Chapter 2: Meet Mad Max

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At Hawkins High, Nancy was helping Steve with an entrance essay for college.  But from what Nancy reads, it didn't look like that Steve had a good chance of impressing the board.  She skims through his work and frowns at what she was reading.  Steve watches her face expressions and sighs in disappointment.

"It's crap, I know." He mutters. 

Nancy shakes her head, "No, it's not crap."

"It's not good." Steve argues with a scoff, having no faith in himself.

"It's going to be." Nancy says and stutters as she tries to explain without hurting his feelings, "Just...It needs some reorganizing." She says gently. 

Steve sighs, rubbing his bottom lip nervously as she continues to go over the essay.

"Can I mark on it?" She asks as she gets her pen ready. 

Steve shrugs, "Yeah, I guess."

With her pen, she marks one area, "So, in the first paragraph, you used the basketball game versus Northern as a metaphor for your life, which is great." But her tone falters when she moves to another part, "But then, around here, you start talking about your granddad's experiences in the war. And I..." She begins to stammer in confusion. "I don't see how they're connected." She says, frowning at him. 

Steve tries to think how to explain it to her, "It connects because...because, you know, we both won." But the look on her face made him think twice. "Do you think I should start from scratch?" He asks. 

"No. I mean..." How can she put this delicately? "When's the deadline?" She asks. 

"It's tomorrow for early application." He says, then perks up at an idea, "Can you come and help me tonight?" He asks. 

"We have our dinner tonight, remember?" She reminds him about having dinner with the Hollands.  As in Barbara's parents.

Steve falls back against his seat in dread, "Oh, my God!" He rolls his eyes.  He didn't want to see those people after what happened to Barb.  

"We already canceled last week." She protests, but sighs, "You don't have to go. Just work on this." She says.

But Steve snatches the essay out of her hands and balls it up, "No, no, no. What's the point?" He scoffs. 

"Hey, calm down." She tries to sooth him, but he was still bothered.

"I'm calm. I'm calm.  I'm just being honest. You know, I mean...I'll end up working for my dad anyway." He shrugs, trying to dilute himself from the bad side of not getting into the college he wants. 

"That's not true." She scoffs at him. 

"I don't know, Nance. " He sighs softly, "Is that such a bad thing? There's insurance and benefits and all that adult stuff. And if I took it, you know, I could be around for your senior year."

Sighing, Nancy rolls her eyes, "Steve..."

"Just to look after you a little bit.  Make sure you don't forget about this pretty face." He says.

Nancy chuckles, shaking her head at his teasing.

"Nance, I'm serious." He says, he was honestly afraid of losing her.  He didn't want anyone to win her heart while he was gone to college.  When she looks up at him, he leans forward to kiss her lips softly.  He smiles down at her when the kiss breaks, "I love you." He says when he pulls away. 

"I love you, too." She smiles at him.  She did...she truly did...but...

Suddenly, they both look ahead as they hear the loud sound of a car engine revving.  A blue Camaro zooms into the parking lot of the high school as the tires screech loudly.  Nancy and Steve get out to watch and see who it was causing the ruckus.  They never seen that car before, but Nancy heard there were going to be a new kid arriving. 

Coming out of the driver's side, a teenager with a blond mullet steps out, exhaling smoke as he looks around.  A middle school girl with red hair and a skateboard gets out of the passenger's side and takes off skating towards Hawkins Middle.  Neither of them said anything to each other as they parted their ways.  

Meet Billy Hargrove.  Seventeen years old and full of arrogant rage.  Always trying to be the top alpha everywhere he goes.  No matter what.  As he walks towards the school, a group of popular girls were admiring him from afar, including Carol.  

"Who is that?" A blond popular girl asks as she grins at the sight of Billy before her. 

"I have no idea.  But would you check out that ass? Just look at it go." A brunette popular girl giggles as the three of them admire Billy's ass shape over his jeans.  Twirling their hair as they giggle with fantasies roaming through their minds. 

Carol chews her gum and grins while she silently makes Billy her next mission to score.  


As one class was over, Will opens his locker to get his books for his next class.  But he frowns when he sees something in his locker.  He picks it up and unfolds it to see the old news article about himself from last year.  But someone took a green marker, marking his eyes and scribbles 'Zombie Boy' over his picture.  

Will sighs heavily and looks around to see if who could it be.  But he didn't see anyone paying attention to him.  This wasn't the first time people have been teasing him about what happened to him last year.  Ever since, the bullying has been worse.  He was tired of it. 

Soon, the warning bells rings and he balls up the article, tossing it back into his locker and heads off towards his class. 

Mr. Clarke places a plastic mold of a brain on top of his desk for display. 

"Meet the human brain." He says as he a lot of his students were bored, but only Lucas, Dustin, Mike, and Will were interested in what he had to say.  "I know. I know, it doesn't look like much. A little gross even, right? But consider this. There are a hundred billion cells inside of this miracle of evolution. All working as one. No, no, I did not misspeak. I did not stutter. A hundred billion." He says.

Soon, the door closes and everyone's attention aims towards to see who was here.  It was the principal with the same girl who came with Billy at the high school.  She seems like she was trying to avoid the attention on her while Mr. Clarke and the Principal were talking. 

"Ah, this must be our new student." Mr. Clarke smiles. 

The four boys perk up as they see a new girl entering their classroom.  

"Indeed. All yours." The principal says and turns to leave. 

"All right. Hold up." Mr. Clarke says as he stops the girl from going to her desk. "You don't get away that easy. Come on up. Don't be shy." He says as he gestures her to come back and stand next to him. "Dustin, drum roll." Mr. Clarke says and Dustin closes his book to drum over it. "Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California, the latest passenger to join us on our curiosity voyage, Maxine."

Dustin and Lucas seemed very curious about her as Dustin sends her a big smile.  But his smile drops when she talks. 

"It's Max."

"Sorry?" Mr. Clarke asks. 

"Nobody calls me Maxine. It's Max." Max says as she corrects him. 

Lucas and Dustin snap towards each other in shock, "Mad Max." They whisper. 

"Well, all aboard, Max." Mr. Clarke says and lets her go to her desk.  

Lucas, Dustin, Mike, and Will all followed her with their eyes as she walks to her desk and slumps in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest.  They could see she was in a mood.  Like she didn't want to be there.  But it's school, no one wants to be here.  Now that the boys knew her name and it was similar to the one on the scoreboard of Dig Dug, but is she truly Mad Max?


Joyce was still working at Melvald's, which was a miracle because of how she acted last year.  But Donald was very understanding.  With her being so stressed about Will's disappearance, his funeral, then he was found alive and well.  Donald let everything slide as long as she worked double shifts to pay for the lights and phones she bought from him.  After a few months of hard work, she managed to pay for everything to make up for her behavior.  

She sat at the cash register as she sews up Will's costume.  The store was quiet, until Bob Newby walks in, the manager of Radio Shack.  

"Hey, there." Bob greets her with a smile. 

"Hey." She smiles back. 

Bob grabs an orange plastic pumpkin trick or treat container and holds it up, "Do you have these in any other colors? I'm not a big fan of orange." He says with a grin. 

"Hmm...I'll have to check in back." Joyce says with a sly smile.  Before she knew it, she was shoved into the stock room, heavily making out with Bob.  She gasps when an item falls off the shelf.  "Oh, shit!" She giggles and moves out of his arms to get the item and place it back on the shelf, "You're gonna get me fired." 

Bob chuckles, "That's my master plan. Get you fired so I can hire you and we won't have to hide back here." He says as she goes back to kissing her passionately, moving his lips to her neck as his nibbles.  

Joyce laughs, "Bob? Bob, I have to get back to work." She says. 

Bob pulls back, "I know. I'm sorry. I can't stop thinking about you.  It's crazy. I feel like a teenager." He says. 

"Me, too."

"You know, in high school, you didn't know who I was." Bob says.

Joyce scoffs and chuckles, "Come on." She giggles when he starts kissing her again, "Bob, I have to get back to work." She says. 

He sighs and stops his teasing, "Okay."

"Go sell your electronic thingamajiggies, and I'll see you tonight for movie night." She says smiling as she pushes him away gently and playfully.

"Jonathan's night to pick?" He asks. 


"Okay." He turns to leave, but rushes back to kiss her again, making her laugh against his lips, "Okay. Okay." He says then finally pulls away again.  

"Okay." She laughs and watches him go to the door, but stops when he sees a green pumpkin. 

"Hey, look, a green one." He chuckles with her and turns to leave, but he stops and turns to her, "Tell Jonathan not to pick anything scary. I hate scary movies." He says. 

Joyce nods and smiles as he leaves, covering her flushed cheeks.  


After leaving the station, Hopper went on to investigate what's going on at Merrill's farm.  When he got there, he was welcomed by the overpowering scent of rotten pumpkins.  He has smelled rotten pumpkins before, but this was more overwhelming.  Merrill was waiting for him at the house and begins to guide him towards the 'scene of the crime'. 

"You're saying this was fine yesterday?" Hopper asks as he looks at the large field that was covered with hollow black pumpkins and flies swarming around them.  

"Fine?" Merrill scoffs, "These were prize winners, Chief. You should've seen 'em. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what happened. And then I remembered...Eugene."

"What about him?"

"He's been complaining about me to just about anyone who'll listen."

"Why's that?"

"Well, he started this 'Pick Your Pumpkin' thing.  Acted like it was trademarked.  I said, 'Hire yourself a damn lawyer.  See how far that gets you.'" Merrill states.

They stop walking and Hopper turns to face him with a frown, it didn't make any sense for two farmers, who've been butting heads since he became Chief, to go so far over a feud. 

"You're telling me that nice old Eugene came out here after dark and doused your field with poison?" Hopper asks. 

"Not Eugene himself. I'm thinking one of his field hands." Merrill suggests. 

"Uh-huh." Hopper reaches in his back pocket for his swiss army knife and bends down to exam the pumpkin better.  It was completely rotted inside and out.  Hollow as if the the mold ate away in the innards.  

"Listen, Chief, I don't go throwing around accusations lightly. You know me. This happening the day before Halloween, when sales are peaking? That's a hell of a coincidence.  Hell of a coincidence." Merrill says. 

Hopper looks up as he catches a glimpse of the withered stalks moving.  He couldn't hear much with the flies buzzing around his ear, but he could see that someone was in there.  Watching them.  

"You got somebody working on that field?" Hopper asks. 

From the looks of Merrill's face, he could see that Merrill didn't.  Hopper places his knife back into his pocket and orders Merrill to stay behind.  He walks into the stalks.  He takes off his sunglasses and gets his gun as he begins to hear rustling.  He walks slowly through the stalks, scanning the area as he continues to hear rustling.  It grew louder as he reaches the scarecrow.  

A loud screeching makes him jump and yell in fright when a big black crow flies out of the stalks and lands on the shoulder of the scarecrow.  Panting heavily as he tries to calm his nerves, Hopper glares at the crow that caws at him repeatedly. 

"Yeah, screw you, too." He mutters and turns to head back to Merrill.  

Hopper had to admit, it was strange to see the pumpkins rot so quickly.  Poison was an option, but he didn't believe it was Eugene who could have done this.  Maybe it was a prank.  But, throwing poison everywhere was a health risk for his town.  He couldn't let this go.  He needed to find out who was doing this.  He walks back to his truck and gets on his COMM. 

"Jace, come back." He says. 

After a few seconds, Jace's voice fills the speakers, "I read you, Unc.  Over." 

"I'm over at Merrill's and it's pretty bad over here.  All of his pumpkins have been destroyed." Hopper says.

"Who would sabotage Merrill's farm?" Jace scoffs. 

"Well, right now, Merrill is pointing fingers at Eugene."

"Eugene?! Are you telling me those two idiots are still at each other's throats?" Gloria's voice suddenly erupts from the speakers. 

"Glory, get off this channel." Hopper demands. 

"Sorry, Unc.  I don't know Eugene as well as you and Gloria do, but I doubt someone like him would do this." Jace's voice speaks out.  

"Yeah, I agree.  Eugene couldn't have done this, but someone did." Hopper sighs and checks his watch.  "Listen, we have to be at the lab in a few minutes.  Can you send someone to test out the pumpkins and figure out what kind of poison was used?  Maybe that'll give us something." 

Jace sighs over the speakers, almost forgetting that he has another physical with Hawkins Lab.  After his encounter with the Demogorgon, the lab wants to keep an eye on him and Will.  Especially Will since he was in Upside Down for a week, "Ok, Unc. No problem.  I'll see you at the lab. Over and out." 

Jace sets his COMM down and looks at his arm.  He unbuttons his sleeve and pulls it up to expose the long scar of claw marks that started from his shoulder to his wrists.  The ugly redness with black and purple mixed in his veins.  It was a constant reminder of that night when he lost Fiona.  


The bell has rang once again for Hawkins High and Nancy and Jonathan were exiting their period but gets stopped at the door by Tina, a friend of Nancy's.  

"Hey. Be there." Tina says as she hands out flyers to her Halloween Party.  She smiles as she sees Nancy, "Hey, Nancy." She says as she hands Nancy a flyer. 

"Hey! Thanks." Nancy smiles back and reads the flyer, but turns when she notices Jonathan didn't get one. "Oh, could I get one more?" She asks. 

"Yeah, sure." Tina says as she gives her another flyer. 

With a sly smile, Nancy slaps the flyer into Jonathan's chest, "You're coming to this." She states. 

Jonathan frowns as he takes the flyer, reading the words posted on the front, "'Come and get sheet faced'. No, I'm not." He scoffs. 

"I can't let you sit all alone Halloween. That's just not acceptable." She says. 

"Well, you can relax. I'm not gonna be alone. I'm going trick-or-treating with Will." Jonathan says.

Nancy frowns, "All night?"


Nancy could see through his lies, "No, no way. You're gonna be home by 8:00, listening to the Talking Heads and reading Vonnegut or something."

Jonathan laughs, "Sounds like a nice night."

"Jonathan, just come. I mean, who knows, you might even, like, meet someone." Nancy says, not realizing Steve sneaking up behind her and makes a grab for her as he wraps his arms around her waist and picks her up in the air, making her shriek.

Steve chuckles, but Jonathan knew he should leave them alone.  It hurt him still that she's with him.  Even though they never said anything, but he remembers the moment they had.  That one moment when she was with him...he'll always cherish it.  He guesses maybe he was hoping that she would be with him.  But who was he kidding?  

"Oh, my God! Take those stupid things off." Nancy scorns at Steve as she turns in his arms and smacks him for scaring her. 

"I missed you." Steve says with a smile as he takes off his sunglasses at her wish and leans down to kiss her lips.  

Nancy scoffs against his lips and pulls away from the kiss, "It's been like an hour."

"Tell me about it." He laughs and keeps kissing her till she was protesting.

"Okay. Okay, okay. God." She laughs. 

"Sorry." He chuckles.

Nancy opens her locker and turns to where Jonathan was, but he was long gone.  


Watching from afar, Lucas, Mike, Will, and Dustin were all stalking the new girl with curiosity.  All were wondering the same thing, but mostly a few were more curious about her than just the fact that she could be the mysterious Mad Max of Arcade Palace.   

From where they watched, they see Max skateboarding over the courtyard during lunch.  

"There's no way that's Mad Max." Mike doubted.  

"Yeah. Girls don't play video games. And even if they did, you can't get 750,000 points on Dig Dug." Will says. 

"It's impossible."

"But her name is Max." Lucas argues. 

"So what?" Mike scoffs.

"So, how many Maxes do you know?"

"I don't know." Mike shrugs.

"Zero. That's how many." Lucas states. 

"She shows up at school the day after someone with her same name breaks our top score. I mean, you kidding me?" Dustin points out. 

"Exactly. So she's gotta be Mad Max." Lucas says. 

"And plus she skateboards, so she's pretty awesome." Dustin grins. 

Mike scoffs at him in disbelief, "Awesome? You haven't even spoken a word to her."

"I don't have to. I mean, look at her." Dustin says and goes back to starring at the new girl, only to see that she was gone, "Shit, I've lost the target."

The four of them searched out and Will spots her by the stairs, "Oh! There." He says. 

They watch Max carry her board up the stairs, but they see she tosses something into the bin bellow her.  While she goes inside, they rush towards the garbage bin and Dustin dives inside to search for what she threw away.  Mike and the others all waved at passing students who gave them weird looks.  

Dustin straightens as he holds up a piece of paper, "Got it. There we go." He unfolds the paper for them to see.

"'Stop spying on me, creeps'." They say in unison.

"Well, shit." Dustin says.

"William Byers." Everyone turns at he voice and sees the Principal standing before them.  "Your mother's here." He says.

Will's mood begins to sour when he realizes why his mother was here.  It was time to go visit the lab once again.  He was getting tired of those visits.  And he was tired of how people were looking at him as he walks by students in the hallway as they watch him walk with the Principal.  He could almost feel how they were thinking about him.  How much of a freak he was.  When he walks outside, Joyce waves at him with a smile. 

From across the courtyard, Lucas, Mike, and Dustin watches their friend leave school early again. 

"You guys think he's okay?" Dustin asks.

"He's always weird when he has to go in." Lucas points out. 

"I don't know. He's quiet today." Mike says, shrugging. 

"He's always quiet."

During the drive, Will just kinda spaces out as he watches the tress go by. 

Joyce would look over a few times, making sure he was ok, but he seemed so quiet.  She knew he was tired of being poked and probed, but she just wants him to be safe and healthy.  Him having these episodes were scaring her.  

"You feeling any better?" She asks, but he didn't acknowledge her, "Will?"

Snapping out of his thoughts, he turns to look at her, "Huh?" He mumbles, "Yeah. Yeah, sorry."

"Hey. What did we talk about, huh? You've got to stop it with the sorries." She says. 

"Sorry. I mean, yeah, I know."

"And listen, you know, there's nothing to be nervous about, you know. Just tell 'em what you felt last night and what you saw." She says, but sees his bothered face, "Hey, I'm gonna be there the whole time. So it's gonna be okay. Okay?" 

Will sighs and turns back towards the trees, "Okay."

Finally, they arrived at the lab and Hopper and Jace were waiting for them.  

"Hey, buddy." Hopper greets Will as he puts out his cigarette.  


"Hey, big guy." Jace greets him with a hand shake and a hug.  "Hey, Joyce." 


Jace sighs and walks with them as Hopper tags along, "So, ready to be poked?" He asks sarcastically.  

Will scoffs, knowing that Jace has to go through the same thing since he was attacked.  Together, they were weighed, measured, had blood tests and vitals recorded.  But Jace had to go through some round of physical therapy while Will had to have his brain waves measured. 

Doctor Owens watches Jace lift light weights with his injured arm.  They tested his muscles and nerves with machines. Jace winces a few times when they took biopsies of his injured flesh and muscles.  

"Well, you're healing very nicely over the past few months.  I see the surgery scars have healed up nicely.  Your muscles and nerves are still active and alive." Owens says as he exams Jace's arm.  

"So how much longer are you going to do all these tests?" Jace scoffs at him. 

"It's best to keep an eye on it.  We known very little of the creature that injured you.  It's best to always be cautious for any unpredictable side effects." Owens reassures him. 

But Jace still think this is pointless.  He felt fine and never had any sort of effect happening to him.  Sure there has been tenderness at times, but that's normal. Other than that, nothing life threatening.

  "You can get dressed now and join me with Will if you like." Owens says as he takes down the final note and waits for Jace to get dressed.  

Soon, dressed back in his uniform, Jace walks in first with Owens behind him. Joyce and Hopper perk up.  

"Everything ok?" Hopper asks. 

"Fit as a fiddle like always.  Muscle and nerves working great.  But still need to keep an eye on those scars.  I'll get a nurse to refill on that topical antibiotic cream." Owen says and sighs as he turns to Will, "Sir Will, how are you?  Mom. Pop." 

Hopper glares at him as Joyce sends a nervous chuckle.  Jace rolls his eyes as he sits next to Hopper on another stool.  

Owens begins to go over Will's file, "Let's take a look, see what's going on here. I see you shaved off a pound since we saw you last. Must be making room for all that Halloween candy. What's your favorite candy? Desert island candy, if you had to pick one." He tries to strike up a conversation with him, trying to get his mind off of the tests.

"I don't know." Will shrugs.

"Come on. Life or death situation, what would you pick?"

Will looks over to his mom for help, "I guess...Reese's Pieces."

Joyce mouths, "Reese's Pieces." She nods, knowing her son so well. 

"Good call. Good call. I'm more of a Mounds guy, but I gotta say, peanut butter and chocolate, come on, hard to beat that. All right, tell me what's going on with you. Tell me about this episode you had." He says, going right to the point. 

While Will explained word for word what happened, the scientists in another room watches and records everything.

"Well, my friends were there and then they just weren't, and I was back there again."

"In the Upside Down? All right, so what happened next?" 

"I heard this noise, and so I went outside, and it was worse."

"How was it worse?"

"There was this storm." Will's brain waves begin to grow strong as he thinks back about the storm he saw.  

"Okay. So how did you feel when you saw the storm?" Owens asks, noticing how high Will's waves were going.  

"I felt...frozen."

"Heart racing?"

Will shakes his head, "Just frozen."

"Frozen, cold frozen? Frozen to the touch?"

"No. Like how you feel when you're scared, and you can't breathe or talk or do anything. I felt...felt this evil, like it was looking at me." Thinking he could have sworn he saw something in the storm, but wasn't sure.

"It was evil?" That concerned Owens, but only a little.  He clears his throat, "Well... What do you think the evil wanted?"

"To kill." The waves begin to whirr rapidly. 

"To kill you?" Owens asks. 

"Not me." Will slowly turns to look at Owens with a scared look, "Everyone else."

Owens thinks about that, but wasn't sure if he should take it seriously.  After all, these were just flashbacks.  Nothing to worry about.  

After Will got dressed, he waiting outside while Joyce, Hopper, and Jace sat in Owens' office as he explains what he has diagnosed. 

"All right, I'm gonna be honest with you. It's probably gonna get worse before it gets better."

Joyce scoffs at him, "Worse? He's already had two episodes this month."

Owens tries to calm her, "He'll likely have more before the month is out. It's called the Anniversary Effect. And we've seen this with soldiers. The anniversary of an event brings back traumatic memories. Sort of opens up the neurological floodgates, so to speak." He says. 

"So what does this mean for the kid? He's gonna have more episodes, nightmares?" Hopper asks. 

"Yeah, that. Maybe some personality changes. He might get irritable. He might lash out." Owens says as he lists the possibilities. 

"What do we do when that happens?" Joyce asks. 

"Okay. Well, from what we know about post-traumatic stress...And we're still learning, okay? Just treat him normally. Be patient with him. Don't pressure him to talk. Just let him lead the way." Owens says. 

Looking at him in disbelief, Joyce need to hear that again to get that right, "I'm sorry, what you're saying is it's gonna get worse and worse and we're just supposed to pretend it's not happening?"

"It sounds counterintuitive, I know. But I assure you that is really the best thing you can do for him. Listen. I understand what you went through last year. I get it. But those people are gone.  They're gone. Okay? So if we're gonna get through this, I just... I need you to realize I'm on your side. I need you to trust me."

"'Trust me'? Are you kidding me?" Joyce exclaims as the three of them walk outside towards their cars.  

"Yeah, I know. But, you know, university gives out a degree, this guy's got it." Hopper scoffs. 

"Joyce, I hate to say it, but Dr. Owens is right about PTSD.  It's going to be a long hard road for Will.  What he experienced in there isn't something a child should see.  But, he's home and he's going to be ok." Jace pats her back. 

Joyce sighs and nods, "I just want this to be over." 

"I know. Just one day at a time, ok?"

"Have you been having nightmares?  Since that night?" She asks, nodding at his hand.  

Jace sighs and holds up is hand, "No more than usual.  But I can deal with it better than Will.  If you want a second opinion, you know Gloria is always happy to help.  Give you a peace of mind." 

Joyce chuckles, "And hear her curse Owens in every word she knows in Yiddish." She points out.  "But, it wouldn't hurt.  I'll talk to Will and see what he thinks." 

"Ok." Jace nods.

"How's Bob the Brain?" Jim asks. 

Joyce scoffs at him, "Don't call him that."

"Sorry. Old habit." Jim grins at her. 

"He's good. We're good." Joyce says. 

"Good. I'm happy for you. Really. Hey...Things get worse, you call me first. You call me." Hopper states. 

Joyce nods and throws her ciagrette away, "Okay."

"And if you can't get a hold of Unc, call me or Gloria." Jace says. 

Joyce nods, "I will." And she gets into the car. 

Jace holds up a hand, waving Will good-bye, "Take care, Will.  See you later." 

"Later, Jace." Will says from the window.  

Hopper turns and sees Owens watching them from the entrance.  Owens waves at them, but Hopper and Jace simply glare at him.  

"I don't trust him." Jace mutters as he gets into the truck.

"Welcome to the club, Kid." Hopper scoffs and gets into the drivers side, heading off back to the station.  

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