Woojin x reader

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Title:singing lessons or sleeping sessions?

3rd Person

"Are you sure it sounds ok?"  (y/n) asks her friend, woojin, who was sitting next to her in the studio.

Woojin sighed and answered "it sounds OK (y/n)..." truth be told, woojin was very tired. He had just finished practice with the boys, when his friend (y/n) called him.

  (y/n) could sense the exhaustion and annoyance off of wooojin. "you know, if you're tired you can just go home... I probably can practice on my own. " (y/n) said to woojin,with a worried smile plastered on her face.

"I would.. But I promised you that I would help you when you needed something..." woojin answered back, well barely as he was falling asleep.

  (y/n) sighed and put down her notes and stood up. She puts woojin's arm around her body and carried him to the sofa in the room. Putting him down gently she went to the small cabinet in the corner and grabbed a spare blanket. Turning around she was about to put the blanket on her friend when she saw him staring at her with tired eyes.

  "are you not going to sleep yet..? " woojin asked (y/n). (y/n) peeked at the clock and saw "12:16am" flashing on the screen. (y/n) gave woojin a smile and said "I'll stay up for a little bit more...". "I'll text Chan oppa and say you probably won't get home until later." (y/n) said picking up her phone and going to Chan's contact.

  "I can just go home now...no need to hassle over me.. " woojin mumbled, attempting to sit up but ultimately

"well too bad I already texted Chan oppa and he said to keep an eye on you until you can go home. Now go to sleep if you want to go home that badly you better get sleeping..." (y/n) said, a small yawn escaping Her lips as she finished talking.

  Noticing this woojin stretches out his arms as if wanting to grab (y/n)."I can tell you're tired come here and lay next to me.. " woojin said to (y/n). (y/n) blushed slightly but nevertheless layed beside woojin. Within wraps his arms around (y/n) waist and pulls her to him. "you know (y/n)... I love you... I really do...  And not in a friend way, a relationship kind of way... " woojin said, drifting off at the end.

(y/n) blushed and answered "I love you too.. Woojin" drifting off at the end and sleeping peacefully.



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