Stupid - Eddie Munson

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"Do I have to?" I took a deep breath.

"No, but you'll have fun. You just need to shake whatever is causing you to have the grumps" Nancy breathed a laugh.

"I do not have the grumps" I folded my arms and turned my attention to what was outside my window.

"Clearly" she said sarcastically. "Come on, we both could benefit from a little fun tonight" she reassured.

"If I have a terrible night, it's your fault" I giggled as she pulled up to the Harrington house.

The party was crowded beyond what I imagined. I instantly felt a hint claustrophobic but the familiarity of my surroundings helped me swallow the panic and recover.

"I'm going to go find Steve" Nancy spoke over the music. "You coming?"

"I actually see Robin, I'm going to go say hi. I'll catch up with you later" I gave her a smile before making my way to where Robin was standing with some people.

"I can't believe you actually came" Robin almost yelled, engulfing me in a hug.

"I was pretty much forced" I giggled pulling out of the hug. "But, I'm determined to have a good time in spite of my 'grumps'" I used my fingers to give air quotes to Nancy's loving term.

"If it makes you feel any better, I don't think he's here" she shrugged.

"Of course he's not, why would he be? He is not a fan" I giggled.

Robin had unintentionally become my best friend. There wasn't anything that I didn't tell her, including my giant and very much soul crushing, unrequited crush on a certain hellfire club member.

"I had Steve work all his Harrington magic, I'm sorry" she rubbed my arm sympathetically.

"It's not a big deal Robin" I shook my head, half at her and half still at the fact that Steve and Eddie were friends. "Maybe a night free of pining after our lovable, yet pretty chaotic friend will be just what I need to stop being such a spaz about this whole thing"

"I don't think you're gonna get the chance to find out babe" Robin nodded her head behind me.

I turned my head slightly to see Eddie walking in. He had a nervous, uncomfortable vibe to him...which not only made me wonder why he would even come in the first place, but also made him so much more adorable.

"Annnnd that's my cue to get a drink" I breathed out.

"There's punch in the kitchen" Robin smirked at me.

"Perfect" I smiled patting her arm and walking towards the kitchen.

I took a glass of whatever was in the punch and drank it down before refilling and making my way out of the kitchen.

As I walked down out of the kitchen my eyes met Eddie's as he walked towards me from the other end of the room. I knew I couldn't avoid him forever, he was my friend first and foremost.

I attempted to make my way to him when someone jumped in front of me.

"I'm so glad Nancy got you to come" Steve yelled happily wrapping me in a hug.

"She was very persuasive...and kind of mean" I giggled hugging him back tightly.

"I see you already got a drink, come sit with us in the living room?" He asked hopeful.

I took a glance to where Eddie was, only to see he wasn't there anymore.

"Yeah, ok" I gave Steve a weak smile as he took my hand, dragging me to a group sitting on the couches and the floor.

My eyes immediately noticed that Eddie was with the group.

"Look who I finally found" Steve yelled happily, lifting my arm in the air with his dramatically.

"Stop you goof" I yanked my arm away and took a vacant seat on one of the couches. "Eddie" I smiled. "I tried to say hi before but this one here" I motioned to Steve as he took a seat next to me, a wide smile on Eddie's face.

"Aww honey, you say that like you don't love me" he joked, gaining an eye roll from myself.

"Here" Robin called from the other end of Steve, holding out a beer. "Because I know you'd rather have that then more punch" she laughed.

"You're the best" I smiled at her reaching for the beer, using Steve's knee under one of my hands to balance me. I stashed it away for when I was done with the punch.

After a few minutes Eddie wordlessly got up and walked to the kitchen. I battled in my head for a few minutes before telling everyone I would be right back and following Eddie where he disappeared to.

I saw him slip out the back, so I quickly followed before I lost his trail.

"What are you doing?" I asked closing the door behind me.

"You know just, getting some air" he tried to smile but I could tell it was forced.

"Everything ok?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah, just fine" there it was again...that fake smile.

"Not buying it, Munson. What's going on?" I pushed.

"I just had to get away from it for a bit, that's all" he said quietly.

"Honestly I was surprised you came to a party at all, so it's understandable that you need to get away for a bit" I tried to comfort as I struggled to open my beer.

"It actually wasn't so much the party as it was..." he started while taking the beer out of my hands, opening it and handing it back trailing his words off, his eyes flashing a hint of panic.

"Thank you" I said softly, taking the drink from his hand, taking a drink and laying it on a table.

"My pleasure" He finally offered a real smile.

"Are you going to finish your sentence, as it was... what?" I asked curiously.

"As it" he finally confessed.

"Me? You wanted to get away from me? Did I, did I do something to you?" I felt tears threatening my eyes.

"No no, not you really. two together" he breathed, defeated.

"Huh?" I fought my tears, I wasn't crying over this.

"Why did I even come? Jesus Christ" He asked himself tipping his head back and clenching his eyes shut.

"Why did you come?" I asked barely above a whisper.



"You" he finally brought his eyes to me.

"Me?" I choked on my words.

He nodded.

"It's stupid I know and I'm not gonna lie to you, seeing you with him. It...well it hurts" he dropped his gaze again, speaking to himself. "It's stupid"

I paused for a second, taking in everything that was happening.

"Him who?" I finally asked softly.

"Harrington" he said with a childish, duh manner. I couldn't help but let a small laugh escape me. "And now you're laughing at me, great" he said with fake enthusiasm.

"Eddie" I grabbed his hands and pulled him a little closer, keeping his hands in mine. "Why does it bother you so much?"

"Because I'm stupid" he put one hand on the side of my face and pulled my ear on the other side closer to him. "Because I'm completely and totally crazy about you"

"You are?" I swallowed hard.

"Stupid right?" He pulled away with a smile.

"Very stupid" I joked as his face fell. "Especially if you think there's anything more than a friendship between Steve and I. We've known each other since we were kids, there's absolutely nothing there. And even more stupid if you think I'm not completely and totally crazy about you too"

"What?" He looked at me shocked with wide eyes.

I leaned up and kissed his cheek, probably a little too close to his mouth.

"You heard me" I smirked.

"I think you missed your mark there sweetheart" he gave a giant smirk.

I half rolled my eyes before bringing his lips down to mine. The kiss wasn't as rough and I thought, it was sweet and simple.

"Better?" I joked with a laugh.

"Hmm I don't know let me see something" he dipped down and captured my lips with his again before pulling away with a smile. "Yep" he said happily before planting kisses all over my face.

"What are you doing?" I giggled.

"Have to give my girl all the kisses she deserves" he smiled wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me against him.

This was more of the Eddie I had grown to love.

"Your girl, that has a very nice ring to it" I smiled up at him.

"You want to get out of here love? Just the two of us?" He looked at me hopeful.

"I would love nothing more" I kissed him again quick, feeling his smile on my lips.

He took me by the hand and lead me back to the living room and to our previous group.

"Thanks for having us, but we're actually gonna get going" I spoke to the group, a knowing smirk on all their faces.

"Don't worry Wheeler, I'll make sure my girl gets home safe" Eddie gave a wide smile.

We waved bye and as we retreated from the group hand in hand, we heard the rumblings of their conversation.

"Don't do anything stupid, Y/N" Robin called after us.

"Too late" Eddie yelled back jokingly before I tugged him out the door with me.

Thank you to the person who wishes to remain anonymous for requesting! Hope it's what you wanted!

And please keep requesting, I love writing for you all ❤️

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