Felix x Reader

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Title: exchange student

  3rd person

    A small black car rode around the streets of seoul. "(y/n)-shii, are you ready for your first day of school tomorrow? " the driver infront asked the distracted teen in the back. (y/n), an exchange student from (country), still had trouble with speaking and under standing korean; so she had to ask the driver what they were asking once again. "n-ne.. Uhh.. What did you say..?" the girl at the back asked, a small blush rising to her cheeks.

The driver chuckled as he looked forward, watching the road as he continued speaking with the girl at the back. " i was asking if you were ready for you new school." the driver said.

   "a-ah.. Im.. Somewhat ready.. Sir.." (y/n) timidly replied, her posture straightening up as she fixed her uniform for the umpteen time.

Quickly the driver pulled up near the entrance of the school. "message me when you're finished with the tour, i'll pick you up, per request of your mother." the driver said, as he parked the car momentarily. 

  Exiting the car stiffly, (y/n) gazed at her new school. They gulped silently as they started to walk toward the school. Pushing the front doors open they we're greeted by the figure of the principal and a student.

"(y/n)! Welcome, since i am busy at the moment i won't be able to give tou the tour as promised. But, this is Lee yongbok or Lee felix. He's also an exchange student from another country, from Australia actually" the principal said, rushed but still cheerful. The principal quickly introduced the two students and left to tend to her work.

"soo.." the student, felix, started. "the principal gave me a copy of your schedule , which we actually have a lot of classes together, so your first class is.. MATH" Felix continued, as he started walking into one of the hallways (idk how korean school work, or how they look so im just trying to come up with stuff) (y/n) quickly started walking and following the taller, and faster, male student infront of her.

  As the school tour started the two stident casually had small talk inbetween the explanations of the classrooms. They quickly became friends, seeing as both of them are from other countries, and because of the awkward silence at the start of the tour.

  "this is your last classroom, you have mrs. Jeon as our science teacher." Felix said , ending our brief tour. "it's about time for lunch so why don't we head up to the roof and talk some more? " Felix asked, as he turned towards (y/n). "sure why not" (y/n) answered, giving the taller male a smile before followibg him up the stairs to the roof.

  Just as they arrived at the roof the bell rang , signaling it's lunch time. The pair sat at a bench near the edge of the roof  talked more.

(please insert intresting conversation, because i am writing this at 11:05 pm, just after christmas when i didn't sleep.)

(y/n) looked briefly at her watch and saw that lunch was about to end soon. "shall we head down to our classes?" (y/n) asked, standing up and packing her things. Felix also stood up, but since he didn't really bring his things (left it in the locker [if they have lockers]) he just fixed his uniform and waited for (y/n) to finish fixing her things.

  Quickly heading down , the pair split up since they had different classes. But before they did, they agreed to hang out after school, then they left for their classes.

"im sure well be the greatest of friends" they both thought as they separated.


Go to the update on heather book i got to see my reason for not updating

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