Stuck - Steve Harrington

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I glanced out the glass door, finally finding the person I was looking for. He was the only reason I ventured out of the house and to this party.

I always did whatever I could to spend time with him. He wasn't just my friend, he was the one person I cared the most about in this world and the one person I wanted to be mine more than anything.

It had started getting chilly, hence why everyone was inside, so I grabbed a small blanket and threw it around my shoulders before venturing outside.

"Hey, I've been looking for you" I said sitting next to Steve by the pool, sitting cross legged but pulling my legs to my body to keep the warmth from the blanket.

"You found me" he offered a warm smile, yet something was still off.

"Everything ok?" I asked sympathetically.

"Yeah. Yeah, just...thinking" he chuckled softly.

"Thinking?" I questioned.

"Yep" he was silent for a few beats before speaking again. "You ever feel...stuck?"

"Stuck?" I tried to piece together what he meant.

"Like you're just going you're just..."

"Stuck?" I breathed a laugh.

"Yes exactly, I knew you'd understand" he laughed.

"I kinda know what you mean"

"Yeah?" he looked at me with worry.

"Well not...stuck. More like lost, but I get it"

"Hey" he said gently rubbing my knee, making me look at him. "You ok?"

"Yeah, yeah for sure" I smiled. "But this isn't about me"

"Sure it is" he said quickly.

"No" I took his one hand in both of mine. "No, it's about you. What's making you feel stuck?" I caressed his hand with mine while he took a deep breath.

"You" he didn't bring his eyes to look at me.

"What?" I swallowed hard.

"God Y/N, everytime I'm around you all I want to do is hug you, kiss you, hold you, be with you. It's frustrating and I don't know what to do about it so I feel...stuck" he explained.

I was at a loss for words. Literally nothing would come out of my mouth if I even tried.

"Are you going to say...anything?" Steve said after a few moments of silence, my two hands still firmly gripping onto one of his and my body frozen in time.

"Steve" I started barely above a whisper. "Why does that make you feel stuck...just do it"

"We can't" he said quietly.

"We can" I moved one hand to his cheek.

"We shouldn't" his eyes scanned my face, taking their sweet time around my lips.

"We should"


"Steve" I cut him off. "Earlier when I said I felt lost it was because I...I want you"

"You do?" His words slow and cautious.

"More than anything, nothing feels right otherwise. I just feel lost and I don't know...incomplete"

"Can I kiss you?"

"You better" I half smiled before he pressed his lips to mine.

The kiss started sweet and longing but quickly turned a little rougher. By the time we pulled away I was straddling his lap and I had the blanket wrapped around us both with my arms around his neck.

"Does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" He asked, out of breath.

"Is this you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I slightly rose an eyebrow at him.

" is" he smiled widely.

"Then yeah, girlfriend it is" a smile slowly spread on my face.

He kissed me quick before pulling me into a hug, me still firmly straddling his lap.

"You know, people are going to miss you in there" I motioned to inside his house, where people were still having a party.

"I don't care about them" he kissed my nose quickly. "I care about you"

I felt the smile on his lips as I kissed him again gently.

"I will never say no to having you all to myself" I grinned pulling him in again for another kiss.

"One thing though" he pulled away quickly. I looked at him expectantly. "Maybe don't tell your brother just yet"

"Deal" I breathed a laugh as he claimed my lips once more.

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