lance wiped her tears gently. "No need to cry, Lilac. We can skip talking about it."

"Tomorrow... Yasmin, Hellbent, Mira, Akira and I... we're going to Johto!" she cried out.

Daisy was floored. "You''re moving," she asked, tears in her eyes.

Lance wasn't accepting it, and said nothing.
She nodded slowly, already crying.

Daisy hugged Lilac, crying as well. "Please, you can't go! You're Lance and I's best friend!"

"But Mira and Akira... they're so excited! I can't just take this from them when Yas and Hellbent have been planning it for a month..." she sobbed.

"Why can't you stay here? Daddy can take care of you!'d be kinda like our older sissy..."

"I'd miss them so much..."

But we'd miss you too!"

"They're my family..." she whispered.

Daisy knew she agreed with Lilac deep down, and so she just stayed quiet, crying into Lilac's shoulder.

Lilac hugged Daisy, tears flowing from her eyes.

Lance still didn't know how to feel, so he just sat by.

The purple Kirlia fell silent soon enough, arms still wrapped around Daisy.

"Dinner time," Gawain called.

"Guess we should g-go eat..."

Lilac nodded, sniffling.

Lance left the room.

Daisy quit hugging Lilac, following.

Lilac despondently followed.

Gawain sighed as he saw the children. "Hey, perk up, you three! We've got Mac and Cheese!"

Lilac smiled slightly at that, but her eyes were still dull.

Yasmin sighed as well. "I guess she did remember..."

Daisy smiled, sitting down.

Lance was emotionless.

"Seems Lance took it hardest," Gawain whispered.

Yasmin looked down, feeling guilty.

Lilac sat next to Daisy.

"So, what would everyone like to drink." Gawain asked.

"Water," Lilac said quietly.

Yasmin remained silent.

"Juice please," Daisy smiled.

:Lilac to stay here...: Lance thought glumly.


The next morning, Lilac and Yasmin were standing outside the house. Cherry was standing beside Gawain and Daisy.

Lance was watching from the window.

Daisy was sobbing again. "We'll really miss you..."

"I'll be back someday, I promise!" Lilac cried out.

Cherry placed an arm on Daisy's shoulder.

"We know you will," Gawain smiled.

Daisy smiled weakly up at Cherry.

"Goodbye then, thank you for your hospitality!" Yasmin said and then turned, walking towards the forest.

Lilac waved sadly before following her sister.

Lance burst out the door, running towards Lilac, tears stinging his eyes.

"Whoa," Daisy shouted, startled.

Lilac turned and ran towards him, drops of salty water dripping down her cheeks.

Lance hugged Lilac. "Please...I'll miss you...don't go..."

She was sobbing now. "I promise I'll come back..." she whispered.

"'re my best friend..."

"I'm sorry..."

Lance felt something else, but didn't know how to express it. So he ignored it, continuing to hug Lilac.

She was blushing slightly as she closed her eyes.

Lance didn't notice, "...when will you be back?"

"I don't know, but I promise I'll be back..."

"I...I..." Lance said, beginning to blush.

Lilac pulled away from him and poked him, right in the middle of his blush. "...Boop..." she whispered, backing away. She turned and walked solemnly towards Yasmin. "Let's go, Yas..."

The purple Gardevoir nodded slowly and they walked into the forest.

Lance stood despondently, watching them. He knew Lilac couldn't hear him, but he needed to
get it off his chest. "Lilac...I...I love you..."

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