⋆ ep4 extra

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immediately after the airing of episode
4, a video was released on youtube
consisting of clips of varying lengths.
said clips contain footage that never
made it into the final edits of episodes
3 and 4 due to other scenes being
chosen instead, a lack of airtime,
or simply not fitting.

[ aka i never wrote these in
the first place, but i like
making 'extra' chapters ]



as if blinking, the video flashes black
before the bright light of a dorm room
filters in as the camera focuses in on
aurae who is currently chilling on
her bed listening to music

when suddenly the door
slowly creaks open

aurae whips her head as she
sees the door open from
the corner of her eye

JEONG AURAE [ 2 the engineer ] ; who the fu-

JEONG AURAE [ 2 the engineer ] ; oh... hi ann!

ANN KIM [ 2 the rockstar ] ; [jumps a little] hello... i'm not interrupting you right?

JEONG AURAE [ 2 the engineer ] ; [moves her headphones and glances around] was i doing something?

ANN KIM [ 2 the rockstar ] ; [gives a 'you tell me' look]

JEONG AURAE [ 2 the engineer ] ; [grins] no no i wasn't, come sit [pats the spot next to her]

ann seems a little cautious
as she goes to sit

JEONG AURAE [ 2 the engineer ] ; [observes her] did something happen? [concerned]

ANN KIM [ 2 the rockstar ] ; uh... [meekly] this is a little embarrassing...

JEONG AURAE [ 2 the engineer ] ; the first time i skated, i face planted and caused a domino effect of falling

ANN KIM [ 2 the rockstar ] ; huh?

JEONG AURAE [ 2 the engineer ] ; you probably can't top me in embarrassing moments [shrugs]

ANN KIM [ 2 the rockstar ] ; [laughs lightly at the sheer insanity]

ANN KIM [ 2 the rockstar ] ; um... [takes a breath] there's a spider and my room and it's REALLY freaking me out and seohyang used to deal with them for me, but she's not here and...

ANN KIM [ 2 the rockstar ] ; i'm scared?

JEONG AURAE [ 2 the engineer ] ; of a spider? [shakes head] no judgement, but just go SMASH [demonstrates] and your problem's solved

ANN KIM [ 2 the rockstar ] ; ... [pouts a little] okay maybe it's not about the spiders... well completely...

JEONG AURAE [ 2 the engineer ] ; ah [nods slowly] interesting

ANN KIM [ 2 the rockstar ] ; it's just a little lonely now... i was used to sleeping alone but now?

ANN KIM [ 2 the rockstar ] ; i feel like it scares me..?

JEONG AURAE [ 2 the engineer ] ; we've all been there [pats her shoulder]

JEONG AURAE [ 2 the engineer ] ; but guess who has an extra bed~

clearly ann came here specifically
because she knew aurae was the only
other trainee alone in a room, but
nonetheless, this is how ann stayed
in aurae's room for a night

yet this is also why the trainees
collectively decided to switch rooms
after the new groups were formed.



LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; hello all my beautiful petals~ [waves to the camera]

[ petals = the name of nayeon's fans]

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; for today's vlog, i've decided to showcase our beautiful courtyard [spins around with the camera]

the film captures bushes, sky, paths,
and more... nothing unusual except
for two tall huddled weeds..?

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; [blinks and looks into the camera] i spy something suspicious..

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; [flips the camera dramatically] FREEZE

this captures the weeds in full
frame as they slowly turn around

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; we've been caught

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 the mascot ] ; AHHHHH- wait! it's just nayeon!

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 the mascot ] ; hiya yeonie! [grins]

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; i'm not "just nayeon" give me more respect

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 the mascot ] ; that's not what i meant! i meant that "oh it's nayeon my buddy, she won't rat us out!"

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; [uses the camera to shake her head] what would i rat you guys out on?

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 the mascot ] ; oh we're going to-

jungjin's mouth suddenly
gets covered by jaehyuk

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; don't give her details to use against us!

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 the mascot ] ; [muffled speech]

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; [flips the camera back to her to catch her pout]

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; my lovely petals, these boys are being mean to me...

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; they're leaving me out on purpose, how rude!

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 the mascot ] ; [frees himself and shows up behind nayeon] oh! you're filming!

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 the mascot ] ; [waves] hi blinkers!!!

[ i hope jungjin's name for his
fans is a work in progress... ]

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; nuh uh [ swings him out of view] you're being mean, so you can't be in my vlog

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 the mascot ] ; [gets back in frame] jae's the one being mean! i'm totally open to you coming with use for ice cream!

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; oh [flips the camera to them] so you guys are sneaking off to get ice cream?

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; [looks away] we weren't exactly sneaking off...

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; it was more of a totally authorized trip

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; [sarcastically] sure sure

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; that explains why you told me not to rat you out

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; [edited sweat] please turn off the camera

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; [shows in the main frame again] well i guess it's time to say goodbye...

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; i love you my petals~ [sends a kiss to the screen]



[ now accessing: dorm common area footage ]

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; whatcha reading? [plops down next to him]

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; it isn't soobin x reader fanfiction right?

SEO KAIRO [ 2 the bookworm ] ; [looks up from his book] in broad daylight?

[ you're not denying it... ]

SEO KAIRO [ 2 the bookworm ] ; it's a book of computer science papers

SEO KAIRO [ 2 the bookworm ] ; you want to read it? i can lend you it after i finish

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; [disgusted] i'd rather not

SEO KAIRO [ 2 the bookworm ] ; [shrugs] want some gummies? [picks up the bag of gummies hugging his side]

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; say less~ [takes the bag]

the rest of this footage consists
of yujun leaning back and watching
kairo as he eats all his gummies

SEO KAIRO [ 2 the bookworm ] ; don't eat all of them...

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; [ sticks a gummy to kairo's face ]

SEO KAIRO [ 2 the bookworm ] ; [dumbfounded]

seongmin is captured pouring
a bowl of cereal, sitting down,
and taking a bite

MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 the bankrupted ] ; [spits out his bite into the bowl]

MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 the bankrupted ] ; what the- who the fu- KEI!

KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 the prankster ] ; [looks up from the couch innocently] yes?

MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 the bankrupted ] ; [frowns] come over here.

kei pushes himself up and
walks into the kitchen area
swinging his arms

KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 the prankster ] ; you called? [flutters eyelashes]

MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 the bankrupted ] ; [continues frowning as he flicks kei's forehead]

MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 the bankrupted ] ; this is the second box 😩

KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 the prankster ] ; hm? i put the salt in the bowl this time [points]

KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 the prankster ] ; the staff yelled at me for the box prank

KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 the prankster ] ; [chuckles] but that was a VERY funny morning

a sudden montage of trainees eating
and spitting out cereal or forcing
themselves to eat it is shown with
kei quietly chuckling in the background

MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 the bankrupted ] ; [shakes head] can you stick to non-salt pranks?

KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 the prankster ] ; [grins mischievously] only if you help

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; [going crossed eyed] how does it look?

MO HOYEON [ 2 the filler ] ; [capping the marker] like a heart?

MO HOYEON [ 2 the filler ] ; can you tell me why you requested one now?

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; [busy capturing their nose on camera] after i get a good shot of it

hoyeon then sits patiently cross
legged on the couch waiting
for sevyn to be done

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; [turns to hoyeon] what would you say if i said my love for you is on the tip of my nose?

MO HOYEON [ 2 the filler ] ; [blinks] like a booger?

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; why would the booger be on the tip of your nose?

MO HOYEON [ 2 the filler ] ; that's never happened to you?

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; ... so this line is a no go?

MO HOYEON [ 2 the filler ] ; [shrugs] he'll probably find it cute

speaking of he...

the footage switches to the
after-hours practice room
feed momentarily

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; [nervously] now that we're alone...

[ that's a questionable way to
start off this conversation uh... ]

MIN SOOYUN [ 3 the fox ] ; [doing after practice stretching] hm?

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; could you possibly maybe if it's not a big deal it's okay if you can't i won't be offended well i might be a little sad oh no am i pressuring you i'm sorry i'll go back to my corner now

MIN SOOYUN [ 3 the fox ] ; [lost stare but eventually gives a sickly sweet smile] let me hear your request first

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; [calms down a little] okay...

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; would you be willing to do the fluttershy impression again?

MIN SOOYUN [ 3 the fox ] ; [brightens] oh! of course! [clears her throat dramatically]

MIN SOOYUN [ 3 the fox ] ; [in character] um... i'm flutterₛₕᵧ

MIN SOOYUN [ 3 the fox ] ; [pauses] ᵘᵐ... ᵐʸ ⁿᵃᵐᵉ ᶦˢ ᶠˡᵘᵗᵗᵉʳˢʰʸ [covers face with her hair]

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; [fanboying or something idk]

[ the footage switched back
to the common area ]

currently sooyoung sat balled up in
the corner of the couch, ryeon was
near her but sat on the edge clutching
the tv remote excitedly, and ann
was splayed upside down,
halfway off the couch.

PARK ROSE [ 2 the foodie ] ; i got the snacks!

PARK ROSE [ 2 the foodie ] ; [past carrying capacity] i'm ready for movie night!

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; [concerned] do you need help with that?

ANN KIM [ 2 the rockstar ] ; [waves nonchalantly] she's fine and won't except the help anyway

PARK ROSE [ 2 the foodie ] ; that's not true [drops some things on the table before carefully placing the rest] well the "won't except help" part

PARK ROSE [ 2 the foodie ] ; cause i got this [gestures to the table] today at least

SEO RYEON [ 3 the skater ] ; [nods] thanks, but please sit down

PARK ROSE [ 2 the foodie ] ; [plops down with a bowl of popcorn] what are we watching?

SEO RYEON [ 3 the skater ] ; [grinning] the eras tour concert film [pressing play]

PARK ROSE [ 2 the foodie ] ; [muffled by popcorn] that's a thing?

[the other three looked at her in sync]

SEO RYEON [ 3 the skater ] ; [looks at ann after] you invited a non swiftie?!?

ANN KIM [ 2 the rockstar ] ; uh... no comment?

PARK ROSE [ 2 the foodie ] ; [nervous] only swifties can watch it..?

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; [shakes her head] no, rayray is just getting territorial

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; we'd love for you to watch it with us

SEO RYEON [ 3 the skater ] ; [huffs] i wasn't getting territorial

with a few additional comments,
they went on to enjoy their time



once again, the producers are
using vlog footage from nayeon

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; [from behind the camera] suho!

MIN SUHO [ 2 the sunlight ] ; [fully in shot] nayeon!

MIN SUHO [ 2 the sunlight ] ; what's with the camera?

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; it's for my vlog, i'm giving the people what they want

MIN SUHO [ 2 the sunlight ] ; aww the people want my face? [gleams] that's sweet

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; um not particularly, no one's seen this yet...

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; BUT i figured they'd want the details of our dorm life

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; so today i'm going to figure out who has dirtiest dorm room and who has the cleanest!

MIN SUHO [ 2 the sunlight ] ; [worried] please tell me the others didn't pick me

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; are you hinting at something...?

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; but nope! i just wanted your answers

MIN SUHO [ 2 the sunlight ] ; hm... most of the dorms i've seen are pretty clean... but there is one room i've never seen...

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; ooo scandalous

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 the imitator ] ; are you talking about kei and seongmin's dorm?

[ this dude was lingering wasn't he ]

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; oh, so this is a known thing?

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 the imitator ] ; yeah, they also have a keep out sign

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 the imitator ] ; that obviously never stopped me, but a bucket of water did [shivers at the memory]

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; well now i'm intrigued

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; i've got to send in my trusty spy

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; [wooshes the camera to the boy that just walked in to get water] KIAN!

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; wha- [jumps, his hands going up in the process] i swear i didn't do it

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 the imitator ] ; [curious] do what?

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; nothing...

nonetheless, this is when nayeon
sent kian to record the room

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; it's okay if i just peak right...?

kian slowly opens the door,
the camera still filming his face

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; what is this?

kian flips the camera catching a
dorm room filled with balloons and
seongmin looking directly at him

MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 the bankrupted ] ; if you want to save yourself, i'd suggest leaving before it's too late

but behind the camera kian suddenly
lets out a bloody murder shriek as
kei places his hand on his shoulder

KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 the prankster ] ; aww~ it looks like we've caught a stray~

kian suddenly gets pushed, knocking
the camera to the ground and the last
thing to be heard is the thud
of the door closing

the black screen is suddenly
replaced by new camera feed

KWON YIJAE [ 2 the phoenix ] ; [solemn] nayeon's camera was a fallen soldier, so she requested to use mine for the girls' side

KWON YIJAE [ 2 the phoenix ] ; what are we doing exactly? the cleanest dorm?

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; yes~ it seems like the safer route now

KWON YIJAE [ 2 the phoenix ] ; [nods before catching sight of someone in the distance] audrey!

AUDREY STEWART [ 2 the impulse ] ; [smiles and bounces over to them] filming again nayeon?

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; yep! and we've got a question for you!

AUDREY STEWART [ 2 the impulse ] ; hit me with it~

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; who has the cleanest dorm?

AUDREY STEWART [ 2 the impulse ] ; [pouts] aw, that's not a fun question

AUDREY STEWART [ 2 the impulse ] ; it's such an easy answer! follow me

so, the two follow audrey a few steps
down the hallway before she stops
to knock on a door

[ they're actually knocking on this side lol ]

the door slowly opens

SEOL YERIM [ 3 the lawyer ] ; hello?

LEE NAYEON [ 3 the flower ] ; yerim! can we see your room?

SEOL YERIM [ 3 the lawyer ] ; [eyebrow raise as she catches sight of the camera] sure?

yerim opens the door
more, letting them enter

KWON YIJAE [ 2 the phoenix ] ; wow~ [filming the room] it's like no one even lives here

it seems as if there's not a
single speck of dust out of place

SEOL YERIM [ 3 the lawyer ] ; well, i'm not living here full time, so why would i leave a mess?

[ is this implying that yerim only
wins because she stays at her
own place frequently...? ]



in elysian's practice room, music
unrelated to the mission at
hand is being blasted

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; you make me feel special~

[ glad to see you're feeling yourself
and that goes for everyone ]

SEO KAIRO [ 2 the bookworm ] ; [moving his head way to aggressively to god's menu]

SEO KAIRO [ 2 the bookworm ] ; [after dancing] ow my neck hurts

KWON YIJAE [ 2 the phoenix ] ; maybe sit the next one out...?

SEO KAIRO [ 2 the bookworm ] ; but i can't back down from the dance battle against daewon and seungjun...

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 2 the repeater ] ; [confused] we're battling?

DO DAEWON [ 2 the prince ] ; you sure are losing then

KWON YIJAE [ 2 the phoenix ] ; shush, just take a break kairo

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; yeah i got your back kai! i'll win this battle for you [pretends to take of a jacket]

at that exact moment,
queencard starts playing

DO DAEWON [ 2 the prince ] ; funny if you think you can beat me at my own game

this is where we get a 4 person
performance of queencard, yet
as expected when it's their field,
seungjun and daewon hit
it out of the park

SEO KAIRO [ 2 the bookworm ] ; [hides behind his hands] this is too hard to watch

suddenly, their mission song
blasts through the speakers

SEO KAIRO [ 2 the bookworm ] ; AHHHH [jumps up like he was never in pain]

DO DAEWON [ 2 the prince ] ; this just randomly came on???

KWON YIJAE [ 2 the phoenix ] ; it's not like it's unpopular

the entire group performs this
one, as if this was a normal
day of practice

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 2 the repeater ] ; so, we all win right? [hopeful]

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; yessssss

DO DAEWON [ 2 the prince ] ; [disgusted] no.

SEO KAIRO [ 2 the bookworm ] ; [suffering from neck pain] i agree that we all win

KWON YIJAE [ 2 the phoenix ] ; it was never a competition, actually

well, no extra battles were fought,
but a few more songs were blasted



AUDREY STEWART [ 2 the impulse ] ; you know sooyoung, you kinda look like liz from ive

AUDREY STEWART [ 2 the impulse ] ; it would've been funny if you had gotten her parts

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; [giggles while looking at herself closer in the mirror] do i?

SEO RYEON [ 3 the skater ] ; mhm [looking] you do!

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 the imitator ] ; kian, [gestures] looks like jake from enhypen

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 the imitator ] ; just come kiss me and bite me

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; huh?

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; [mumbles] then why am i never recruited...?

AUDREY STEWART [ 2 the impulse ] ; you're skipping over some of his comments, BUT i agree!

SEO RYEON [ 3 the skater ] ; you look like shana from lapillus audrey

AUDREY STEWART [ 2 the impulse ] ; [grins] wait- who?

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; [glances] you don't know her? she was on girls planet

AUDREY STEWART [ 2 the impulse ] ; [scouring her brain] OH YEAH! [looks in the mirror] hmm i see it!

AUDREY STEWART [ 2 the impulse ] ; [turns] and jeonghoon looks like wish from epex

AUDREY STEWART [ 2 the impulse ] ; too bad you weren't a heart last mission~

SEO RYEON [ 3 the skater ] ; [points at herself] who do i look like?

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; minji from new jeans maybe?

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; [brightens] oh that's so true!

SEO RYEON [ 3 the skater ] ; [squints into the mirror] is that so..?

the whole group gives
verbal signs of agreement



the exp is being finalized as we
speak, so in the meantime before
the eliminations, i hope you
enjoy this extra chapter!


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