|#6. Knowing About Her|

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Ruhana asks Vineet  for a leave in the middle of the day. He's  surprised at her demand  but allows her to go home. She seems worried and tense, maybe, she's in some kind of problem and that's what's bugging her. Vineet thinks to ask her but before he could ask his question, she has already left the cabin. There's something that tells him that the girl needs help. He follows her and finds her hiring a taxi. He follows her in his car and he's astonished that she stops the taxi in front of a big bungalow and enters the big metal gate.

He parks his car at a side and enters inside the bungalow. Vineet is shocked to see many people in the garden. It seems like some auction is going on. He finds  Ruhana talking to an elderly man, who seems angry. He moves  closer to them such that I could listen to them. She's pleading to the man for something, but he isn't listening to her pleas.

"Please don't do this! I'll do everything but don't put this house on auction." She says.

"Your father did wrong. This house will be auctioned. You won't be able to pay  for it, Young lady." the man says angrily.

"I will. I will make sure. But I am left with this house only. It's the only memory of my mother, please don't do the auction. " she pleads to the old man but he's not paying heed to her.

It seems like something has happened with her family and her house is being auctioned. But she is from a good house and family. Vineet is amused. How can this happen?! When they met she has been confident. She has assured me that  we'll complete the project successfully and we did it too. Today, she's crying. He feels she is not at fault and all that is happening with her is wrong. Vineet moves towards them and asks the matter.

"What is the matter?" he enquires.

"It should not matter to you, Young man. It's our personal matter. Stay out of it." the elderly man shouts at him.

"But you're not listening to her. A girl is crying and you're not paying heed to her. What kind of a gentleman are you?" Vineet shouts at him.

"Is she your girlfriend, that you're shouting at me? Even if she is, she's not worthy of you." the man shouts in the same tone.

"Well, I'll decide that. And better listen to her, otherwise I'll have to take actions." Vineet says angrily.

"Vineet, please let it go." Ruhana speaks in a croaky voice as she stands back on her feet.

"How could you? They're selling your house, and you want to stay quiet?" Vineet asks, surprised with her words.

"Because I can't do anything." she replies tearily.

The older man looked at her with hatred and movesinto the garden where the auction was going on. Ruhana follows him. She's sad, and Vineet knows it, but she doesn't say anything. Is there some reason behind her silence?

"Ruhana why don't you do something?" Vineet asks as he stands by her side.

"I cannot. I don't have money. I can't save this house.." she says tearily.

“But what happened? Why didn’t you tell me? I could have helped.” Vineet says. He's surprised that the sassy girl he has known is so emotional and vulnerable at the moment.

She doesn't reply, instead watches the auction. Vineet looks at her, she's teary eyed, yet she can't do anything to save her house. Vineet feels a pang in his heart. Why is  all this affecting him? He is awestruck at the moment, this girl is surely making an effect on him. She already said she believes in profit. The most confident girl is at her lowest.

Vineet is confused - - confused about Ruhana, her behavior and her actions. Meanwhile, the highest bid is made. The house is sold. There’s no point of saying anything now. Vineet sighs. Ruhana looks at her house for one last time, and starts moving towards the main gate. Vineet follows her.

“Ruhana , we still have a chance.” Vineet says as he wants  to help her but she doesn't listen to him.

As Vineet reaches towards Ruhana, she looks back at her house and begins walking. He holds her hand and asks for her consent.

“Can I ask you something?” He asks softly.

“ What will you do?? You can’t help me Mr. Shergill! Please leave me alone. " she shouts at Vineet.

“Ruhana, I’m trying to help you. “ Vineet says softly.

“I don’t need your help. No, actually ,it’s sympathy. Please leave me. I’ll do something.” she shouts at Vineet.

Vineet sighs deeply. He knows she is pained. She has just lost her house, and he knows that there’s something big behind it. She hasn’t told me about her family yet. Are they alive or dead? And what did her father do that she had to loose her house.

Vineet is lost in his thoughts when he hears a loud sound. Vineet looks at Ruhana, she's arguing with someone. Maybe, someone is there to humiliate her on her loss. She has completely lost her temper.

“Just stop making fun. it’s  all because of him.” she shouts at the new person.

Did she mean her family? Or her dad, in particular? Maybe, he needs to find out.

Ruhana slaps the guy out of anger. It seems she knew him. Vineet walks  towards her and holds her by her shoulder..

“Ruhana, come with me.” Vineet says.

“No, leave me. I can take care of myself.” she retorts angrily and jerks Vineet's head.

“You are coming with me. And that is an order.” Vineet says firmly, holding her hand.

She sighs and glances at the guy hatefully before turning towards Vineet . He made her sit on the passenger seat and he  settles  behind the driving wheel. Vineet glances at her before igniting the car. She has closed her eyes,  trying to calm himself. That’s good. Vineet smiles lightly and then drives towards his home.

Vineet decides to take Ruhana to his home for now, until he can arrange an apartment for her. Vineet glances at her for another time. He has so many questions, but he decides to ask them later. They reach Vineet's home and she's surprised.

“Why did you bring me here? “ she asks him.

“ Listen ruhana, You’re my colleague. I followed you because I felt something was wrong. And certainly, it is. How can I leave you alone? Afterall, we’re friends as well.” Vineet says.

She looks at Vineet. She's surprised by his gesture. She smiles and enters the house.

” Thanks! If it would have been someone else, they won’t do it.” she says softly.

Vineet smiles coyly. There's something on his mind too.

” Yeah , it’s for my benefit too.” Vineet says.

She glances at him and enters the house. It is  a small bungalow as compared to hers. But it's beautiful and elegant at the same time. Vineet gets water for her. She drinks it and seems fine. Vineet glances at her and then asks her something . She shivers at the question and hugs Vineet in the next instant. She says something that leaves Vineet shocked.

To be Continued.

What did Ruhana say?

Stay tuned.

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