Chapter 16

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Ch. 16

Sunday morning after church found me with my cellphone glued to my hand, awaiting Jake's promised call. I'd had an amazing time with him the night before and was anxious to get together again. I hoped he felt the same way. His call finally came shortly before noon.

"Are you busy?" he asked after I picked up. "I was hoping we could get together later. Maybe dinner and a movie?"

"I think I can manage that," I responded coyly. I could practically hear Jake grin on the other end.

"There's an old show playing at the drive-in. Have you ever seen Casablanca?"

Suddenly, I burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?"

"I thought you were going to say Godzilla, or something," I responded back in surprise.

"Do you really think I am so shallow I would rather watch a cheap cinematic horror film as opposed to one of the greatest romantic melodramas of our time?" Jake exclaimed, in mock disbelief.

"I'm sorry, I'm having a difficult time understanding your educated, college lingo. I am, after all, an immature teenager and classic Godzilla would be the preferred choice among most people my age."

"Well then, please allow me to enlighten you with my more advanced intellect." Jake laughed. "Seriously, Addison, if you've never seen this movie you don't know what you're missing."

I thought for a moment before responding. A drive-in movie seemed a bit dangerous--from a parents perspective, anyway--and I didn't know if mine would allow me to go.

Somehow, Jake read my mind. "I can talk to your parents, if you like. I'll ask for their permission. That way they don't get the wrong idea."

"You're a brave man, Jake Grady." I smiled into the cellphone. "I'm going to take you up on that. I don't want to see their faces when they find out their baby girl--and only child--has been invited to the drive-in by a college man."

I heard him chuckle on the other end. "Okay, so it's settled. I'll pick you up at 5:30."

"You're awfully confident. You haven't even asked them yet."

"I'm not worried," he responded boldly.

An hour later, my mom approached me as I was reading a book on the back deck. Completely absorbed in Bella and Edward's love affair, I didn't hear her walk onto the patio.

"So," she began, clearing her throat. "I hear you're going to the movies tonight with Jake?"

I looked up from the story, my eyes wide with surprise. "Really? I'm allowed to go? You and Dad don't mind?"

She gave me a small smile and held my gaze. "Yes, you can go. But Addy... We need to have a talk first." She walked closer to me, but did not sit down.  I could tell something serious was on her mind.

"Jake's an older guy..." she began, hesitantly. "And while he seems like a perfectly nice young man, college guys sometimes have ideas..." her voice trailed off, clearly embarrassed.

I felt my face flush at the prospect of the difficult topic. "Mom, he is a nice guy. And he would never expect anything more from me than I was prepared to give."

Nervous, she cleared her throat again. "It's not so much Jake I'm worried about, honey. I mean, don't get me wrong--I'm concerned. Honestly, it's you." 

My jaw dropped in astonishment. My mother didn't trust me with Jake?

"I've seen the way you look at him, Addy. And he is an extremely handsome boy. I know you're growing up and I can't watch over you forever. I just want to know that you're going to make smart choices."

I fought the urge to bring up my lunch. Was she saying that she didn't trust me? The shocked expression on my face must have given me away.

"It's not that I don't trust you, honey--I know you have a good head on your shoulders. But this is your first real  date, and eventually there will be decisions you're going to need to make. Just remember, when you make certain choices, it's impossible to go back to the way things used to be."

Uh oh. We were actually going to have the sex talk. Embarrassed, I looked away from her.

"Addy, I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable..."

"I know, Mom," I interjected.

"But there are some things I need you to hear. I'm not going to lecture you on..." Uncomfortable pause. "...taking precautions. We've already had that discussion years ago. But you need to keep in mind that decisions you make today can affect your entire life."

"Mom, please! I'm not going to have sex with him!"

Mom cringed. "Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow. But there's a strong attraction between the two of you--I can see it. And you're practically an adult. What kind of mother would I be if I didn't bring these things up?" she asked gently. "Look, it's just as uncomfortable for me to talk about this as it is for you to hear it. When I look at you I still see my baby, carrying around a rag doll and wearing pigtails in her hair. And even though you're not a little girl anymore, you'll always be my little girl. You're turning into a beautiful, young lady, Addy. And you're smart, too. So much smarter than I was at your age."

I looked at her carefully, trying to read between the lines. What was she admitting to? We'd never discussed Mom's life before Dad.

"I had an older boyfriend when I was in high school, and he broke my heart," Mom admitted, as if she could read my mind. "And I need you to understand that when you make grown up choices, you can never take them back. I'm just afraid you're going to get in over your head."

Suddenly, her eyes filled with tears and a wave of empathy washed over me. "Mom," I began, standing up and walking over to her. "You don't need to worry about me. I'm not ready right now to have sex. With Jake, or anyone else. And yes, someday I will have to make certain choices. But I promise you, those choices will not be made tonight."

Mom sighed softly in relief. But if we were going to have this talk it was best to just lay it all out on the table. "And when that time comes," I continued, "I'll take into consideration every possible consequence that accompanies my decision. You and Dad have done a good job raising me and now you have to trust me to do the right thing. Maybe you won't always agree with my choices, but I promise you I will not compromise myself or my beliefs."

Mom smiled at me and wiped a stray tear from her cheek. "I love you, Addy." She pulled me into a tight hug. "And your father and I do trust you."

After a long moment, she pulled away and held my face in her hands. "You make us so very proud."

I returned her smile and planted a kiss on her cheek. "I love you, too, Mom."

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