Chapter 8

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I cleared my throat. "I just want to say thank you--again--for dealing with Brett." I addressed Jake with averted eyes.

"Addison," he began, and then hesitated.

I looked up and noticed he was struggling for words, his eyebrows creased with uncertainty. "How long has this been going on? Your trouble with Brett, I mean?" Jake looked down at me in concern.

I shrugged, avoiding his gaze. I didn't want to admit that things had gotten increasingly tense since prom night. "He's just upset about what happened at the dance," I shrugged, trying to make light of the situation.

"And you think that excuses his behavior?" he asked in surprise.

"No! Of course not. But what am I suppose to do? Things are different when you live in a small town. There are politics involved. He would make my life a living hell if I gave him trouble."

"So, you're just going to let him get away with harassing you? Spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder?"

I swallowed hard, overcome by my own guilt. "That won't be an issue. Next year I'll be in college, far away from this place..." my voice trailed off with ambivalence.

Jake let out an ill-humored laugh and ran a tanned hand through his hair in exasperation. I watched him intently and wondered why he even cared, after all, we had only just met.

He looked back at me with intense eyes. "You think you'll be free from assholes like Brett once you go to college?" he asked quizzically. "Have you even told your parents?"

"God, no! Are you crazy?" I accused. What is he thinking?

"Look, I want you to tell me if you have any more problems with him. Promise me you will, Addison," he added urgently.

I rolled my eyes and reluctantly agreed, completely embarrassed by the conversation. I felt like a child; defiant, stubborn and unskilled at dealing with problems. After a minute of standing there, I broke the awkward silence. "Can you please take me home now?"

Jake shot me a funny look. I looked away, not ready for a lecture. "Do you have to leave right away?" The promise of something more laced in his voice.

My head tuned back toward Jake so quickly I could practically feel the whiplash from his abrupt change in mood. "Why?" I asked suspiciously.

"I thought maybe we could hang out. I came downtown to grab a bite before heading home. Besides," he added, regarding me through long, black eyelashes, "I was hoping to see you again."

I stared at him, open-mouthed. Breathe, Addy, I reminded myself, and quickly tried to regain composure. "I think I might have some time."

Real smooth.

"Are you hungry?" The hopeful look on his face reminded me of a child on Christmas morning and I had a hard time believing he was actually talking to me.

I felt my face grow warm at the prospect of eating an actual meal with him, never mind I had just walked out of the cafe. "I could eat," I said cautiously. " this a date, then?"

Mischief and utter mayhem filled his gaze and he laughed lightly. "Unofficially."

I could feel my eyebrows hitch together in confusion. What does that even mean?

Jake and I ran into The Big Cheese and ordered a pizza, then headed out to the lake to have an impromptu late-night picnic. We settled in at an empty wooden table overlooking the shore. Goosebumps covered my bare arms as I bit into my warm slice of pie. I wasn't sure if it was due to the soft breeze blowing off the lake, or because of the company I was keeping.

"Hey, this pizza's not half bad," I commented, at a loss for clever conversation.

He looked surprised. "What? Don't tell me you've never had a supreme before?"

"Nope." I shook my head. "I'm what you would call a pizza minimalist. Ham and bacon, occasionally onion. But that's only when I'm feeling adventurous."

"So, what's gotten into you tonight?"

I laughed and tossed my hair over my shoulder, just as I had seen Ruby do when in the presence of an attractive guy. "I guess it's because I don't want to be difficult! I've already caused enough trouble this evening. If I start acting like a princess, you might never ask me out on another unofficial date," I teased.

"Addison, what would you say if I asked you out on a real date?" he asked, suddenly serious.

I tried to swallow the bite of pizza I had in my mouth before I choked. "You mean a real, official date?"

He nodded. "A real, official date."

"Where you pick me up, pay for dinner and everything?"

"Wait a minute! I paid for this pizza," he said, defensively.

"Unofficially," I shot back with a cocky smirk, and pretended to think carefully for a moment. "I think I would say yes. Does this mean you're asking?"

Jake's mouth tipped into a lazy grin. "Not yet," he responded, with just the right amount of charm.

I threw him a smile hoping to appear nonchalant, as if the game of cat and mouse did not effect me in the slightest, but my insides were turning into jello. Oh. My. God.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" He asked casually, but I had a feeling he had more than a walk on his mind. Or at least I hoped he did.

Nodding in agreement, I caught my lower lip with my teeth--a nervous habit I've had since I was a child. We set the pizza down and removed our shoes before heading toward the shoreline. The gentle waves and full moon added to the moment, and Jake must have felt it, too. He reached for my hand and grasped it gently. I tried no to let it effect me, the feel of his skin against mine, but in that moment all I could do was focus on the pressure of our fingers intertwined. Shyly, I looked over and found him watching me. My God, he was so perfect! I couldn't believe I was there with him, walking hand-in-hand along the lake. It was too perfect.

We walked for awhile, neither of us saying a word. Suddenly Jake stopped, and turned to face me. Our eyes locked underneath the moonlight and my heart started skipping in my chest. He stepped closer and gently brushed the back of his fingers against my cheek, causing me to bite my lip...again.

He gave a soft laugh and slowly rubbed the pad of his thumb over my mouth, forcing me to drop my lip. "Is this okay?" he asked huskily, closing the gap between us.

The intimate gesture caused my head to spin and I vaguely wondered if I had pizza breath.

Numbly, I nodded my head as my heart began to race. He leaned in and gently lowered his mouth onto mine. His lips were so amazingly soft...for a rugged, hard-working cowboy...and I felt myself sigh. The way our lips teased each other; the way his stubble tickled my face. I'd never experienced anything like that before in my life. I could have stood there for days kissing him but I suddenly swayed backward, and the moment was over.

"Are you alright?" Jake asked, concern covering his features.

"Um...yes," I admitted, slightly embarrassed. "I think I forgot to breathe."

Jake chuckled, and put a well toned arm around my bare shoulder, steering me back toward the lights of downtown. "Come on, Addison. Let's get you home."

No! Damn it. I sulked all the way to his pickup.

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