⋆ ep6 extra

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after fans were disappointedly cut off
by the channel's ending credits in part
one of the "dating" content, they were
forced to wait yet another week for
part two's upload. begrudgingly for
some, the video opened to juhyuk
and hanwool once again.

JIN JUHYUK [ the dance expert ] ; we're so glad you enjoyed the first episode

JIN JUHYUK [ the dance expert ] ; that the producers actually decided to supply you with the rest

you're filming this the
same day as the last???

JIN JUHYUK [ the dance expert ] ; and what can i say.. [uses his hand to block his mouth from being seen by hanwool] it's scandalous~

scandalous? they didn't
even pair kyuvyn together?

BAEK HANWOOL [ the rap expert ] ; [judging] what's with the hand covering? i can still hear you

JIN JUHYUK [ the dance expert ] ; it's for the visual

JIN JUHYUK [ the dance expert ] ; so, don't worry, look at my lips whenever~

BAEK HANWOOL [ the rap expert ] ; hm? but that's not where i'm looking

did the producers tell them
to act like lovers? they made it
so i can't trust anything anymore

stop adding your trust
issues to the captions

yeah yeah

anyway, let's get into the
remaining "date" footage

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; hey! it's my rival~! [grinning]

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; i guess you can say this is our enemies to lovers arc

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; heavy on the lovers part!

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; are we enemies..?

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; heavy on the lovers part! [frozen grin]

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; were we enemies..?

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; you know because we have the same part this mission like there's an expected rivalry between the two of us to beat the other [stares at him for a response]

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; [scratches his neck slightly] but i don't see you as a rival...?

damn i can feel jae cracking
and melting at the same time

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; i see... [turns away solemnly]

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; i'm sorry..?

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; i'm good, everything's great! it's my fault for assuming anyone was worried about me beating them...

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; [lost and confused] i see...?

jaehyuk turns back to him,
placing a smile on his lips

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; hm? i guess we've never really talked before, huh?

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; or been alone, i'd assume

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; [look of revelation] ah i probably shouldn't refer to us as lovers today, even for the concept

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; i once tried that with yerim and her girlfriend punched me

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; [blinks] who would punch you..?

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; oh? is that not a thing? sorry sometimes my radar is off and needs some tinkering

i can name something that
needs tinkering, and it
wouldn't be your radar

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; [his analysis of this man is really tangled up] what..?

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; [waves his hand] don't mind me! let's start on the trail!

ah yes, their date location

the camera moves to capture the
trail in question, one that will bring
them up the mountain and generally
a fitting date activity for the two

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; wow [shiny eyes] you haven't even broken a sweat!

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; [slow nod as he continues walking] i have a lot of experience..

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; you must, your muscles are amazing!

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; ...

kyuhyun manages to walk ahead
of him, causing the camera to
capture the red tint of his ears

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; wait-! don't speed up! i have issues with inclines!

jaehyun jogs a little to
catch up to kyuhyun as
he kindly slows down

cue the calming footage of
nature and their rather
uneventful walk

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; we made it in time for sunset! [suddenly has more energy like he wasn't about to collapse at the top of this mountain]

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; [nods, taking a deep breath as he stares off at said sunset]

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; [staring at the sky with a glimmer in his eyes]

this is peaceful...

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; oh! [breaks away from his trance] we should take the picture now!

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; what should we do? use our hands to make a heart around the sunset? [grins]

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; i can just take a picture of you..

KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 the model ] ; huh? [a little disappointed] i guess that'd work, if you don't want to be in it..?

SHIN KYUHYUN [ 3 the buff guy ] ; [nods]

and then a slightly more dramatic
than necessary photoshoot commenced,
yet it was accompanied by a keshi cover
by kyuhyun that the editors seem to have
on file. it also accompanied the reel of
them walking back down the path with
less lighting before their footage
ended all together.

the next scene flooded in just like
the blue light that tinted everything
in sight, including kian and aurae, who
had just entered the aquarium tunnel.

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; they really make it feel like you're swimming with the fishes

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; [nods while taking his time looking around] i forgot how much i enjoyed this...

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; oh? you haven't been to an aquarium in a while?

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; [shakes his head] i haven't been in years, since a school trip... [remembers something] oh...

kian stops talking and looking
around in enjoyment

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; oh..? [confused] what's with that reaction?

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; it's nothing

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; doesn't seem nor sound like it's nothing [concerned] you can talk about it if you want, but of course i won't push

the two continue walking, aurae
checking up on him with glances
yet still looking around at
the aquarium when...

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; [speaks softly] it was during the time i was bullied

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; eh? [surprised but also flames suddenly shoot from her eyes] who would bully such a sweetheart?

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; who are they? i need to have a talk with their parents

their parents?!

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; [surprised by the sudden rush of energy aurae has presented] wha- no! you don't have to do that, it's in the past

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; [furrows her brows] yeah, but it clearly still bothers you

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; but... it seems you're trying to get an apology and that wouldn't be helpful now...

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; who said anything about an apology, i was going to get them in trouble

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; they're adults now...?

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; and? adults are still scared of their parents, usually, there are exceptions of course

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; [unconsciously nods in agreement]

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; see you agree!

kian gasps as he suddenly realizes
he did, in fact, just agree which
causes a chuckle from aurae

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; now, what i do for my brother when he has bad memories of a place is go back and create new good memories

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; how..?

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; [mischievous grin] let me show you~

aurae grabs his hand and pulls him
along for a short sprint in the tunnel,
swimming in between the few people
present that afternoon. the surprise
and partial absurdity of it caused
some laughter to escape kian's lips

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; [stopping and turning in one go] how's that?

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; [last breaths of a laugh] effective

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; of course, [grins] it's a remedy of yours truly, jeong aurae

after this sprint that got them some
stares, they continued to walk
through the tunnel observing the fish

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; oh, i have a photo idea

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; stand here [directs] and center our hands as you take the picture

aurae then places herself closer to
the glass, placing her hand gently

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; got it

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; great!

after a bit more footage, their time in the
tunnel came to an end and they found
themselves in the gift shop instead

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; we should get something [looking around] how about the starfishes?

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; [lingering on the fish pens] the starfishes? why?

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; because they'd match the show's star concept

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; and they're cute with their little smiles [picks up two blue ones, holding them up to him]

KIAN HWANG [ 3 the wannabe ] ; [nods] ok, but... can we get pens too...?

JEONG AURAE [ 3 the engineer ] ; [grins] deal!

their footage fades out here

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; i've been waiting for this day [grins]

what? are you going to try kissing
them too? cause i wouldn't suggest it

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; huh? [blinks] do we know each other?

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; [truly so shell shocked that i don't think he's on this planet anymore]

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; [spluttering] i uh

i've never seen him this lost for words-

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; [light laugh] i'm kidding, yujun

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; [sigh of relief] T H A N K G O D

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; you almost made me think i was delusional

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; well... i only really know your name

we sip our water out of true embarrassment

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; ... i know your name, age, likes, and all your lines...

dude you literally couldn't remember
what you ate for breakfast this morning
because you weren't paying attention
how did you muster up enough
focus to learn all that?

it's the power of fan brain mode

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; i'm not that interesting..?

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; that's not the point! it's like you're my mentor since you're already working in the field i want to be in

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; i'd have to give you advice to be your mentor?

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; [waves his hand] potato potato

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; i have simply made you into my first patient [smiling as he pulls out a small notebook]

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; [dumbfounded] i already have a therapist

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; and i'm not trauma dumping outside a skating rink

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; or to you in general really

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; aww [dejectedly puts the notebook away]

did you think he would???

anyway, the two made their way into
the ice-skating rink, the footage of them
putting on skates backed up by some music

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; [confidently steps out on to the ice and starts losing his footing immediately after] woAH

yujun avoids sevyn, who had just
followed suit onto the ice, and
crashes himself into the rink wall.

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; never skated? [standing perfectly fine on the ice]

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; no [grins] but no worries, i'm a fast learner!

yeah, the fact that you look like
bambi right now really helps your case

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; so, [finally stands up straight] you plan on being a clinical psychologist, right?

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; [nods] yeah

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; but how is it being a forensic psychologist? [testing the waters of movement]

(this is definitely the topic they'd be on,
but me myself and i don't know what it's
like and am too lazy for research right
now so you can imagine the conversation)

as yujun tries to accomplish two goals:
one, making sevyn his mentor and two,
learning how to ice skate. sevyn is calmly
skating and answering beside him.

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; okay i think i got it now! [determined] i'm going to skate around the rink and when i get back, we'll take the picture!

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; alright [pulls out his phone]

we question why sevyn ended up
filming yujun's attempt when the
cameras are already filming it, but
we'll assume it's for meme making
purposes as yujun clear as day runs
into someone and then the floor.

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; [sprawled out on the floor] ow

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; [skated over after muffling a laugh] are you generally okay? and also okay in a, "i can still perform soon" way?

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; [slowly in the process of getting up] i believe so?

we can confirm he had no injuries

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; [finally up and dusting himself off]

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; [smiles] now let's take the picture

JI YUJUN [ 3 the psychic ] ; make a v with your feet

sevyn follows the instructions while
standing beside the rink wall and
yujun lines up in front of him
making a three with his hands.

SEVYN LEE [ 3 the psychologist ] ; [lining up the picture with his phone] a little higher

as yujun follows the fix, sevyn snaps
the picture. this scene is immediately
followed by b roll of them skating
with background music until
it fades out altogether.

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; [holding the bottom of her phone close to her mouth and whispering] emergency memo

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; due to the gods and the producers, i have extremely lucked out today

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; they paired me with kairo 🤩

why are you recording this
like you're not mic'd up

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; [glances up, abruptly shoving her phone in her pocket]

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; [smiles and waves] hello kairo

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; [smiles back as he approaches] hey! i like the hair

we appreciate not having to sit through
a "notice anything different" interaction

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; oh thanks! i just got it done [looks at her newly dyed pink ends]

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; [nods] it fits you

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; i've been thinking of changing it up too, i've been blue for too long

i reject this idea

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; no-! [blinks surprised] i mean... if you want to

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; but i think the blue hair is iconic

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; [nodding] yeah, but for srr, i was thinking i'd go blond?

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; ah, like soobin? [thinking] i guess that'd be alright

i don't think he was asking for permission?

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; [light laugh] glad i got your approval [looks away at the building they were standing in front of]

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; [looks back] should we head inside [gestures with his thumb]

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; [nods] probably for the best [smiles] lead the way!

and he does with sooyoung slightly
behind him as they enter the studio

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; have you ever made pottery before?

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; yeah, i took an art class once in high school [grabbing an apron and handing kairo one] you?

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; never [chuckles] so this may be interesting...

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; [something on the shelf catches his attention] does that mug have an h2o handle?

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; [confused until she turns to look as well] oh, that's cute! [grins]

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; [picks it up, observing it] we should make something like this!

the nerds are having fun

(i say as if i don't have a h2o
and microscope sticker on
my laptop right now-)

STAFF ; please put down the mug before you break it

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; i'm not really clumsy, but got it

kairo in fact almost dropped the
cup while returning it, earning
a stifled laugh from sooyoung

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; you jinxed yourself

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; personally, i didn't expect that to happen

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; i can tell, you looked like this [demonstrates his very fearful and surprised face]

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; [chuckles] did i?

the two were then directed by the
studio staff to a table and given a
tutorial on crafting a heart
bowl because they weren't
given creative freedom

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; [stops molding the walls of his bowl to glance over at sooyoung's] oh, did i make my walls too tall?

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; hm? [looks over] it looks nice!

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; [frowns] compared to yours it doesn't

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; don't compare them, they each have a different personal touch

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; they hold your heart [laughs lightly because they are shaped like hearts]

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; don't beat up your own heart [eyes widen suddenly] what are you doing?!

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; [was about to literally beat up his heart and restart but now looks like he just got caught red handed] nothing, obviously

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; [shakes her head] liar, liar, pants on fire

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; sorry, i won't destroy it

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; liar, liar, pan-

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; i swear on my heart [holds up bowl]

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; [gasps] you're going to drop it, set it down

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; it's fine [jokingly slips]

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; [pouts]

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; [laughs, setting it down]

i would've punched him

liar, liar, pants on fire

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; [smiles] let's pose them for a picture [cups her bowl]

they had the cameraman capture
the shot so they could take
it from there later

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; do you think they'd let me sculpt an animal or something? [looking around for the staff]

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; [shrugs] i don't see why not

they actually got permission; you
know after kairo persistently asked

SEO KAIRO [ 3 the bookworm ] ; is that a cat...or a frog?

YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 the deer ] ; it's a cat frog [smiles while rolling some clay]

cue the rest of their footage with
background music, ending with
a still shot of their creations both
before the kiln and a shot of them after
they came back later to paint them.

aquarium date pictures on pinterest
are adorable ngl (random comment-)

anyway! comment ideas/requests
for future extra chapters for exp!

and for fun...

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