Prologue: There is Another...

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October 28, 1984...

A year has passed since that night on Mirkwood.  The town has slowly recovered from their visit from the Demogorgon of the Upside Down.  Will Byers was back home with his family and Eleven and Five were still missing.  The lab was now taken over by new doctors and scientists who still continue to keep the secrets locked away from the clueless citizens.  But Mike and his friends, along with the Chief Hopper, Jace, Gloria, and Joyce still know and always will remember that terrible night.  

Mike never gave up to search for Eleven, he continues still to call out to her.  Knowing she was in Upside Down with her sister.  He needed to make sure she was ok.  Safe and sound.  

Jace has finally been accepted to John Hopkins, his dream college.  But he can't leave.  Not yet.  Something was telling him to stay in Hawkins.  It wasn't the savings for the move, which was still low, but it was a gut feeling that he was leaving something behind...and his heart was saying that something was Fiona.  She was still out there...and he wasn't going to leave without her.  

With everyone going on with their lives, healing slowly, no one ever gave the thought of the possibility that what if Eleven and Five weren't the only ones who escaped from the lab...

In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a group of masked individuals flee a building in and get into a van with the alarms blaring from the building behind them.  

"Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" A man shouts from behind his mask as his large mohawk flaps as he runs with his group.  The man calls himself Axel.  

"Move it." 

A woman with wild blonde hair, named Dottie, rushes to get into the van with her crew.  Axel was the last as he slides the door closed behind them quickly.

"Let's get out of here!" Dottie shouts.   

Their driver, Mick, had the van already started up.  Once the door slams shut, she drives them all away from the scene of the crime.  As soon as she makes the sharp U-turn, a cop car was already on the way and turns to follow them 

"Headed down Poplar, toward Main." The police alert in the scanner. 

Mick continues her driving skills to get them away from the cops, but it was becoming difficult.  No matter how fast she drove, they were right on her tail.  

"Get 'em off of us, Mick!" Axel shouts. 

"I'm working on it!" Mick grits out. 

Kali, their leader, knew the streets well, "The alley. To your right." She states. 

"Okay." Mick nods and turns into the alley quickly.  Causing a car to block the cops from following them. Mick's eyes widen when she realizes the alley was a one-way street! "Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" She yells as she struggles to avoid the coming cars.  Horns honked all around as she swirls to avoid being hit.  She crashes into some crates, but still manages to avoid the cars. 

Dottie cackles excitedly as they miss the last car. 

Finally, they were out of there and no cops behind them.

Mick exhales in relief, "Okay. Okay." She sighs.

But it wasn't over...more cops show up as they begin to follow them again.  Their sirens wailing right behind them. 

"Son of a bitch! We got more!"

Mick's eyes widen when she sees the cops in the mirrors, "Oh, shit!"

They could see the cops sending alerts on the scanners, "They're headed down 7th."

"Do something, Kali. Do something!" Axel says, practically begging for her help. 

Kali thinks of where they could go and came up with an idea, "Next right. There's a tunnel. Take it." She says to Mick.

Mick nods and quickly turns towards the path and finds the tunnel.  

The driver cop grins, "We got these bastards now!" He shouts. 

Mick makes it to the tunnels and the cops weren't too far behind.  Everyone was anxious and waiting for Kali to do her thing. 

Kali closes her eyes, calling forth the energy inside her.  She slowly lifts her hand, closing it into a fist.

"Boom." She says.

Before the cop driver knew it, the tunnel entrance begins to collapse.  He slams on his brakes to avoid the falling rocks.  

"Holy shit!" He screams and struggles to stop the car.  

Behind him, the other cops try to stop, but they were too close behind.  They crashed right into him.  

"Shit! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

The driver bangs his head against the door and steering wheel.  He slowly lifts his head and squints when his partner was yelling at him in disbelief. 

"What the hell is wrong with you, Adams? The hell are you doing?" His partner yells. 

Adams, the driver, frowns in pain at him as his partner's voice distorts to his ears, "Adams! Come on. What the hell? Why'd you stop? Adams! Adams!" 

Adams turns to get out of the car and stumbles out with his partner still yelling for him. 

"Adams, I'm talkin' to you!  Adams! Adams!" 

He gets to his feet and looks before him, his vision finally comes back and to his shock and horror...the tunnel was ok.  No rocks.  No debris everywhere.  He couldn't understand it.  He knows it blew.  Why wasn't it here? He slowly begins to was all an hallucination.  But, it seemed so real.  

All that matters now to the other cops was that Adams let the perps escape.  They watch the van zoom far off into the distance.  

Inside the van, everyone was laughing and cheering.  Dottie whoops as Axel laughs in relief.  Sure, everyone was smiling at their success, but Kali...she feels her nose begin to bleed.  When she lifts her hand to wipe away the blood, her sleeve slides down to expose branded numbers on her wrist...008. 

*Yup, I'm back again with a new Stranger Things book.  I got impatient to get started on this.  I really want to finish Hemlock Chronicles, but I still cannot find the transcripts I need for the book.  I don't know why they got rid of them.  I use to go to a website for all sorts of transcripts.  That's how I did my True Anchor series.  With it's help.  and the first book of Hemlock Chronicles.  Really need help with this.  Please let me know what you think of this book.  I'll be posting the first chapter soon.  Lots of love ~Song~* PS: If you guys know any good websites for transcripts...especially Hemlock Grove transcripts, please please let me know.  Drop a comment or message me.  Thank you!

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