Lily| Chan x Reader

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Plot: A Royalty AU Inspired by the song Lily by Alan Walker, K-391 and Emelie Hollow. You are a princess. You're kind and caring and well loved, especially by your best friend, Chan, who is the captain of the guard. After your parents try to arrange you to marry a complete stanger, you run away to the forest, ignoring all the warnings you've been told.

Will Chan find you and get you out of the arranged marriage or will you be in the hands of a monster?


     Sometimes, you desperately wished you were born among the lower class. It was hard living your life as a princess. Maybe it had its perks from time to time, but at this moment there was no advantage.

     You were Princess (Y/N) of the Legia Empire. You were well loved for your gentle nature. Many admired your beauty, from your (h/l) (h/c) hair to your captivating (e/c) eyes. You had admirers ranging from the neighboring kingdoms to distant empires. You were obedient to your parents and did your duties to the fullest. Even though you were placed in the highest of honors, you were caught between a rock and a hard place.

     Lately, the maids had been gossiping about how your parents were planning an arranged marriage for you. There were foreign love letters piling up on your desk. You had also seen some of the letters in your father's study, pertaining to who you would be married off to.

     There was no way you would allow yourself to be married off. You loved your home. In fact, you were already in love. You did not want to go to a place you did not know. The thought made you sick to your stomach.

     Now, who was the man who had captured your heart? It was a knight. In fact, it was the Captain of the Guard. He was your best friend. His name was Christopher Bang, or as you called him, Chan.

     You had grown up within your castle walls. It was quite rare that they allowed you outside. But when you were, you and Chan would run into the forest, even though you were constantly warned not to go there, but your best friend was there beside you, as your protector and a guide to that big and wild world.

     Besides the clear difference in titles, you treated each other as equals. It slowly became less and less you were allowed outside of the castle. Chan would always visit you or the other way around. You had begged the physician to teach you how to mend wounds so you could tend to Chan if he had a particularly rough day of training. For you, he would listen to you go on about what you had learned or rant about how annoyed you were for being cooped up.

     He was two years older than you and you adored him. He was also knowledgeable about the world. He helped anyone in need and kept you updated about the towns and villages. It was the best way to keep you informed about the people you ruled over and barely saw.

     You loved his curly black hair and his warm brown eyes. He was well built due to his knightly training. He was so handsome, and after knowing him for so long, it was amazing how he still managed to be childish under all the pressure. It was hard for you not to fall in love.

     There was a knock on your door. You called a greeting as you worked on replying to another admirer from a neighboring kingdom once again.

     The moment you heard the clicking armor, you grinned, turning to face your best friend.

     Chan bowed to you, "Good afternoon, Princess (Y/N)"

     "How many times have I told you not to bow?" You still grinned and got up to hug him, "But good afternoon you too. How are the new recruits doing?"

     "Very well," Chan took a seat by your desk as you got to making tea for the both of you, "You wouldn't believe how enthusiastic they all were. After I started drills, some of them decided this wasn't what they wanted. No matter, there as still plenty who are pushing through."

     "That's wonderful!" You set the tea cup in front of him, "I should have asked this first, but how are you? I know there's so much you do as captain."

     "It's all in a days work. I'm doing just fine. Changbin, Woojin and Minho help me with paperwork most of the time. Even with there help, there's still the stress of making sure everyone keeps to their shifts and keep up with training. Most of the time, I have to stay up late."

     "You need to take care of yourself," you chided. "I won't stand for you tiring yourself to the point you are sick." You decided to tease him, "Who else would protect me?"

     He smirked, "You are well aware I'm not the only knight here, my lady."

     "But you are my favorite and if you weren't already captain, I'd have you as a personal body guard."

     Chan could not help but smile softly as you began talking about replying to the love letters you received. He was well aware of his status. He could not help, but be jealous of all of the princes who would send you those letters. You were so beautiful and kind. He remembered how you had cried when you found out that his mother had died after his birth. He remembered the times the two of you went exploring and he got to be your protector. Despite the fact that the two of you were little at the time, he felt a strong connection with you.

     You may have been royalty, but you remained humble and did all you could for him, the knights and servants. You were willing to get your hands dirty by helping in the garden or kitchen. You even helped him with his wounds if there was a rough training day or bad encounter with those who meant to harm the innocent.

     In his eyes, you were so perfect. He dreaded the thought of you finding someone to love who was not him.

     You suddenly went quiet, "Have you heard the rumors?"

     "There are many rumors going around the castle." He raised a brow, "It depends on which one."

     "That my parents are arranging a marriage for me," you admitted. "I think they might be true. I've been getting more and more letters lately and I've seen the documents in my father's study."

     His mouth formed a straight line, "I have heard."

     "I don't want that. I want to choose who I love. Don't you think they would at least bring it up with me? I'm scared, Chan. I don't want to go."

     "I don't want you to go either." He leaned over and took your hands into his own, "While I disagree with your parents, I think you should take a stand on what you do. You will be next in line for the throne. You should do what you think is best."

     You felt heat rising to your face. There was a very noticeable size difference between your hands and Chan's. In comparison, your hands looked incredibly dainty and fragile. Suddenly, the male decided to confuse you.

     He abruptly stood and bowed to you, "Have a good day, (Y/N)."

     It was for the better in his mind. He would have to let you go.

     Nearly a week passed and it was very clear that Chan was avoiding you. You had seen him a few times. The moment you tried to approach him, he made an excuse or immediately made a disappearing act. You were worried you had done something very wrong. It was out of a blue and it hurt you.

     As you pondered what you had done, Seungmin, an apprentice to your father's adviser, approached you. By the look on his face, it wasn't good. You were close with Seungmin, and you knew him well enough that he had a hard time masking his emotions. It was especially hard when there was bad news.

     You met the boy half way, "Seungmin! What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

     "Your parents want to see you," the boy stepped aside so you could pass by him, "I don't think you'll like what they have to say."

     Confused, you immediately went to the throne room. You desperately hoped it had nothing to do with marrying you off. You wanted to deny you were of age. You wanted to remain home.

     In all honesty, you thought it better that the throne went to your cousin. Because of the love letters, something told you that if your parents picked favorites, there would be war. No matter if the marriage was profitable or not, the end result was bound to be bad. 

     You reached the throne room and curtsied to your awaiting parents, "You summoned me?"

     "We did." You father smiled, "We have wonderful new for you dear."

     Your mother grabbed your father's hand in excitement, "We found a suitor for you! What do think about marrying Prince Dakota from the Kingdom of Careria?"

     You immediately paled. You received many letters from Prince Dakota. He was one of the few admirers you did not respond to. Not only was he twenty years older than you, his letters made you uncomfortable to the point you burned them instead of reading. In fact, you had heard from many fellow princess' that he was a very poor prince in terms of responsibility and mannerisms. He may as well have been raised with the pigs. Not to mentions he had remarried many times. It was no wonder he was not in line for the throne.

     "Mother!" You felt crushed at the news, "Why him of all people?! He's twice my age! He's lousy and been married to others before me! How could you choose him?!"

     "(Y/N)," you father spoke, "Prince Dakota is a very reliable man."

     "How is he reliable?" It was very rare that you went against your parents, but this was something you would not stand for. "I won't marry him! He's old, had too many wives and has the manners of a pig. Do you know what he's sent me?!"

     "This is not how a princess acts, not for her people nor for her parents. You should be ashamed."

     You felt your temper start to rise, "Ashamed!? The only thing I'm ashamed of is the two of you! How could you agree to let me marry him? I won't marry him! Let someone else take the throne! I won't marry someone I do not love! Above all, I will not step anywhere near Prince Dakota."

     Your father stood and suddenly, you felt tiny and insignificant, "Go to your room. You will meet the Prince in a few days and you will marry him. Until you can calm yourself and think of the good of the people, you can remain in your room and be embarrassed when your suitor gets here."

     All of a sudden, the world crashed around you. Did your parents really not care? How could they even let this happen? You? Marrying the most inappropriate prince in the empire? You would never let it happen. You would rather die.

     You slammed the door to your room closed as tears poured down your face. You sat at your desk, hands running through your hair. How could they?

     How could they?

     You noticed the stack of letter you had yet to read. Low and behold, a letter from Prince Dakota was on the very top. With a heavy heart, you opened it for the first time in almost a year. Your eyes skimmed the page and more tears fell.

     The letter was probably the worst thing you had ever read. The man you were being forced to marry was using the foulest language you had ever seen. He spoke of doing horrible things that were unwanted. He was so possessive and sure of himself. It felt like your soul left your body. You felt numb.

     You went to your window, looking out to the world your parents kept you away from for so long. There were still many things you wanted to do and see for yourself. If you married the poor excuse of a human, you would kill yourself the night you were married instead of letting him go through with what he spoke of in his letter.

     Your (e/c) eyes landed on the forest. With dusk coming in, fireflies began to dot the world, shinning as the violet, orange, pinks and yellows colored the sky. The dark browns, greens and greys drew your eye. It had been months since you had been in there, riding with Chan on one of his rare days off.

     It was the perfect escape.


     Changbin was a good knight. He was best friends with his captain and a few of the other knights. He was bound by the code of honor and chivalry. He was masterful in his swordsmanship and had even been picked by you for a few jousting tournaments. Of course, you had also been sure to give some of the other knights a place to show their skills as well. That way, no one was favored and all were given a chance.

     It was a surprise when he heard noises coming from the stables. At first he thought it could have been a stable hand, but with it nearing dark, he was suspicious.

     He crept towards the entrance and found himself shocked. It was you! You were dressed in your riding clothes with a dark cloak on your back. You had managed to saddle your horse, but you were struggling greatly with getting him to take his mouth piece.

     Changbin approached you. You froze hearing his armor. You slowly turned showing off your tear stained face. Your hair was tied back messily and he could easily see you were distressed.

     The knight slowly approached you, "Princess, what are you doing here?"

     "Don't make me go back," you begged with a cracking voice, "I can't marry him. I-I can't marry him."

     "Marry who?"

     "Changbin, you have to help me escape." You fumbled with the bag you had attached to your saddle before handing him a letter, "This is for Chan. It explains everything. I can't stay. You have to help me leave."

     In all of his years as a knight, Changbin had been acquainted with you. Never once had he seen you so distraught. You were quite intelligent and very level headed. Whoever it was that you were forced to marry must have been horrible enough for you to want to leave. But he was supposed to protect you.

     "Where would you even go? Princess (Y/N), as a knight, I swore an oath to protect you, can you allow me to know your whereabouts? At the very least for Chan's sake, he would kill me if and when he finds out."

     A small weight lifted hearing the knight would help you, "I can't tell you. I need to leave before I'm forced away."

     Changbin stared with wide eyes, "Princess, who would-"

     "I beg of you! I'm running out of time!"

     He could not resist. He could not bear seeing his princess this way. He could easily be executed if anyone were to find out, but he would rather it be him than Chan. He knew Chan loved you. For some reason, even though he knew close to nothing of the situation, he could see there must have been some issue that made you resort to leaving.

     He quickly made your horse take the bit and helped you mount, "We don't have much longer until my shift ends."

     "Thank you, Changbin! Make sure Chan gets my letter later. It doesn't matter how you get it to him. Just do it soon. I can't thank you enough for this."

     "Just stay safe, for Chan's sake."

     And his own. He was risking his life to help you.


     A few days passed since you had escaped. You missed Chan. You wondered if Changbin was still alive. You knew what you had asked of him. You could only pray that he would not pay the price of his life. Even though you were scared, for the first time in forever, you felt free.

     You were not going to marry Dakota. You were able to live however you decided to live. You read enough books to live off the forest. Maybe you could build yourself a shelter and just live there for the rest of your life. There were so many possibilities!

     However, a twig snapping caught your attention. Your heartbeat accelerated as you tried to find the source of the noise. It could not be the knights, could it? Was someone there to drag you back to your miserable fate?

     A tree suddenly fell, causing your horse to rear up, throwing you off. The moment you were on the ground, your trusty steed bolted in a different direction. You quickly stood, pulling out a dagger. Chan had always advised you keep something on you just in case he could not get to you right away. This time, you were on your own. You were prey and whatever was with you was creeping, waiting for you to let your guard down.

     "Don't you worry." A soothing and hypnotic voice started to sing out:

Follow everywhere I go

Top over the mountains or valley low

Give you everything you've been dreaming of

Just let me in, ooh

Everything you wanting gonna be the magic story you've been told

And you'll be safe under my control"

     You felt like you were being casted under a spell and you knew it. You began running away from the voice. It must have been one of those creatures everyone had always warned you about. You had been told this your whole life, but you never imagined it until now. You kept running as the voice followed, singing it's tempting song.

     "Is there someone out there," you cried. "Please help me! Come get me!"

     The voice only continued to sing its chanting song. You tripped and fell. Pain shot through your ankle. The moment you tried to stand again, you fell back down. Your ankle rendered you stuck. The owner of the voice came closer. Though you were unable to see it, your ears were flooded with the melody.

"Don't you worry just

Follow everywhere I go

Top over the mountains or valley low

Give you everything you've been dreaming of

Just let me in, ooh

Everything you wanting gonna be the magic story you've been told

And you'll be safe under my control"

     You could feel yourself being hypnotized, but there was nothing you could do. Tears fell down your face as you accepted your fate.


     It had not been until morning that Chan was informed that you had run away. He had heard a few maids chatting about the arranged marriage. He felt terrible for ignoring you. Knowing you would be married off before being allowed to take your throne hurt him. He loved you and had only wanted to make the pain less for himself. If only he had been there to help you escape. At least he would know where you were...

     He would have gone with you.

     He had found your letter on his desk. You had explained why you ran and apologized for the chaos you knew you were going to cause. You even spoke of the letter that the prince had written to you. Chan had refrained himself from going up to the bastard that dare say such things to you.

     He was hurt that you left without speaking to him personally. It hurt him even more that you had left your favorite necklace behind. It was a thin silver chain with a delicate white lily charm he had gifted you after coming back from a knight's crusade. You had worn it religiously until now. He wore it instead, under all of his clothes and armor, so you would be close to his heart until you were found.

     Chan glared at the prince from the Kingdom of Careria. The moment he had stepped foot within the hectic castle, the knight immediately hated him. He was the reason you had disappeared. He was the reason your horse finally returned, only to be rider-less. The Captain of the Guard was infuriated.

     Seeing the prince for himself, he was actually disgusted at your father's choice. The prince was at least forty years old with oily black hair and wearing wrinkled clothes that smelt like a corpse covered in flowers. It was as if someone was trying to mask the scent of the decay.

     "King (F/N), I was promised your daughter. I am insulted at this disrespect," the foreign prince spoke. "I question if I was even right to ask for her hand."

     The king was pale, anxious for your wellbeing. The queen was in her room, being attended to. She was sick from worry and heartbreak. If Chan was of higher position, or even a prince himself, he would slap the man who dared insult your father and you.

     "We're still looking, Dakota. I promise you, we will find her and get her to you safely," your father said tiredly. "We have sent out our best scouts to search for her, but there had been no clues as of yet."

     "I am willing to offer more time, your majesty." The prince bowed, "I shall return soon for my future bride."

     When the prince walked out, Chan stepped forward, bowing to the king, "Your majesty, I assure you that we are doing everything we can to find the princess. I've even gone out myself and I plan on going out again later today."

     "Thank you, Christopher." The king rubbed at his head wearily, "You remind me greatly of your father. Dedicated to the core he was."

     "Thank you, your majesty."

     "I do believe I'm beginning to regret choosing that man." Chan remained quiet. "I chose him, not just because his kingdom has prosperous silver mines, but because he lied about his age among other things." The king looked to him, "Not only do I worry that my daughter is dead, but that this man will wage war against me, if I suddenly turn him down."

     The Captain of the Guard felt his heart go out to your father. He was a stern man, but he only wanted the best for you. The thing was, Chan wanted the best for you as well, even if it meant giving you up. This time, he was not. He was going to be selfish for once in his life and fight for you. There was a good chance you had kept that letter. Maybe if you're father saw it, he would free you from that horrendous prince.

     Chan stepped forward boldly, "Your majesty, I know this is bold of me, but I must ask: what if I were to find evidence to break off the marriage? What if I found something to spread to the other kingdoms so that way, you would not be turned against if you were to go through with saving your daughter."

     Your father raised a brow, "What are you suggesting, Christopher?"

     "If I find this evidence..." He took a deep breath, knowing he was more than likely stepping over a line, "I want to marry Princess (Y/N)."

     Your father stared at your best friend and lover with a hard gaze. The two of you had been close since you were little. Your mother had always teased that Chan would grow fond of you. How could he not? You were beautiful and kind to those around you. The only thing that bothered him was that you were the heir to the throne. Whoever you married would become king. It was a gamble on who to set you up with. Any wrong choice could cause hatred among the kingdoms within the empire.

     The king leaned forward in his seat, "Tell me, Christopher, what would you do if you married my daughter?"

     "Your majesty, even if she were not a princess, I would treat her as my queen. However, that is not the case. If I were to marry your daughter, I would either fill in your role as king or suggest your nephew take over. 

     Chan felt confident as he continued, "Having me as king would be a wild card because all of the kingdoms want the advantage of marrying the princess. I am not royalty. Because I am a simple knight, it could cause turmoil for me to learn to take your place and earn the respect of the empire. Having Prince Hyunjin, take over was, (Y/N)'s idea. Therefore, if a relative take over, she would be free to marry whoever she chooses and your bloodline would remain on the throne."

     You had told him before you would rather you cousin, Hyunjin, take over. Because you wanted to marry for love, having him take the throne would give you that liberty. Plus, you had no desire to take on the weight of being the queen. He was proud he could remember that conversation as clear as day.

     "Christopher Bang," your father stood, "you are an intelligent young man... Find my daughter first, then we will discuss this matter. I would rather her be in the hands of a man who loves her than someone who I do not trust."

     Chan's heart soared as he got on his knees, bowing to your father in thanks, "Your majesty, I swear to you I will bring your daughter, the love of my life, back to you."

     With that, he ran out of the room. He was going to find you and bring you back safely. He ran to his office and pulled out the map that had marked the places you had not been found. All the towns and villages had not seen you and while no other kingdom had been informed of your disappearance, there was no word from them. There was no way you had gotten terribly far.

     As he looked at the map, realization stuck him. You had gone into the forest. You had been told your whole life to never go there, especially if you were alone. The two of you had always gone, but never too deep. You were a very clever girl for even throwing Chan off like that.

     Once more, the knight was out of the door and riding into the woods within minutes. He was going to find you. He was going to give you your necklace back. He was going to bring you back safely.

     He road for a time. There was no telling where you had gone. The forest was gigantic and there was no telling how deep you went. He spent the next two days searching for you. He was glad Woojin was bright enough to send him off with a bag of food, otherwise he would have been trying to eat off the land.

     He was thankful to find a stream. Both him and his horse drank eagerly. Chan had been searching diligently and barely gave himself or the beast a break.

     He pet the horse's neck as it continued to drink, "Thank you friend, I'm sorry for pushing you like that. Hopefully, we find (Y/N) soon."

     It was then that the knight heard a voice off in the distance. It sounded distressed. He got up as quietly as possible and followed the sounds. The closer her got, he realized there were actually two voices. One voice was singing. The other was shouting, clearly distressed.

     He went as quickly as he dared, not wanting to draw attention to himself. If someone was in trouble, he did not want to give himself away.

     Chan was stunned to say the least, when he managed to find the voice of the singer. It was a serpent creature of some sort. The top half of its body was that of a human, but the bottom half was a snake, slithering with ease. In its arms was a girl. She was very pale and wore a short white dress. He was not sure if she was a villager or just an unfortunate soul. She was blindfolded, limp in the creature's arms. It was odd, she had (h/c) hair like you. If it were not for the how thin she was, he would have thought it was you.

     The serpent chuckled softly as it turned to carry her away, "You must stop running away. I told you not to be afraid. Clearly, there's something in your mind that keep you going."

     It was clear the girl was there against her will. Chan stepped out, drawing his sword from his sheath. The serpent stopped, turning its head to look with gold eyes. Much like a snake, it had a slit for pupils.

     "Let the girl go." The sword's sharp edge was pointed at the creature, "You've forced her to be with you against her will."

     A forked tongue slipped out in distaste, "Oh. It seems you are the one that breaks her free." He set the girl down by a tree. "It looks like I will have to get rid of you. She will never be fully under my control until you perish."

     The knight was confused. However, there was no time to wonder what the serpent meant. He was quick to strike at Chan with a speed that was giving him no times for breaks. There was hardly a moment to defend from the serpent. Some of the strikes landed on the snake-like body. The creature actually attempted to bite him, but gained a cut to the cheek that made it pull back with second thoughts.

    "Your bravery is commendable." The gold eyes watched him with a calculating gaze, "However, you can not have her. She is mine."

     Chan had put distance between himself and the creature. That thing was fast. It was stupidly fast. He was not sure what to even do.

     "She is not yours." The knight glanced at her with pity, "She probably has family waiting for her. They could be waiting and worried sick."

     "Not when she was promised to me!"

     The two went back into a deadly dance. The only thing keeping Chan going was the thought of you. He would help free this girl and then find you. You were probably lost and afraid. He was fighting for you. He was going to vanquish this creature and save the girl. Then, he would save you.

     The sword finally struck the creature's torso. Black blood began flooding out causing the serpent to back away, hissing in pain.

     "She's mine!" Its gold eyes went to the girl, "The princess IS MINE! PRINCESS (Y/N) IS MINE!"

     Chan's eyes widened. He turned back to your limp form. The blindfold had somehow come off revealing your pale face. He was almost thankful you were asleep and not able to see this fight. Now that he knew it was you, his blood boiled. You belonged to no one. You were no a possession to be won. You were the love of his life and you were the one who held his heart. You were a wild flower that had possession over him.

     Determined to get you back, the knight charged with a loud cry. The demon tried to attack in a blind rage, but with its wound, it was rendered weak enough to fall to the sword that went through its chest. Black blood left its mouth as it slowly shrunk and turned into Prince Dakota.

     Horrified, Chan pulled out his sword and stepped back, watching the dying demon fall to his knees.

    The prince glared at your lover, ""

     Dakota fell over, no longer alive. He was no longer able to terrorize you. At this revelation, Chan ran to your limp form. He immediately took you into his arms, hugging your cold body close to him. He could feel your breath against his neck as he hugged you. He needed to get you home.


     You woke with a start. Once more you had dreamed of following Chan's voice and falling through thin ice. It was then you would break free from the creature's spell and try to run. Every time, you would get caught and brought back to act as a mindless servant. Not once had you seen the thing that had captured you, but you hated it with your whole being. He spoke to you as if you had lost all of your emotions and feelings. He knew you still had the ability to hate him and think on your own. As soon as you were totally under his control, he had promised things you wished to forget.

     You rubbed at your eyes, having to adjust to the sudden light source. A fire burned brightly beside you, warming up your cold form. You were in the dark woods and not stuck in that damn cave. There was a horse standing close by with a pile of armor beside it...

     Had you been saved?


     You quickly turned to see Chan drop the pile of wood he had collected. He was standing there dressed in his blue tunic and brown trousers, a sight you rarely saw now and days. It had to be a dream, right? Were you not still in the creature's hold?

     You hesitated to speak, "Chan?"

     The male nearly tackled you in a hug. His form began to shake and you could feel the tears falling on your exposed skin.

     "Chan? Is it really you," you asked.

     You were terrified that it was another dream. You were afraid you would wake up to be in a cave. Once more, you would be in the being's hold.

     Your best friend pulled back, holding your face with his warm hands. You could see the tears that were still in his brown eyes. His expression was something akin to happiness but not quite. However, feeling the warmth on your face and the fast pace of your heart in your chest, you knew you were no longer dreaming.

     Tears poured out of your own eyes and you hugged him tightly, afraid that at any moment he was going to slip away. You sobbed and clung to his tunic as if your life depended on it. You could barely make out the whispered reassurance he was giving you. He held you close and rubbed your back, soothing you as you cried.

     You were free! You were finally free!

     Once your sobs calmed you pulled back, looking your best friend in the eye. You knew you could get lost there forever. However, even though you were now free, you would be stuck in your arranged marriage. In the meantime, you wanted to just enjoy these last moments with your best friend.

     You spoke, "You came for me."

     "Of course, I came for you!" He cupped your face with his hand, "I will always come for you."

     Your heart jumped to your throat as you swallowed, "Chan... I was so scared. He put me under a spell and- and he threatened to do things to me that were so horrid! It was a nightmare."

     "But you're safe now. I saved you. I had the honor of killing your nightmare." He chuckled, "You don't know how good it felt to have you back in my arms."

     "I'm in your arms right now." You laughed quietly, "And I don't want to leave."

     "I don't want you to leave, either." He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, "(Y/N)... If I asked, would you stay in my arms forever?"

     Was he asking what you thought he was asking?

     You breathe hitched, "Chan, what are you-"

     "(Y/N), I love you. I love you with my whole being. I don't want to see you married off. I want to be the one who calls you his wife. I want to be your husband. I love you more than life itself. Will you marry me?"

     "What about-"

    "Dakota is gone." Chan smiled brightly as more tears came to your eyes, "I talked to your father. We have his blessing. If you feel the same, princess, will you be my bride?"

     You were allowed to marry Chan? You could marry to man you loved? You were fully liberated from your arranged marriage?

     "I..." Tears escaped your eyes and you smiled brightly, "I love you, Chan. I want to marry you."

     The next thing you knew, his lips were on yours. Your arms immediately wrapped around his neck. One of his hands was on the small of your back while the other went to your neck. You never thought that this would ever happen. You never once dreamed that you could marry the one you loved.

     The need for air became apparent all too soon. The two of you pulled back to breathe, both of you happier than anyone in the entire world. Chan could call you his and you could call him yours.

     You were surprised when he suddenly pulled a necklace off. You realized it was the lily you had returned to him.

     "My necklace," you whispered.

     He carefully put it back around your own neck, placing a chaste kiss to your forehead when he was done, "(Y/N), you are my lily. You are my love. Nothing will ever change that."

    And all those years later, it never did.



This is just something I wrote from my best friend @pandafangirl2. Chan is her bias and I thought she deserved to see herself as the princess she is with her knight in shining armor. 

So before I close, here is a link to the song I was inspired by:

And I will see you beautiful Stays later!



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