⋆ ep6 pt2

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MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; we definitely started our performances off strong, and our next performance won't be letting us breathe either

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; please welcome our all-rounder team performing river, RIVULET onto the stage!

and the crowd turned into cheering
mushrooms as the group of five
walked on stage

RIVULET ; Just like a river, we go with the flow. Hello, we are RIVULET!

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; roses are red, rivers are blue, don't mess with me, i'm the leader that knows kungfu~! hello, i am rose!

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; ride high! your lovely seungjun is the wave today~! [winks]

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; rockstar ann here to flood your ears with song!

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; splish splash! it's me heo jungjun back with another fun stage~!

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; as the river's star, you can call me eridanus! hello, it's your bae jeonghoon!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; Rivulet? what made you choose that name?

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; it's a synonym for river!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; Riv- oh yeah that checks out

misun... i find it hard to
believe you didn't make that
connection already...

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; hm, [glances at her cards] is there anything else you'd like to tell us before you perform?

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ;[nods and smiles] just be prepared to get wet

THE REST OF RIVULET ; [standing there questing the phrasing of the sentence]

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [jumps in smiling] yes beware of the WATER [nods insistently]

there is general confusion from
the audience because WHAT

but they receive no extra context as
the lights do their thing by turning
off and when another set of lights
turn on minutes later, the group
is on a different stage (?) while
addressing the meaning of
this, let's take a look into
this teams practice.

[ the practice room after
the teams were finalized ]

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; is this really an all-rounder performance if only two of us rap?

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; don't say anything or they will actually make it happen [suspiciously glances at the staff]

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; rather than an all-rounder performance, it's really just like our last stages...

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; it's a little disappointing we don't have anything extra... the rap team is writing lyrics, the dance team is choreographing, the vocal teams are...

not the river team already
knowing this... virtuous
found out hours later...

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; wait- [looks around] what are the vocal teams doing?

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; not having to dance

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; so, what i'm hearing is the vocal teams are the most boring, not us?

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [quietly] well, more like they have less creative freedom...

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [brightens] yay! we're not the losers~!

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; honestly, we're probably the coolest team, i heard we get to dance in water


ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; what now? i can barely dance on dry land-

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [looking brighter after the water mention] don't worry anni, i'll help you just like last time

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [bows in her direction] my life is in your hands, madam

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; wha-

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; can i leave my life in your hands too? [flutters eyelashes]

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; [raises hand] i too will leave my li- well actually, i'll just leave leadership to you

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; huh? who said anything about me being the leader...?

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [calmly grabs seungjun by the shoulders and brings him into the conversation] we should have seungjun be the leader, his skills are better than me.

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; but you'd be a great leader..?

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [whispers to rose] they're not the worst group to lead really...probably not troublesome..?

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; [scares seungjun by suddenly appearing behind the duo] we're not troublesome

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [lightly offended] us? troublesome? rosie you're confused, only jungjin's troublesome

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; and HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?! we've never teamed up before

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; i have my sources [shrugs] and you're not particularly quiet

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; my loudness isn't troublesome it shows i'm enthusiastic

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [rolls eyes] yeah yeah

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; okay... my first order of business as leader, is for us to discuss our positions and get to practicing.

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [nods] should we decide the rap parts first..?

after their parts were decided, they
did in fact begin practicing the
performance, on dry land for now...
but more on that later, rather
outside of that, how did
they fill their time?

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [sitting on the ground when she slams a water bottle down] what took you so long?! [glares at ann who just entered the room]

someone hold me, i'm scared,
the friendship is quaking

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [stands up as ann walks closer] I told you to run over here every time I called

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [takes a seat in an oddly placed spot, crossing her legs]

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; what are you thinking? why are you back? have you forgotten about out deal?

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; do you want me to tell everyone that your mom is an adulteress?

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [glares back up at her and laughs, amused]

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; did you just laugh?

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; sure. go ahead and tell everyone.

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; what?

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [leans closer] if you want everyone to know that your dad cheated on your mom, go ahead and tell people

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [breath of disbelief] what did you just say?

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [stands up] you're scared, aren't you? [smiles]

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; the fact that i'm back bothers you like crazy, doesn't it?

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; that's why you marked the wrong answers on the math test [laugh/scoff mixture and turns away]

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [walking away] i heard you got a perfect score for everything until yesterday. you have such a weak mentality

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [stops and turns back, faking concern] what if you end up... [rushes back towards her] making the same mistake on your KSATs? [grins]

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [surprised and begins taking short breaths before shoving ann down into the chair]

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; Ro Na, do you have a death wish?

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [gets up and pushes her back a little] i haven't even started. you should look forward to what's to come [psychotic expression that falls when rose fails to hold her composition]

the two begin laughing,
losing the tension in the room

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; [peaks out from behind the camera] should we keep going?

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [shakes his head] maybe not... we got enough for this scene right?

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; guys! i haven't even made my appearance yet! [pouts]

the other four share a look

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; okay we'll just edit that out before posting it then

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; [waiting for them to get back into position] and action!

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [appears by the door] Ro Na

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [turns at his arrival] hey, seok hoon [smiles, acting innocently]

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; do you want to come over to my place and study together? my mom isn't home today. we can also eat dinner together.

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [nods] sure

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [turns to rose, grinning] i told him i missed his, and he came right away

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; let's go. i'm hungry

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [breathing heavily and glaring, she gets up suddenly, grabbing ann by the back of her hair] how dare you hit on seok hoon?!

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; are you a gold digger just like your mom? [lightly tussling with ann]

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; hey! watch what you say! let go!

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [breaks them apart, holding on to rose] eun byeol, stop it

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; why do you always take her side? you don't even know anything! why do you even like her?

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; do you not know what kind of girl she is? her mom is an adulteress! she's a homewrecker who ruined my family!

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [rushes back over and is stopped by jungjin] my mom isn't an adulteress! watch what you say!

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [starts fighting back with jungjin in the middle] she hit on a married guy and that makes her a gold digger and an adulteress! nothing will change that!

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [is pushed back by jungjin] seok hoon, how could you date a lowlife like ro na? aren't you embarrassed of yourself?

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; how are we any different?

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; we're not any more special than her. actually, you know what? we might even be worse.

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; we act all smart and refined but we're all rotten inside

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; what? how could you compare us to that little brat? [starts fighting to get to ann again but is stopped]

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; why can't i? [steps closer] is it because you're the daughter of the next director of cheong A and because my dad is the CEO of a big company?

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; but do you want to know the truth? [leans in to whisper] my dad and your mom are seeing each other

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [shocked] what? what did you just say?

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [more aggressive tone] my dad and your mom are having an affair. they're also committing adultery.

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [backs away] now that you know, stop causing a scene... before we both end up humiliating ourselves.

jungjin turns away, grabbing ann's
wrist as they walk out the door

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; and cut! [claps] wow that was a lot better than our scene

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; hm? but your scene wasn't bad?

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; yeah, it was just funny how robotic you were about being in pain

like a flashback, a clip of seungjun
and jeonghoon's rendition of the
arm-wrestling scene from
strong girl bong-soon appears

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; you can add the other hand if you like

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; [very unnatural scoff] this is ridiculous [adds his other hand and adds in robot jitters]

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [pushes his hand to the side as gently as possible]

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; [stumbles to the corner and slumps down in a "powering off" type of way] ow ow ow

the clip fades out

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; well... you'd probably be able to get casted in those robot lover dramas..? [sincerely trying to comfort him]

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; [frowns] thanks, but i really wasn't looking for anything

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [appears by his shoulder, grinning into the camera] no worries directors! i'm definitely looking for anything, call me [makes the hand gesture]

just for context, the scene done above
was from penthouse (starts at
2:30 in this video)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

after their whole drama shoot,
the editors decided to include even
more after practice activities instead
of covering their practice and
evaluations, but to console viewers
they left a note for them on screen

after the note was left on screen for an
appropriate amount of time, the screen
switched to 4 of rivulet's members
sitting on a set of benches outside

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; why did she tell us wait out here again? [fiddling with his sweater]

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [shrugs] she said she had a gift to celebrate us almost finishing this mission

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; wow, i can't believe we're almost done! just yesterday i was questioning my life decisions as i was swatted from group to group :D

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; i didn't know you could question your life decisions

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; now that's just foul!

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; hm... i just meant, you seem too confident and sure of yourself once you decide something

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [thinks] you're right, yes, but...

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; sometimes the results limit the confidence?

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; not exactly what i'd say, but sure! let's go with that!

suddenly, as the group falls into
a comfortable silence, a song all
too familiar to them, simply
in a different format

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; like a river, like a river [walking out while playing an acoustic guitar]

the group turns to look at her

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [whispering] oh that's what this is

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [trying to whisper to seungjun but is failing] honestly, sounds better this way

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; i don't feel like we're living in the meteor garden world anymore

(as someone who hasn't been able to
listen to river without thinking of meteor
garden since 2020, i had to make the joke)
(and yes, i purposefully edited ann and
rose as endgame ty) (y/n rose)

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; shut your mouth and run me like a river

after finishing the song, the
group gives their support

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; so, when you said you learned the song on guitar, you weren't lying?

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; of course not, why would i?

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; bragging rights?

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; the brag doesn't work if it's not true

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; not necessarily! like i told someone i once won a cracker eating contest and they were really impressed

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; they believed that..? does that even exist..?

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; yes and no! but i bragged about a lie, right?!

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; my trust for you is on a never-ending decline

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [shakes her head] anyway! i brought my guitar today because i thought it'd be fun to chill and sing songs before the stress of our last practice day

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; the calm before the storm, fitting for us, right?

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; exactly! but these water puns really need to stop

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [grins and bumps her leg jokingly] well, don't cry about it

the look ann gives rose causes
the entire group to laugh

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; okay, [sits down] any requests?

and then began the groups campfire
singalong, except there's no fire in
sight (unless you count their voices)

[ check the comments for a playlist ]

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [singing ripples by beabadoobee] please don't make me hide

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; and the ripples on the ground, i might as well have drowned

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [singing max's part in it's you] Ah ooh, think that i'm falling for you

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; yea it's easy

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [singing keshi's part] another sunday afternoon and i'm still in bed with you

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; [singing love. by wave to earth] each person's wishes are fading away and becoming overpainted

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; now for a song from an iconic show... [begins playing time adventure from adventure time]

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; time is an illusion [sings until she finishes

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; what show is this from?

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [mouth open in disbelief] you're kidding right?

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; huh? why would i be?

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; and here i thought this guy knew everything!

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; it's from adventure time

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; oh [nods] never heard of it

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; WHAT? HOW? MY CHILDHOOD!

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [shrugs] everyone can't see everything right?

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; yeah but... ADVENTURE TIME?!

after experiencing ann melt to
the floor in disbelief, they were
somehow able to get her to come
back to her senses, which is what led
to a RIVULET rendition of X1-MA...

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [starts playing an acoustic version of X1-MA]

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [experiencing a conditioned trauma response] you learned this song..?

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [grins] yes, i was a big fan

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [frowns] i'm sorry

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [alarmed and stops playing] what? that was a compliment! i thought it'd be fun to see you dance...

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; is it a bad memory?

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; well, he debuted and then immediately disbanded... wouldn't it automatically be?

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; WAIT seungjun debuted on that show?! i thought he was just on it???

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [to seungjun] ok that was probably the wrong direction then, i'm sorry!

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [shakes head and pushes a smile] don't worry, it's alright now...

this feels partially untrue,
but i won't speak up-

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; would you want to learn the dance...?

the footage faded out after catching
their final product of these instructions,
however, their night didn't end there.
nonetheless, they were now
shown on stage again.

RIVER by Rivulet

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

BAE JEONGHOON as ZHAO YUE ( short hair )

PARK ROSE as WANG YI QIAO ( red hair )

HAK SEUNGJUN as HUA CHIYO ( brown hair )

HEO JUNGJIN as MA SI HUI ( orange hair )

ANN KIM as XU YI YANG ( black hair )


[ backstage ]

MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 rising ] ; they weren't kidding with the splash zone

SEOL YERIM [ 3 rising ] ; they should've noted the fire too [scribbling something]

MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 rising ] ; [confused glance] are you taking notes..?

SEOL YERIM [ 3 rising ] ; [looks at him] always be on edge.

MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 rising ] ; of my seat or..?

HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [pointed look at jeonghoon] you never took off the jacket in rehearsal.

BAE JEONGHOON [ 3 rivulet ] ; [holding the wet jacket he had collected from the ground] i was trying something

ANN KIM [ 3 rivulet ] ; [wringing out her hair] trying anything on this stage means something has to dry

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; i didn't even try anything, but my shoes are really bothering me..

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; can i use your shoulder?

rose holds onto ann's shoulder
after they get off the stairs
to take off her shoes

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [chuckles softly] we could've just rushed to our dressing room

PARK ROSE [ 3 rivulet ] ; [grins] yeah, you're probably right. i want to change anyway

and with a group agreement, they
scurred away, but this decision also
resulted in a voting delay as they
later rushed onto the initial stage
in very hurriedly put on outfits

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; well, you sure made it rain

HAK SEUNGJUN [ 3 rivulet ] ; [pity laughter]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; please don't laugh at that...!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; let's begin the vote!

in the voting promotion portion,
jungjin does a silent rendition of the
phrase "i love you t h i s much",
jeonghoon commits to cheek hearts,
rose does a square to heart hand
gesture, ann does a big arm heart, and
seungjun shoots a heart at the crowd.

after the vote's completion,
misun is left alone on stage

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; next up, we have the only skill with two songs!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; are you ready for our vocalists?!


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