Chapter 3: A New Friend

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Hope's POV:

The next morning when I get to school and meet Nancy and Steve at her locker, she seems out of it. Like, didn't notice my presence for a solid fives minutes, out of it. "NANCE!" I yell, finally getting her attention. She jumps, shaking her head slightly. "Hope, when did you get here?"

Steve and I exchange a look. "Nance, are you ok?" I ask, concern lacing my voice heavily. She puts on a fake smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Uh, I gotta head to class, but I'll see you both later." She kisses Steve's cheek and walks off towards her first period.

"Do you know what's going on with her?" I ask Steve once she's out of ear shot. "We went to Barb's parents' house for dinner last night. They're hiring a personal investigator and putting everything they can into find Barb. That's including selling their house." My eyes widen.

"Shit, no wonder she's so out of it. Has she said anything to you? You know, about what she's gonna do. She can't just let them do that." "But what choice do we have. We don't have indestructible parents like you do. We have human families who's lives could be ruined by this."

I sigh. He's not wrong. When Hopper told me the conditions the Hawkins Lab gave for letting them go in and find Will, it pissed me off. How could anyone be that heartless. Besides, it's not like they're gonna find El anytime soon. My heart sinks at the thought of the girl.

She didn't deserve any of the hardships she got in life. "Look, just talk to her, be there for her. She really needs you right now." I tell him softly. He nods. "I will be. Of course I will be, I love her." He mutters. I smile.

No matter how much I believe Nancy belongs with Johnathan, I can never doubt Steve's love for her. The warning bell rings. "I've got to go, but I'll see you tonight." I go to walk away, but he stops me, pulling me back with wide eyes. "You're coming?" I roll my own.

"Maybe. I'm leaving it up to Johnathan." I explain. "Now, I really have to go." With that I pull away and head straight for Calculus. "Hey Mikaelson." I hear that ever annoying voice call out. "Jesus, get the hint Hargrove. Leave me alone." I snap, not even turning around. "Oh come on."

He jogs till he's in front of me. I roll my eyes. "You know you following me around like this makes you look desperate." I tell him, hoping that if I can put his 'cool' status in jeopardy then I'm home free. That's not the case. "Come with me to Tina's party tonight." It's not a question.

I give him a sarcastic smile. "Sorry, but I would rather do literally anything else. But thanks." I try to get around him, but he stops me, grabbing my arm like he did yesterday and standing in front of me. I raise an eyebrow at him and he instantly lets go.

"Oh come on. I've been here a day and I've already heard about the mysterious Hope Mikaelson. Gorgeous girl who moved here at the beginning of the year, who no one can touch? Couple that with me, the hot new guy, match made in heaven."

"Sorry, unlike every other girl in this school, I don't aspire to be someone's perfect angel of a girlfriend. I much prefer the heat down here in hell. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to get to." With that I shove past him and thankfully he lets me.

When I get to Calculus, the girl who sits next to me, Robin, walks in right behind me. "Was he like that with you yesterday?" She asks me. I nod. "Guy is a douche who doesn't understand the word 'no'." "Welcome to Hawkins. Most guys here are like that." I snort out a laugh.

"So I've noticed. I'm Hope." "Robin." I smile and turn around to face the front. Soon the school day ends and Nancy's off behavior only got worse throughout the day. That dinner must have really fucked with her. She's been withdrawn and quiet and distracted and it's scaring me.

I decide to let Steve be there for her today and since Johnathan is in none of my classes I thought I'd be along for the day. Wrong I was as I noticed that Robin is actually in a lot of my AP classes. I know she's a year younger than me, but she seems to be taking a lot of senior courses.

The two of us end up spending the day getting to know each other. She's pretty cool. A little goofy, but cool nonetheless. She's also extremely talkative. It's refreshing. She's my first normal human friend. All my other human friends are involved with what happened last fall.

At the end of the day Robin and I go our separate ways. I see Billy making his way towards where our cars are parked. Asshole parked next to me this morning. I quickly climb in and pull away before he gets close enough to talk to me. I don't want him to ruin my perfectly good mood.

When I get home my dad is gone, but Elijah is in the living room reading. "How was school today?" He asks, glancing up at me. I shrug. "A little boring. Everyone's excited for the party tonight." He nods. "Be careful tonight." I bite back a grin.

"Elijah, I don't think anyone at that party could actually hurt me." "Be that as it may, I know your father worries about you. As do I. Just promise to let us know if you need us?" I nod. "Yeah, I will. Where is dad anyway?"

"Helping Sheriff Hopper. He's looking into the surrounding farmer's decaying crops. He thinks it might be supernatural related and didn't want to bother you." He explains. "Let me know if I can help." He nods and with that I turn on my heel and head upstairs.

When I get to my room I drop my bag on my bed and eye the costume hanging on my closet door. I hold back a groan. I'll get her back one of these days. With a deep breath I grab it and walk into my bathroom to change. Let's get tonight over with.

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