I Should've Stayed At Home

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Y/n is the only one pleased to be in the forest, hiking up the mountain.

CHANG BIN: YA! Y/n can you wait for us?

SEUNG MIN: Why is she still so energetic?

CHANG BIN: When is this... ... going to end?

He pants as Seung Min feels his lungs shrinking.

SEUNG MIN: I don't know.

Y/N: Come on, guys!

She walks to them.

CHANG BIN: I shouldn't have agreed to this! You said it'll be fun.

Y/N: It is!

SEUNG MIN: It's not! I saw 3 snakes, in just the last 15 minutes! They'll be the ones having fun seeing me dead!

Y/N: I've checked, this mountain is not home to any venomous creatures. Breath and now, please move. We need to go!

She walks up the mountain, once again leaving Chang Bin and Seung Min behind.


Seung Min rests on the large log of wood, fallen on the side of the hiking trail.

SEUNG MIN: I'm done... you go....

He waves at him to leave, but Chang Bin sits next to him.

CHANG BIN: I'm not going! My legs will fall off before I reach the top!

They sit in silence, hoping a bear won't jump out on them

Y/N: GUYS! .... GUYS!

The both look up the trail, Y/n is out of sight, neither of them willing to walk all the way up to her.


SEUNG MIN: I'm not saving her if there's a snake.


Chang Bin drags Seung Min to Y/n. They freeze, just like Y/n, who is standing more still than a statue.

CHANG BIN: Wha- ... Ho- ...

He is staring at the rainbow-colored wall in front of them. But it is not a wall, it is an actual rainbow, starting on the ground in front of them and stretching into the sky.

Y/N: I knew it. The teacher hit us on our heads too many times. Thanks to him, now we're hallucinating!

CHANG BIN: Is that real?

Y/N: I don't know, you check.

She says, without taking her eyes off of the rainbow.

CHANG BIN: Why should I?! You found it first!

Seung Min walks to the side of the rainbow to get a wider view.

SEUNG MIN: Guys you know what this means.

Y/n nods at him.

Y/N: If we walk to the other side, we will...

CHANG BIN: Find the pot of gold!

He completes the sentence for her, beaming ear to ear.

Y/n touches the rainbow, it feels like glass, smooth and slippery.

Y/N: How do we climb this?

Seung Min places his hand on the rainbow trying to figure it out. A staircase forms on the middle of the rainbow, making them all stumble back.


AT THE TOP OF THE RAINBOW - A Few hours later:

Y/N: This is awesome!

She high fives Seung Min and Chang Bin.

They look at each other and at the magnificent view around them.

CHANG BIN: This is-

?: Congratulations!

The three friends flinch. They turn toward the voice and find a man dressed in all white.

Y/N: Who... Who are you?

MAN: You've successfully crossed over to the afterlife.

CHANG BIN: To the what?

MAN: The Afterlife.

Y/n freezes.

SEUNG MIN: The .... the rainbow...Oh my God!

He looks at the man.

SEUNG MIN: Are You God?

MAN: No, I'm an angel.

Y/n starts panicking.

SEUNG MIN: That means, we're like dead... dead... uh... Ahh!

Chang bin thinks for a second.

CHANG BIN: No thank you.

He turns back to run down the stairs but it's gone.

Y/n and Seung Min join him. They nod to each other and slide off the rainbow, before the angel can stop them.


BACK ON THE GROUND: A Few seconds later:

CHANG BIN: Afterlife!

He smirks, getting on his feet.

CHANG BIN: I've been sent to too many afterlives, there is no way I'm going to walk into one voluntarily.

The three friends walk back down the mountain in silence.

Y/N: I should've stayed at home.


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