Chapter 13: I hate you!

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Night was beginning to fall when Eleven finally made it back to the cabin. She makes sure she misses the trip wires, but when she looks up, she sees Hopper waiting for her on the porch as his cigarette glows in the shadows.

She sighs softly, knowing what was awaiting for her. But after what she saw with Mike and the female, she didn't care anymore. She paces up to the porch and heads inside with Hopper glaring at her. She shuts the door in his face and he snatches the door open in fury as he follows her back into the cabin.

Eleven freezes in her steps when she sees Gloria, Fi, and...Jace? She frowns at him sitting next to her sister on the couch.

Jace sighs softly, "Hey, El. Long time no see." He says awkwardly.

Gloria sighs in relief and gets up to her feet, "Thank god." She whispers and walks towards her to hug her tight. But Eleven made no movement of hugging her back. Gloria frowns at that as she pulls away.

"Are you okay, young one?" She asks as she strokes El's hair.

But Eleven didn't answer, Gloria could sense that something happened out there. But before she could ask, Hopper's furious voice erupts.

"'Friends don't lie'. Isn't that your bullshit saying?" He asks sarcastically.

Eleven sighs and rolls her eyes as she yanks herself out of Gloria's hands and paces towards her bedroom. She just wanted to be left alone.

"Sister..." But Eleven ignores Fi and tries to slam the door closed, but Hopper blocks it to storm into her room with a harsh glare.

" Hey, hey! Hey! Don't walk away from me!" He shouts, but he flinches when she turns to face him. Her face was full of pain, rage, and emotion exhaustion as she sends him a glare. He was cautious, in case she uses her energy against him.

"Where'd you go on your little field trip, huh? Where? Did you go see Mike?" He demanded her for answers.

"Hopper, calm down. She's home now. Safe and sound." Gloria tries to calm the setting, but it wasn't working. "Did you get to see him, sweetie? Did he see you?" She asks carefully.

Eleven looks away, "He didn't see me." She says.

"Yeah, well, that mother and her daughter did and they called the cops. Now, did anyone else see you? Anyone at all? Come on, I need you to think!" Hopper shouts.

"Nobody saw me!" Eleven shout back at him.

"Okay, stop it! Hopper, this is not a good time to yell at her." Gloria states strongly.

"She put us all in danger!" Hopper glares at Gloria, then back to Eleven. "You put us in danger. You realize that, right?"

Tears begin to form in Eleven's eyes as her anger and pain rises, "You promised...we go! And we never leave! Nothing ever happens!" She shouts, frustrated with the whole thing. Stomping the floor in rage.

"Yeah! Nothing happens and you stay safe!" Hopper states strongly.

"You lie!" Eleven screams.

"I don't lie! I protect and I feed and I teach! And all I ask of you is that you follow three simple rules. Three rules. And you know what? You can't even do that!" Hopper meets her tone.

Gloria throws her hands up with a scoff, she knew she couldn't get through either of them, so she sits on the arm chair as Jace and Fi sits on the couch, watching the argument.

Hopper storms into the kitchen and grabs the trashcan with a loud bang. He opens the fridge and begins throwing away all the Eggos they had in the freezer.

"You're grounded! You know what that means? It means no Eggos...And no TV for a week." Hopper states and paces towards the TV he moved from Eleven's room to the living room, but when he tries to lift it, it felt welded to the floor. He looks up and sees El sending her glare and using her energy to hold the TV in place.

"All right, knock it off. Let go." Hopper grunts and tries to lift it, but El didn't let go. Blood runs down her nose as she continues to use.

"Okay. Two weeks. Let go!" He shouts at her, but El slowly shakes her head, putting her foot down and keeping it down, but Hopper wasn't going to let her win. "A month!" He shouts.

"No!" El shouts back.

Hopper grits his teeth and lets go of the TV. Turning towards her with a scoff, he straightens, "Well, congratulations. You just graduated from no TV for a month to no TV at all!" He shouts as he rips the cord right out of the TV, making it go blank.

Fiona couldn't believe that he has gone so far with the punishment.

"No!" El's eyes widen in shock and she rushes towards the TV, trying to make the power come back on, but it was useless. "No! No. No!"

Gloria rubs her mouth and sighs deeply as she glares at Hopper, "Happy now, Hop? Are you satisfied with your ways of punishment?"

"She has got to understand that there are consequences to her actions." Hopper states as he walks away.

Eleven snaps towards Hopper with a furious look as tears continue to form in her eyes, "You are like Papa!" She screams.

Hopper scoffs at her, "Really? I'm like that psychotic son of a bitch? Wow! All right. You wanna go back in the lab? One phone call. I can make that happen."

"No!" Fi stands fast with Jace.

"Are you crazy, Unc?" Jace shouts in disbelief.

"How can you say that, Hopper?!" Gloria frowns at him.

El sobs silently, "I hate you." She growls at him.

"Yeah, well, I'm not so crazy about you, either. You know why? 'Cause you're a brat. You know what that word means? How about that be your word for the day, huh? Brat." Hopper storms over to the bookcase and snatches the dictionary, "Why don't we look it up? B-R-A-T. Brat." He tosses the book at El, but she catches it with her powers.

With a furious glare and wave of her hand, she sends the book hurling towards Hopper.

Hopper grunts and protects himself from being hit by the book, "Hey! What the hell is wrong with you?" He exclaims.

El waves her hand again and makes the whole couch slam into his knee. Hopper winces in pain and watches El storm away, using her powers again to make the whole bookshelf slam to the floor. Jace pushes Fi and Gloria out of the way, making sure neither of them could get hurt.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!" Hopper shouts and rushes to follow her, but with a wave of her hand, El slams the door in his face again, locking it tight. He jiggles the knob and pounds on the door.

"Open this door! Open the damn door!"

"Leave Sister alone!" Fi shouts as she hears her sister crying behind the door.

"I'll leave her alone when she comes to her ***damn senses!" He shouts at the door, "You wanna go out in the world? You better grow up! Grow the hell up!"

Eleven couldn't take it anymore, she screams and lets everything out. All her emotions explode like a bomb and at the same time, the windows explode from the inside of the cabin. Gloria screams and ducks from the glass as Jace jumps and covers Fiona in protections. Hopper grunts and ducks for cover.

Eleven leans on the wall, sobbing her heart out. She was tired and hurt by everything. By Mike, by Hopper. The lab and these rules. She was tired.

Hopper pants softly and stiffens from where he stood when he hears the electrical surge. The light flickered angrily around him. He turns around and sees Fiona standing behind him as bolts of lightning take over her body. Her eyes even glowed an angry electrical blue.

Hopper flinches as she slowly walks towards him, but Jace moves to stand in her way.

"Fi. Calm. Please." Jace whispers.

Still glaring at Hopper, Fiona trembles in anger as she forces her energy back. She didn't want to hurt Jace, but Hopper...he was on her shit-list right now. Panting softly, she sends Hopper a warning glare.

She walks towards the door, but looks up at Hopper. Hopper grunts when a fist comes flying at his face. He winces in pain and turns to see Fiona staring at him in such fury. Her fist still clenched tightly and throbs from hitting him.

"Get...away from me." She snarls and turns back towards the door.

Gloria pulls him away and shoves him towards the kitchen, "Ok, you have said your say. And you're an idiot." She waves him off when he tries to talk, "Shut up. None of these girls want to hear your voice. Listen, Hop. That girl...she is in a lot of pain and you yelling at her isn't helping. I understand she needs discipline, but she also needs a gentle touch. She never had that. Neither of them had that. You must understand what she's going through, what she's still learning after being with that bastard for so long. She doesn't need a keeper...she needs a father figure...and a mother figure. Learn how to be both and have patience." She states and moves towards the door, still hearing El sobbing from behind it.

She knocks gently, "Sweetie. It's just me and Fi. May we come in? We don't have to talk. I just want to make sure you're ok. Please?" She says gently.

Gloria had no confidence that Eleven was going to allow them inside, but she was surprised to hear a click and the door creaks open. Gloria moves and walks inside with Fi following, but Fi turns to watch Jace. He could see the fear in her eyes. Afraid he was going leave her again.

"Don't worry. I'm not leaving." He assures her softly.

Fi sighs in relief and turns to walk inside the room. Gloria shuts the door before either of the men could walk inside.

Gloria turns and her heart breaks at the sight of the El sitting on the floor, her back against the wall, her legs up and she hugs herself as she sobs against her knees.

"Oh, zayer ekhad" Gloria whispers. She sighs and moves to sit next to El and Fi moves to watch Gloria pull El to her chest as she rocks her. El continues to sob and allows Gloria to hold her. "There, there, dear. Let it out. It's going to be ok." She whispers.

Fi moves and wraps her arms around El, moving with the rocking.

Very softly, Gloria begins to sing in Hebrew. An old lullaby her mother would sing to her. She rocks her gently and rubs her back as she sings.


After spending time at Nancy's, Jonathan heads home to get everything ready for tomorrow. The trap was set, now all they need to do is show up. When Jonathan walks inside, he was surprised to see the house dark and quiet.

"Mom?" He calls out, but she didn't answer.

He walks towards her room and sees the bed empty.

"Will? Hello?" He calls out and walks to Will's room. He wasn't all that surprised to find his Mom sleeping next to Will in his bed. Something must have happened. She hasn't done this since he came home from the hospital after being missing for a week.

Carefully and quietly, he shuts the door to let them sleep, but he didn't even notice Will trapped in a nightmare. Will's eyes move rapidly as he dreams. He dreams of darkness. Tunnels. Moving so fast all around. Spreading far and wide. He couldn't explain it.

As morning rose, the Wheelers were having their regular breakfast routine together at their table. Nancy gets up as the toast is done, while Mike tends to his sister to make sure she eats what she needs.

"Do you like those grapes, Holly?" He asks her Nancy gets the toast.

"Hey, Mom, I was thinking about staying the night at Stacey's tonight?" Nancy casually brings up, finding a way to excuse herself so her mom won't be worried, "We were gonna have a girl's night. Romantic comedies, do our nails, gossip..." She says as she walks back to the table with the toast.

Karen smiles big at her daughter, happy that she's spending time with her friends, "Sure! That sounds like fun."

Nancy sighs silently in relief and turns to her sister, Holly, holding up the plate of toast, "Toast?" She asks, but Holly gives her a displeased look, "No?"

After breakfast was over, Nancy left to pretend she was leaving for school, but she meets Jonathan outside and gets into the car with him.

"Hey." He greets her.

"Hey. Did you see your mom?" She asks as she buckles up.

"No, she was sleeping. But I left a note." He says then sighs as he watches her stiff body language,

"You don't have to do this, you know." She says, feeling kinda guilty for bringing him into this.

Jonathan scoffs softly, giving her a small smile, "Stop saying that." He says.

Nancy sighs and nods, happy that he was agreeing to this. Jonathan starts up the car and takes off towards the park where the 'meeting' was set.


As Joyce woke up this morning, she sees that Will was still asleep. She didn't want to disturb him, so she carefully gets up to fix breakfast and call Hopper once again. Over and over, she has called the station, but Hopper wasn't in. No surprise there, but when she asked for Jace, he wasn't there either.

She calls again, sighing anxiously as she waits for Flo to answer.

"Hawkins Police."

"Flo, it's Joyce again."

"Oh, hi, Joyce. Listen, I gave him your message--"

Joyce frowns in interrupts Flo, "He's still not there?"

"No, but--"

"Did he get any of my messages from yesterday? Did you give--"

"Yes, do you wanna talk to-"

"What about Jace? He's still not in either?" Joyce interrupts her again.

"Jace, he actually called the station just a few minutes ago. He won't be coming in for the next couple of days."

Joyce frowns at that, "Why? Is he sick?" She asks, worried that he could experiencing what Will is going through.

"No, he didn't say why. He just says that he's turning in the sick days that he never took. I guess something came up and he wanted to take a break. You know that boy as well as I do, he works himself to the bone. I'm actually relieved he's taking it easy now. Are you sure you don't want to talk to--"

Joyce stutters and interrupts her again, "No, no, I need Hopper. Just tell him to call me the second he gets in. Please."

"I will. Bye, Joyce."

"Thank you. Bye." Joyce sighs and hangs up the phone, rubbing her face with worry. Where was Hopper? Where was Jace? Joyce begins to think that maybe she should call Gloria. But before she could decide, she sees Will walking into the kitchen.

With a smile, she walks towards him and sits to meet his height, "Hey. How you feeling, sleepyhead?" She asks as she runs her hands through his hair and watches him sits down. "Any better?"

"Mmm-mmm." Will shakes his head.

"Same as last night? Still weird?"

"Yeah." Will says.

Joyce sighs, touching his forehead. He didn't feel like he had a fever, but she needed to make sure. She gets to her feet and moves to head towards the medicine cabinet in her bathroom for the thermometer. She shakes it to make the mercury to go down to its normal temperature and places it under Will's tongue. She times three minutes on her watch.

"All right." She sighs and removes it from his mouth to read it, "Hmm. Okay, let me see." But instead of seeing either normal temperature or higher, 97.6. She frowns in confusion as it reads '95' degrees. Which was very strange.

"Is it a fever?"

"No. Uh, actually, it's cold. Do you feel cold?" She asks.

Will shakes his head, "No. Just a little out of it. Like I haven't really woken up yet." He eyes his mom, knowing what she was going to ask, "You promised no doctor."

"And I meant it. No doctor." She says, but gives him a guilty look, "But..." She watches him frown, "What if I call Gloria? Not technically a doctor. At least, not from the lab. And you know you can trust her."

Will sighs, kinda relieved that she suggested Gloria. He liked Gloria than Dr. Owens. At least, Gloria treats him normally like Bob does.

So, he agrees, "Ok. Just Gloria."

Joyce sighs, happy that he agreed, "Okay. You know what? I'm gonna run you a nice bath and it'll warm you up and hopefully get you feeling better. How's that sound? Then when you get out, Gloria will come and check on you."

Will nods, "Okay."

But when Joyce leaves to get his bath water running, Will felt a terrible fear overcome him. The idea of a hot him.


Snatching the blanket off of the tank, Dustin greets Dart with a big smile as he yawns and stretches. Dustin removes the screened top.

"Morning, Dart. Got you some breakfast. Your favorite." He says as he breaks up some nougat and places it in the tank. Dart happily chows down on the food, "I gotta go to school, but I'll be back soon. Sound good?" He asks as he places the top back over the tank.

Dart simply chitters at him and continues to eat as Dustin moves to place the blanket back over the tank and heads off to school.

When Dustin arrives, he parks his bike next to Mike's. He sees that Mike and Lucas have arrived, but where were they? He walks towards the courtyard and begins to hear their voices.

"Stop being a baby and do it already!" Mike scoffs.

"This is so disgusting. Is this really necessary?" Max says in disgust.

Dustin walks towards the voices and sees Mike and Max standing next to the large garbage bin with sticks, "What the hell's going on?" He asks.

They both see him arriving at last, "What do you think? We're looking for Dart." Mike scoffs.

Suddenly, a garbage bag flies out of the bin, startling them all.


"Oh!" Max exclaims.

"Ugh!" Mike shouts.

All of them gets out of the way before they could get hit by the bag.

Suddenly, Lucas comes crawling out of the bin and grunts as he lands on the ground. He sends Dustin a glare as he sees him, "Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show up. After I drew the short straw. Real convenient." He scoffs.

"You stink!" Max scrunches her fact up and moves away from Lucas to stand next to Dustin, but she gives him a weird look as Dustin smiles at her.

"Hi, Max." Dustin grins at her.

"Hi." She says, feeling uncomfortable and Dustin doesn't even notice.

He looks around and sees that Will wasn't even here, "Where's Will?" Dustin asks.

"He'll be here." Mike says, assuring him.

Lucas picks up an extra stick and tosses it at Dustin to catch, "Are you just gonna stand there? Or you gonna help?" He scoffs.

Together, the four of them search through the bags that Lucas tossed out. Scanning to see if Dart made his way through the garbage. But they couldn't find him. And Dustin knew why.

As the bell rang for class, and no time to clean up, they all made it towards Mr. Clarke's class. But Mike frowns when he sees that Will's desk was still empty. Maybe his mom was keeping him from school, maybe he had another episode. He needs to go see him after school and check on him.

"All living things, from complex mammals to single-celled organisms, instinctively respond to danger. Expose a bacterium to a toxic chemical, and it will flee. Or deploy some other defense mechanism. We're very much the same. When we encounter danger, our hearts start pounding. Our palms start to sweat. These are the signs of the physical and emotional state we call...fear." Mr. Clarke says as he gives out the daily lesson.


After Joyce had the tub all filled up, she let Will take his bath and moves to call Gloria. But when Will walks into the bathroom and eyes the tub. Full of hot, steamy water. He feels terror rise in his chest. Feeling something that wasn't his to feel. He felt something inside him telling him to get rid of the hot water. Get it away. Make it go away.

Sweat pours down his back as his heavy breaths come rapidly with the terror creeping up his back. He rushes towards the tub and slaps the stopper to make the water go down the drain. His breathing calms as he watches the water swirl down the hole.

Joyce manages to call Gloria's office, but reached her assistant. She informed Joyce that Gloria was out on a call right now, but she will let her know that Joyce needs her service. Next, she calls Hopper's home phone, but she could only reach his answering machine.

"Hey, you reached Jim. I'm probably doing something incredible right now and I can't..." Joyce was losing her patience. She grits her teeth and hangs up the phone. Where the hell is Hopper?


Will's voice makes her turn around in concern, wondering why Will wasn't taking it bath, "Yeah, sweetie, what is it?"

"It's too hot."

She frowns and moves towards the bathroom, she sees that he was draining the tub. Before the tub could be empty, she sits on the side and feels the water. It felt normal. She didn't understand why he says it was too hot.

"I... I can cool it down a little bit, baby, but we gotta get your body temp back up." She says as she moves to turn the water back on to refill it.


Will's tone startles her and stops her from turning the water back on, she frowns in confusion at him, "What?"

"He likes it cold."

Joyce's eyes widen when he says that. She watches him walk away as if it was nothing, but she was scared to death. What did he mean by that? Who was 'he'?


From the moment the sun began to rise, Hopper and Jace boarded up all the windows that Eleven broke with her powers. Gloria headed home after she managed to get Eleven to sleep. But before she did, Eleven managed to tell her what happened.

"He forgot about me. He...likes the other girl." Eleven sniffles as she lies on Gloria's lap with Fiona sitting at the end of the bed.

Gloria rubs El's head gently, chuckling softly, "Dear, it sounds like you have a case of jealousy."

Eleven frowns and turns to look up at her in confusion, "What is 'jealousy'?"

"You saw the boy you love and care about with another girl. No woman ever likes that. It's when you don't like seeing someone doing something that you have done with the one you care about. It's called jealousy or jealous. Or some like to call it, 'the green eyed monster'." She laughs at El's and Fi's worried look. "It's not a real monster, sweetie, but it makes people act without thinking. It's never a fun feeling. Don't be so gloomy. It doesn't mean that he likes the girl. Not as he likes you." Gloria says as she smiles down at El. "And you did knock her down, so it makes sense that he needed to take her hand to help her up. Mike is a kind, caring young man. It's instinct that he helped the girl." She taps El's chin, "So cheer up, young one. Try not to think of only the bad theories. If you like, I can be your spy and ask Mike himself."

El quickly sits up to protest, but Gloria holds up her hands.

"Don't worry, I know my way around a conversation to get answers. Trust me. Ok?" She says.

El sighs, but nods, "Thank you, Gloria."

Gloria smiles and gives El's cheek a small pinch, making her smile, "Anything to bring a smile on that beautiful face." She sighs and looks at the door, then watches El's face falls to a frown when she looks at the door as well. "He's still learning as much as you are learning. He hasn't been a father to a teenager before. Nor to a young woman." Gloria says as she looks at Fi as well. "It'll take time for the three of you to get use to this new life. Be strong and have patience. You'll see Mike again. Look at your sister, Jace has come back into her life. That means hope for you. I bet you all the Eggos in the world that you'll see Mike sooner than you think." Gloria grins at El.

El giggles, holding on to Gloria's word for that promise.

Soon, Gloria walks out of the room and turns to face Hopper and Jace, "I managed to get her to sleep. She'll be ok, until she wakes up. She's still upset with you." She says to Hopper.

"I'm still upset with her as well." He says, but stops and sighs, "But...I didn't mean to go so far. I was just so angry. And worried to death about her." Hopper moves away and rubs his face.

"And that's good. Your parental instincts are kicking in. You care about that little girl and her sister very dearly. I can see that. You just need to work on expressing your feelings, Hop. Try to apologize when she gets up. But, first..." Gloria stops and shivers, "I would fix these windows before the girls freeze to death."

After Gloria left home, Jace and Hopper started on the windows. Hopper was finishing the last window when Eleven peeks out her door. When Hopper stops hammering, he turns and notices her. But before he could say anything, she slams the door shut.

Fi woke up not too long when the hammering started. She walks around the kitchen and fixes breakfast. She snatched the Eggos out of the garbage can before they could go bad and placed them back into the freezer, despite Hopper's protests. No one wanted to fight again. The arguments have grown old.

Jace sighs as the finishes the window and places the hammer back into the tool box. He walks over towards the kitchen and wraps his tired arms around Fi, holding her against him as she cooks.

"You're going to make me burn everything." She giggles.

"Shouldn't this be my job?" He grins. "Haven't you missed me cooking for you?"

She looks over her shoulder and smiles, "Yes. But you need to try my cooking now. I have been practicing since..." She trails off and looks down, frowning at the bitter memories, till his tilts her chin up to look at her.

"Hey. Don't think of that. Think of now." He whispers and leans down to kiss her lips gently.

"Hey!" Hopper's voice forces Jace to jump off her and both of them turn around to face him, "Three feet apart." He frowns at Jace. "I'm going to head to the station. You watch El and Fi for me. Obviously, she can't watch El alone, so be helpful and keep it in your pants."

Jace glares at him as his cheeks begin to heat up in embarrassment, but Fiona didn't understand that saying.

"Keep what in his pants?" She asks.

Jace clears his throat as the awkwardness gets worse so he changes the subject, "I'm going to head home. Just for a few minutes." He holds up his hands to calm Fiona down before she could freak out. "I just want to get some clothes and necessities. I'm going to stay here till it's safe for you and El. Okay? I promise." He says and cups her face in his hands. He leans down to kiss her lips, but Hopper clears his throat before Jace's lips could touch hers.

Groaning in disbelief, Jace lets her go and stomps off towards the door, "I'm 20 years old, Uncle Jim." He states.

"And Fi is my responsibility. I know you love her, but don't go knocking her up before she can learn sex ed."

Fi frowns, still confused, but Jace looked at Hopper in mortification.

"Jesus Christ." Jace mutters and leaves to head to his place.

Fi jumps when she smells something burning and quickly moves to finish cooking breakfast. Hopper sighs and moves towards Eleven's bedroom door.

"Hey, kid. Listen, um...about last night, I, uh..." He begins to apologize, but he couldn't. It felt so...foreign to him to express his feelings. So, he changes the subject quickly. "I want this place cleaned up by the time I get back and then maybe I'll consider fixing the TV. You hear me?" He states and turns.

Fi was places food on the table and sending him a glare.

"Look, Fiona." He sighs and moves towards the kitchen. She turns sharply to fix the coffee. He grunts in annoyance and grabs his hat. "Ugh, I'm not great with apologizing. And, uh...I...I just want what's best for you and El. Last thing I ever want is for you and her to go back to the lab. I didn't mean that last night. I never want either of you hurt. Okay?"

Fiona sighs as she places the kettle on the stove, she turns and faces him, "I understand. But yell at sister again, I won't be able to help myself." She glares at him.

Hopper sighs, he knew she meant that. "I'll try. Look, there'll always be times when we will argue. It's shows how much they care." He stutters. "I was angry because I was worried. And when I get angry, I don't think." He sighs and looks around, seeing the bookcase still on the ground and glass still covered the entire cabin. He turns and looks back at her, "But, seriously, I'm still punishing El for breaking the rules. As punishment, she needs to clean up her mess. I'll talk to her when I get back. Calmly." He says and turns to leave.

Hopper walks to his truck and as he drew closer and closer, he could hear the radio blaring with Flo's voice.

"Come in, Hop. Come in, Hop. Come in, Hop." Her voice was filled of annoyance and frustration.

Hopper grunts as he gets into the truck, "Yeah. Yeah, I'm on my way in, and, yes, I do know what time it is." He answers the COMM.

"Joyce Byers has called eight times already this morning. Eight times. For my sake, please deal with her!" Flo exclaims in exasperation.

Hopper frowns, wondering why Joyce was calling the station. He starts up the truck and heads off towards her house to find out.

Fi watches from the windows as she peeks out to see Hopper's truck driving off in the distance. She sighs and sees El still in her room. But, she begins to wonder what Hopper and Jace were talking about. What is Sex Ed? She frowns and walks towards her books, scanning the titles. None of them had the words Sex or Ed on them. Nor in the pages. She frowns again and finds the dictionary.

"Sex. Sex. Sex." She points at the word in the 'S' pages. "'Sex: the state of being male or female : men or male animals as a group or women or female animals as a group'. Hmm." She had a feeling that wasn't what Hopper was talking about, so she continues to read. "'Physical activity in which people touch each other's bodies, kiss each other'." She knew what kiss is, she and Jace kiss all the time. But was that considered as 'sex'? She wondered and continues to read. "'Physical activity that is related to and often includes sexual intercourse'." She trails her fingers over the words. "Sexual intercourse." She mutters and frowns at that word.

She moves and looks through the books Hopper had on the book case, which was now scattered all over the floor. She looks at every book he had and frowns when she founds a book she never seen before. He must have had this hidden away.

"'The Joys of Sex'." She frowns at the title. She begins to read the first pages and frowns at what the writer was explaining. When she turns the pages, she begins to see pictures of a couple kissing. Then soon, the couple was taking their clothes off. Her eyes widen when the couple was naked now. She never seen a naked male before. She begins to read more and view more of the pictures. She frowns when she gets to a picture and holds it up, tilting her head to understand what the couple was doing. The man was on top of the woman and...Fiona guesses...she liked it. Or she was in pain.

"'Missionary: The couple lies face to face with the penetrating partner on top and the receiving partner on their back'." She mutters, then flips the page to see a picture of couple doing the 'missionary' position. Fiona's eyes widen and she yelps, throwing the book across the room with a shocked look. THAT WAS SEX?!!!

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