|#4. Meeting Her|

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After a tiring love making session, Ruhana sleeps, keeping her head on his chest. He adores her for a moment and he's so lost that he could hear her heartbeats. He trails down the memory lane, when he  first met her,two years ago.

*Flashback Begins - Two years ago*

Vineet is in the initial phase of installing his  business - Shergill Industries. Because of being from a middle class family, he always desired to grow big. Today too, it's Vineet and his long time friend - Rohan Mehra. His dream is to take Shergill industries amongst the top ten in the business world.

Vineet and Rohan take up the first ever project. They are just starting and they don't have money to pay their team, so they are working by themselves. Their hard-work pays off, and the Shergill Industries is awarded with two new projects. Vineet is elated and he has established an office for himself. He's very happy and so is Rohan.

It's a fine day, both Vineet and Rohan are discussing the projects. They sound happy. Vineet looks at Rohan.

"Thanks Rohan, if you hadn't shown interest, this wasn't possible." Vineet thanks his best friend.

"It's my dream too, Vineet. I mean, we had planned it all together. I am glad we are flourishing." Rohan says with a smile.

"That's true! I am glad we confided in each other, otherwise this wasn't possible, truly." Vineet says with a smile.

"Okay! Okay! We'll thank each other later, but now I am thinking that we should begin hiring, what say?" Rohan looks at his friend.

"Sounds good! We have two projects in hand, and there's one more coming soon. We should hire people and assign tasks. We'll be the respective team leaders." Vineet says.

"Me and team leader!! No!!" Rohan shouts and it only makes Vineet laugh.

"Of course! Two of us and two projects! Simple!" Vineet says.

Rohan tries to stop him but vineet isn't ready to listen. He wants their business to be equally handled between him and Rohan. He asks Rohan to hire for employees and then they get busy discussing the project.


A few days pass by. Rohan arrangea the interviews. It's a fine day and Vineet Is in his cabin. In a few minutes, he will be interviewing the candidates and make his team strong. He's busy checking his emails, when there is a knock on the door. He allows the person inside and it's a young girl, probably in her mid twenties.
She's beautiful and one of a kind, I assume. There's a smile playing on her lips and her eyes are shining with confidence. She smiles at Vineet.

"You're Vineet Shergill, right?" she asks him as she enters the room.

"Yeah, but how did you come inside? Didn't Rohan stop you?" Vineet asks, as there's still time for the interviews to start.

"Yeah, he did. But I had to talk to you urgently." She says while glancing at Vineet.

Vineet looks at her, she looks elegant in her crop top and jeans. She's ever so smiling and he likes her confidence to barge into the office and talk to him, she's fearless, and it makes Vineet smile. It seems like  no one can stop her from what she wants to do.

"Are you listening?" she asks loudly,, and it breaks Vineet's trance.

"I heard that you're hiring. And I also  heard that this is a new company. Is it so? " she asks, her eyes never leaving his.

"You heard it right Miss…" Vineet pauses and looks at her.

"Ruhana Dobriyal." she introduces herself.

"So how can I help you, Miss Ruhana ?" Vineet asks and also, he signals her to take her seat opposite him.

"I came here for a job, of course. But now I'm thinking the  other way round."  she says, a sly smile visible on her face.

Vineet looks at her perplexed about her words. He has just opened up and this girl is here thinking some other way round. What could it be? - - he wonders. Ruhana clears her throat and asks him to deal with her.

Vineet is pretty shocked - - the girl is asking her to make her partner in his deals, and she won't let him suffer a loss. Vineet looks at her intently. She doesn't have any experience, it seems and he can't believe her so easily.

"I cannot appoint you like this, Miss Dobriyal. My friend Rohan will interview you. I cannot give you space in a big project like this. You're a newbie, I suppose." Vineet says gently.

"Yes, I am! But, I can assure you that you won't face a deal if you take me." Ruhana says confidently.

Vineet is a bit lost at the moment . She is a job seeker, but very ambitious at the same time. She wants everything to happen once and all for her good. It seems that she is in a hurry for everything. Vineet sighs deeply and glances at her.

"You can work along with other people and we'll see if you're worth it or not." he says looking at her.

She glances at Vineet and he knows that she didn't like the idea, but she's mature enough. She nods her head in affirmation but looks at him.

"Okay I agree, and trust me, you'll not regret your decision." she said and left.

Vineet left in thoughts after she leaves his
cabin. She is young, confident, and beautiful as well. The girls of her age are usually shy unlike her. She's bold enough to speak to Vineet and ask him to include her in the project. It seems that she is aiming for something and is  adamant to achieve it. His thoughts are broken by Rohan.

"Did you appoint Ruhana?" Rohan asks, he's annoyed at the moment.

"Yeah. You'll deal with her." Vineet replies without looking at Rohan.

"She doesn't follow rules and you asked her to join. Are you insane, Vineet? " Rohan shouts in disbelief, as he didn't have a good experience with Ruhana.

Vineet smiles at Rohan, he stands up from his place and keeps his hand on Rohan's shoulder. He's calming him down.

"She seems to be the kind of girl I want, Rohan. There's no harm in trying. We haven't appointed her, she will do her work and then we will decide. " Vineet says coyly.

"I hope you won't make a mistake by choosing her." rohan replies dejectedly.

Vineet nods his head and they leave to take the scheduled interviews, the Shergill Industries has just started to flourish.

To Be Continued.

Flashback continues in the next chapter.

What is in Ruhana's mind?

How will her relationship with Vineet flourish?

Stay tuned.

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