Bonus Chapter 5: Jake's POV

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The 4:00 AM wake up call came too damn early.

I rolled over in bed, just far enough to kill the alarm. After my first day on the job you would have thought I'd slept like a baby, but I tossed and turned most of the night, finally falling into a dreamless slumber after two. At least, that was the last time I looked at my phone. There were too many things racing through my mind, and for a change, none of it had to do with things going on back home.

Addison Monroe was a treat I hadn't been expecting, and getting to spend some time with her only left me wanting more.

But first, I had to get through work.

Forcing myself to a standing position, I folded my arms over my head and gave into a good stretch. I can't even remember the last time I slept in a single bed, and every muscle in my body reminded me I wasn't the same size as I used to be.

With heavy-lidded eyes, I tiptoed down the hall using the flashlight on my cell, trying my best not to wake Uncle John and Aunt Kathy. It was kind of nice having the place to myself, with the exception of delicate snores coming from behind the bedroom door next to mine. I wanted to take this time to mentally prepare for the day ahead. Anxiety clenched my stomach every time I envisioned myself working on Henry Monroe's enormous farm, and the last thing I wanted to do was let anyone down. They'd been nice enough to give me a job in the first place, knowing I didn't exactly meet the qualifications.

I was told to be on site bright and early and not to worry about eating breakfast before I left the house, Maggie Monroe would take care of everything.

Probably just a granola bar and an apple stuffed into a brown paper bag; barely enough fuel to get a guy through a grueling morning. Because why would a farmer's wife give two shits about feeding a bunch of sweaty farm hands anyway? After all, they were paying us to work, not consume calories. But then, yesterday's lunch shocked the hell out of me—veggie egg salad sandwiches, which were absolutely delicious. Who knew what other surprises Mrs. Monroe had up her sleeve.

In record time, I showered, threw on work clothes, and grabbed my hat from the dresser, sliding it into place as I closed the front door behind me. As I backed out of the driveway and started down the silent stretch of road, orange and purple clouds twisted like ropes across the horizon. The entire town was still snuggled under the covers except for me.

They told me not to eat breakfast, but the one thing I wasn't about to go without was coffee. Because no one in their right mind started the day without caffeine. And finding the closest gas station was first on my list of things to do.

"Hey, there," the blonde behind the counter said as soon as I stepped inside the tiny shop. Vanilla-scented pastries and freshly brewed beans wafted in the air around me. "You're not from around here, are you?"

I gave her a polite smile. "No, ma'am. I'm not."

Her red-painted lips tugged up at the corner. "Didn't think so. No way a guy like you would go unnoticed around Lakeside. You just passin' through, cowboy?"

"Actually, I'm here for the summer. I'm working at the Monroe family farm."

"Oh, yeah," she said slowly. "Henry and Maggie's place."

I gave her a nod. "That would be the one."

"Good to know." Her green eyes raked over my white T-shirted torso as I poured myself a cup of dark roast and met her back at the register. She smiled again and handed me my change. "Don't be a stranger now, ya here?"

I tipped my hat in her direction and lifted the Styrofoam cup to my lips, allowing the bittersweet steam to tickle my nose. When I pushed open the door, humidity hung heavy in the faint breeze. That could only mean one thing—we were in for another hot day.

Ten minutes later, I pulled into a long, gravel driveway and followed the curved path to the big red barn out back. Henry was already outside talking to Carl, Frank, Kevin, and Miles, all of whom I'd met the day before.

He gave me a friendly wave when I came into view.
"Glad to see you're joining us for breakfast." Henry thrust his hand forward, swallowing mine in his sturdy grip. "Maggie always says it's the most important meal of the day."

"My mom tells me the same thing." I smiled at the thought. "She thinks as long as you start the morning with a plateful of scrambled eggs, you can solve all of the world's problems before the end of the day."

The older man laughed, his faded blue eyes crinkling at the corners. "Sounds like her and my wife would get along just fine."

Miles, the oldest of the bunch, let out a rude cackle. "You'd better get in a good breakfast if you plan to keep up with the likes of us. I've seen guy's twice your size give up before lunch. This work isn't for everyone."

Henry shifted his hat, and a tuft of white hair fell onto his forehead. "Hey now, you watch it. Jake here just started yesterday. I'd prefer to give him some time to catch on before we start throwing daggers." He turned and gave me a sly smile. "At least until mid-afternoon."

Cupping my shoulder, he led me into the house and what met us as we walked through the door was nothing at all what I expected. Brown bag breakfasts were nowhere in sight. Instead, an assortment of aromatic dishes decorated a long, white-clothed table, the heavenly scent making my stomach gurgle with longing.

Wide-eyed, I turned to Henry. "Is this all for us?"

"Sure is," he confirmed with a nod. "My Maggie always takes care of the boys."

"Speak of the devil and she appears," Frank said. He planted a kiss on the older lady's cheek as she entered the room. "And, Addy! What're you doin' here so early? Shouldn't you still be counting sheep?"

At the sound of her name, I turned, and my eyes landed on the Monroe's granddaughter, and she was even more beautiful than I remembered. She wore the shortest shorts I'd ever seen—and was pulling it off quite nicely. When she noticed me looking, her eyes darted away, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. It wasn't my intention to get caught staring, I usually prided myself on being somewhat of a gentleman, but I couldn't get myself to look away. Not when it came to her.

"Oh, you let her be now, Frank," Maggie gently scolded. "I asked Addy to come by and help me with breakfast this morning. Do you know how much work it is feeding you men all the time?"

Frank let out a billowy laugh. "What's gotten into you? You could make breakfast, run the farm, and keep us all in line with one arm tied behind your back. Everyone knows that!"

"Either way, it'll be nice to have some extra help." Mrs. Monroe wiped her hands down the front of her apron and threw Addison a quick smile.

When Addison looked over, her eyes caught mine. Without thinking, a slow smile worked its way across my face. I'd been around enough girls to know when I made them a little nervous, and this girl showed all the tell-tale signs. And Lord help me if I didn't like it. Not the fact that she was uncomfortable, but the way her cheeks reddened had a definite impact on my fragile male ego.

Carl's brows arch in Addison's direction. "Have to admit, kiddo, I'm a bit surprised to see you up at this hour, too."

Addison gave him a delicate shrug. "Like Mags said, I'm here to help with breakfast." She walked closer and gave him a giant hug, and it was then that I noticed the strong family resemblance. There was no denying Addison was his daughter.

"Well, it's good to see you up and at 'em so early," he added, scooping a healthy portion of cheesy hash browns onto this plate.

The guys lined up along the table, helping themselves to every dish offered. When they were satisfied with their heaping portions, they grabbed a seat and dove right in, like this was something they did every day. I was starting to think it probably was.

"I swear to you, Maggie," Frank said as he took a giant bite of pancake, "someday I'm gonna figure out your secret recipe. You must add a sprinkle of magic in every bite!"

Maggie let out a hearty laugh. "Oh, Frank. It's called love."

As everyone ate, friendly banter rose above the table, before we finally discussed the game plan for the day. When Henry engaged me in a detailed conversation about the condition of the tractor, I watched as Addison slipped out the front door and onto the wrap around porch.

Just as soon as I was able to, I grabbed my cowboy hat from the table and followed after her like a puppy. I found her sitting on the porch swing. If I didn't know better, I'd have sworn she was waiting for me.

I slid into the spot next to her. "I wanted to thank you again for showing me around yesterday."

For a moment, all she did was stare. I was starting to wonder if she'd even heard me. "You're welcome," she finally said. And then she gave me a shy smile. "How's your jaw?"

"Tender." I lifted my hand to my chin and gingerly felt along the bone. "For a drunken asshole, that guy sure can hit."

When Addison laughed, it was like music to my ears. Did she even have a clue what being near her did to me? I could hardly believe it myself.

I pushed a hand through my dark waves, trying to calm the racing in my chest. Why was I so nervous? It wasn't like me to have this type of physical response to a female—especially one that was still in high school. "So, what are your plans later?"

She shrugged nonchalantly. "I'll be around."

Unbelievable. This chick had her shit together, and there I was a complete and total mess.

"Good. I guess I'll see you when I see you." I flashed her a grin, one I hoped hid the nervousness that threatened to twist my insides into a giant pretzel. Then, I slid on my hat and stood up from the swing.

As I made my way down the front steps, I took one last glance over my shoulder and I swear on a stack of Bibles she was checking out my backside.

And with God as my witness, she didn't even turn away.


At this time, these are all the bonus chapters I have for Jake's POV. Now I'm back to working on the sequel And Then Came You, so I can start reposting the chapters I've revised and continue writing new ones. Thank you for reading! 🧡

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