Chapter 14

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Ch. 14

The pool party eventually progressed to the large bonfire already started near the lake's edge. Ruby continued to give me googly eyes throughout the entire evening; it was obvious she wanted me to pursue Jake.  And Jake, as it turned out, was quite charming. He had managed to enthrall the rest of the party-goers with his easygoing and confident sense of humor. He'd gotten along with all of my friends, both male and female, and had found a couple admirers along the way.

"Hey man, I heard about what happened the other day between you and Brett," my friend Eric commented to Jake, slapping him on the back with proud-male-sportsmanship. "I hear you kicked his ass!" Eric laughed loudly.  "That bastard deserved it, too. I would have done it myself a long time ago, but I've never actually gotten into it with him.  I just try to keep my distance."

Jake shrugged off the compliment. "He had it coming. If I hadn't done it, someone else would have. Probably Addison, here," he suggested, giving me a sideways wink. "I hear she's got a mean right hook." Everyone laughed as I slugged his shoulder. It was just like him to take the attention off of himself.

"Brett's parents are on vacation this week, and he's been partying at his house every single night. Have you seen him lately?" Eric asked, looking around at the crowd. "He's a train wreck waiting to happen."

Suddenly, Matt, another friend, started laughing. "His mom and dad aren't on vacation- he just said they were! Brett's mom is visiting her parents back in Ohio, and his dad is in Mexico with his new girlfriend." He cackled again, "Didn't you hear? They're getting divorced."

Everyone gathered around the fire began laughing, but I didn't think it was very funny, and judging from the look on Jake's face, neither did he. Making fun of someone else's misfortune wasn't my idea of a good time. Picking up my discarded sandals, I started heading back toward the house, leaving everyone to their mean jokes.

Suddenly, I heard a rustling noise approaching from behind. I turned to find Jake following, a frown covering his face.

"Hey, Addison," he called after me. "Are you alright?"

Why did I feel like he was always asking me that?

I released a heavy sigh. "I'm fine. Sorry, Jake. I just don't want to talk about Brett, is all. I'd like to forget he ever existed."

Jake looked down at the ground and fell into step beside me. "I understand," he said, nodding his head. "It's interesting about his parents, though, don't you think? Maybe it explains some of his inappropriate behavior. Divorce can really screw a kid up."

I shrugged my shoulders, trying to dismiss the whole topic.

Jake gave me a funny look. "You know, when my parent's divorced, I was messed up for a long time. Not that I'm saying it excuses his actions," he added, looking at me with an intense expression. "Nothing excuses the way he treated you."

I supposed he did have a point. If there had been trouble at home, that could have been why Brett was acting out. Still, I didn't want to talk about him. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize your parents weren't together."

"It happens," he said, shrugging one shoulder. "Hey--what do you say we get out of here?" Jake asked suddenly, changing the subject.

"I can't," I responded with a wicked grin, even though I was already sold on the idea. "What about Ruby? She'd kill me."

"Shoot her a text. Tell her you'll see her tomorrow. Besides, I don't think she'll even realize we've left. Did you see the way she was snuggling up that Tommy guy?" he asked with amused eyebrows. "I have a feeling she's going to be too busy to think about us."

I started to laugh. I had noticed that, too. "So, what do you want to do?"

Jake shrugged, but there was a distant gleam of delight in his eyes. "I don't know, but I'm sure we can think of something."

The promise of adventure hung heavy in the air and I felt a shiver of excitement race through me. I was up for almost anything he had in mind. Without hesitating, I gave him a nod.

"Let's get outta here then." He smiled down at me and reached for my hand. His grasp was warm and comforting, and I felt my insides stir. We walked quickly toward his truck so we could escape before anyone noticed. I stole a sideways peek at Jake and marveled again at his handsome features. He was truly the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen in my life.

I'd been a little nervous about introducing him to my friends, but realized it had been a good idea after all. It'd been a long time since we had a newcomer to our group, and the prospect of meeting someone different--and older--had left my friends duly impressed. Jake opened the truck door for me and I hopped inside, anxious to see what kind of plans he had in mind for the rest of the evening. I didn't have to be home until 12:30, and the night was still young. He slid into the driver's seat and regarded me with a slow smile.

"Let's go," he said, turning the key and pulling the truck into gear. We sprung forward down the drive and I looked out the window into the side mirror at my reflection. I was happy to see that the breeze from the lake had given my long hair an attractive, tousled appearance.  I glanced back at Jake and found him staring at me.

"You look very pretty," he said, then reached for my fingers and brought the back of my hand to his lips. He planted a small kiss and gave my hand a gentle squeeze. Suddenly, I wondered if he had any idea of the effect he had on me.

I hated to admit it, but I was falling fast.

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