⋆ video one

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MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; so i was told to film an intro for this

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; well hello mnet's youtube channel

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; it's me misun, the one doing all the work

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; enjoy watching some of the people that didn't reject me [tired smile]

transition sound: bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; hello! [whisper shouts] you guys see that?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; it's my...well not my first sighting

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; but maybe it's promising! look

the camera turns to focus
on a girl with her friends

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; doesn't she look like an idol?

no response

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; that's awkward

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i forgot you're supposed to just be here quietly

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; ...let's go talk to her then

insert the passing frames

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; excuse me?

LEE NAYEON [ #4 | the flower ] ; [ stops & turns] hello?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; what's your name?

LEE NAYEON [ #4 | the flower ] ; [blinks] lee nayeon

FRIEND ONE ; [hits shoulder] nayeon! why are you just giving her your full name??

LEE NAYEON [ #4 | the flower ] ; hm? am i not supposed to?

LEE NAYEON [ #4 | the flower ] ; what's she gonna be able to do with just that? [ch uckles]

FRIEND TWO ; um... miss? why are you stopping us? did you lose something?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; oh, i'm currently recruiting people for a survival show and i-

LEE NAYEON [ #4 | the flower ] ; [shines] you want to recruit us for a survival show?! no way~

FRIEND TWO ; all of us?

FRIEND ONE ; an idol one or some physical one?

LEE NAYEON [ #4 | the flower ] ; it's an idol one right? right?!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [laughs] yes an idol one and yes all of you

misun says like she wasn't just
talking to them for nayeon-

LEE NAYEON [ #4 | the flower ] ; yes yes! i'll do it!...how do i do it?

FRIEND TWO ; wait, i have to ask my parents first...

LEE NAYEON [ #4 | the flower ] ; ah my parents! [joy suddenly drops] i don't know if they'd let me

inserted audio clip: oh she's a child!
- misun in deleted clips

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; no worries! just take my card and call if you get permission

sped up goodbye interaction

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; are 3 maybes enough to call it a night?

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; hello camera...

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; they've left me on my own today, forcing me to film on a phone...

a moment of misun fixing her hair with only
the background noise of a street in seoul

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you'd think this job would be easier

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; like what you mean there's no failed idols randomly on the street

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; well i guess that isn't the show's purpose huh?

misun goes back to fixing her hair
until a voice catches her attention

HAK SEUNGJUN [ the repeater ] ; excuse me! sorry!

with the sudden movement of misun's arm,
the camera catches a boy running through
the street with a tune in his step

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [squints] that boy looks familiar...

misun continues staring as
the boy gets closer in view

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; ah ha! isn't he from that one group?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; what was it again Z1? S1? OH X1!

what boy is misun talking about?


as the boy got closer, misun instinctively
reached forward to stop him

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; wait!

the boy visibly jumps and stops as a
domino effect, removing his headphones

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; sorry to stop you but were you an idol?

HAK SEUNGJUN [ the repeater ] ; uh... [fear flashes through his eyes] yes...

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; how would you feel about doing that again?

what a way to ask...

HAK SEUNGJUN [ the repeater ] ; [clutches his bag] why...?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [blinks] oh yeah! because i'm currently recruiting for a survival show!

this is probably a very different
application process for him-

HAK SEUNGJUN [ the repeater ] ; yes.

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; YES?

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i spy with my little eye 2 generally attractive guys

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; what? don't give me that look

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [exhausted] this is my job!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; come on...

misun quickly approaches the two,
stopping them in their tracks

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; hey, you guys wanna join a survival show?

did misun just wink...? sketchy...

DO DAEWON [ the prince ] ; [stares & looks at his friend]

DO DAEWON [ the prince ] ; uhh, i kinda have to go to school...

daewon moves around misun to pass

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [🧍‍♀️] i didn't say it was happening right now...

are you just gonna let them go...?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [turns] WAit!

nice voice crack

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you could be an idol!

the two stopped and daewon
reluctantly turned back

DO DAEWON [ the prince ] ; whatever...here's my number...

daewon proceeds to write his number
on the back of misun's hand with a pen
that was sitting in the side pocket of
his bag before walking away

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [stares into the camera] i feel desperate- please get me paper so i can get this number off of me

meanwhile, we still caught the
lingering audio of the boys off camera

FRIEND S ; can you believe this?! we could be an idol!!

DO DAEWON [ the prince ] ; yeah and when we go to where it is, I better hear some 'wow's and 'woah's for my dancing skills

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; who knew no one would agree to be on a survival show when a stranger approaches and asks them

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; who's idea was this again?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; did they forget how worried people are about accidentally joining a cult?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; let alone some of the people i talk to are definitely targets of some kind of scam

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; like i'd go talk to that girl, but if i wasn't actually being truthful she'd probably agree anyway

the camera quickly pans to the girl in question

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; she's giving that 'innocent' look, right?

the cameraman makes an unseen gesture

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you know what? you're right, i need to up my recruitment count!

misun makes moves to approach the girl
who is seemingly looking at stationary

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i think i'd go with those pens, especially if you're going to be an idol

smooth... but what do deer pens
have to do with being an idol?

YOON SOOYOUNG [ the deer ] ; [squeaks] huh? thanks [grabs the pens]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; does that mean you're gonna be an idol? [tilts head]

YOON SOOYOUNG [ the deer ] ; WHat [personally quiets herself] are you talking about?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; how would you feel about being on a survival show..? [smiles]

YOON SOOYOUNG [ the deer ] ; [nods] good?

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [crosses arms] you mean, i came to an exo concert

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; thinking that, i don't know, that mnet would've pulled some strings and gotten me a ticket

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; but no? i'm here just staking out the arena for kpop fans that might want the chance to be an idol themselves?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [thinks] you know what? that's actually a great idea

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i don't appreciate it...

misun kicks herself off the wall

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i'm gonna go give the card to everyone in this line

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you stay over here

this doesn't make for good content misun...

very sped up footage of misun talking to people
in line until a voice is chosen to be heard

ROSALIA CHEON [ the VA ] ; thank you!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [into her mic] two pretty girls by the taxi. pan. pan.

the cameraman listens and pans the
camera towards the girls, and misun
starting to walk towards them.

THE FRIEND ; aww you're so– [catches misun's presence] rosalia... is that girl approaching us?

ROSALIA CHEON [ the VA ] ; [turns] oh she's pretty– you think she wants my number?

THE FRIEND ; your number? maybe she wants my number?

ROSALIA CHEON [ the VA ] ; hey don't sound so offended [smiles] i just wanted the number~

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [chuckles] hey, sorry guys my number's off limits

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; but i'm happy to say i have another preposition

ROSALIA CHEON [ the VA ] ; oh sh*t–[lightly covers mouth] she wants to have a ***** at an exo conert

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [speechless]

ROSALIA CHEON [ the VA ] ; oh my god! your face! [laughing] i'm joking!

ROSALIA CHEON [ the VA ] ; i mean unless... [winks]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; no no no... [flustered]

ROSALIA CHEON [ the VA ] ; okay okay, i'm done [smiles] what is your idea?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; there's this idol survival show...that i'm...um...casting for?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and i found you both pretty...so...i guess this is me trying to recruit you?

what happened to confident misun...?

ROSALIA CHEON [ the VA ] ; oh? [chuckles] say less~

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; if you guys allowed me to camp outside a concert,

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; can i just camp entertainment buildings and steal trainees?

the camera shakes no

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; why not? it's basically the same principle

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and as a plus i don't get embarrassed either

saying that like she doesn't
get embarrassed daily

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you know what i don't need to ask you

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; it's 8 am i can do what i want!

then began the frames of misun walking,

determined to reach wherever she decided
to go despite the rather busy sidewalk
well until she stopped

something must have caught her attention

maybe it was the way this clip was edited,
but as the camera captured the view, it was
obvious what was catching her eye

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [whispers] a quick stop cameraman

misun then began to approach
the person in sight

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; excuse me?

they give no verbal response,
but their eyes do seem a bit wider

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i couldn't help but notice you standing here and that's my job at the moment

no response

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; ah let me just get to the point! would you like to be an idol?

MO HOYEON [ the filler ] ; [staring in silence until he nods] yes... [blinks]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [smiles] that was easy

misun pulls out a card

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; here's the contact information! please call for more information

MO HOYEON [ the filler ] ; [silently takes and looks at the card]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; have a nice day !

with that misun leaves them
and returns to her former mission

back to sped up movement frames

the camera then catches the hybe
logo in the background, taking a
second to zoom in until...

why did the camera just move so much?

KAWAHARA KEI [ the prankster ] ; hey, watch where you're go-

the camera, on a delay, catches the
boy on the ground. his face looking
rather starstrucked?


KAWAHARA KEI [ the prankster ] ; [stares]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i was already gonna talk to him, you didn't need to run into him!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; nonetheless! if he's okay, he's exactly what i was looking for! so are you okay?

KAWAHARA KEI [ the prankster ] ; [looks at misun] huh? yes.

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; now, would you be interested in leaving hybe and joining our survival show?

KAWAHARA KEI [ the prankster ] ; i mean... i already did one of those things...

KAWAHARA KEI [ the prankster ] ; but... [looks back past the camera]

KAWAHARA KEI [ the prankster ] ; [slowly nods] yes?

oh? does the cameraman
have charms? what is this?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; great! here's our card, call us later!

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [whispering] hello, we are here today, alone.

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; taking the opportunity to hit up the local university library

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; cause this is the perfect idol age...right?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; anyway let me just slide my card to people [grins]

a great silent tactic misun,
but how are we supposed to introduce
them well if you don't even talk to them???

sped up scene of terrible cameraman
misun handing out cards before she gets
kicked out of the library it slows down
again when misun fully comes into view

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; guys i think i've been given a gift for my struggles

what have you done but use the pd's card-

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; look~

she flips the camera to capture a tall
library worker organizing books on a shelf

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; it's like a library concept photoshoot

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; perfect. let's go.

slowly the worker gets bigger in frame

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; excuse me?

the boy stops with a book
in his hand and smiles

SEO KAIRO [ the bookworm ] ; yes? do you need help finding something?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; the bathroom?

wait- what?

SEO KAIRO [ the bookworm ] ; oh, if you walk til the wall and turn left, you'll see the sign at the end.

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; thank you

SEO KAIRO [ the bookworm ] ; you're welcome...

he makes eye contact with the camera before
looking back at misun as she made no move

SEO KAIRO [ the bookworm ] ; miss, do you need anything else?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; ... no- wait yes, how would you like to become an idol?

the boy's previous manor shifted as
he was suddenly caught off guard

SEO KAIRO [ the bookworm ] ; an idol? is this a social experiment?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; no? uh...i'm currently recruiting people for a survival show and i think you'd be a good fit

SEO KAIRO [ the bookworm ] ; thank you for the compliment, but i'm currently too busy with my studies

yes misun, the fatal flaw of college students

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; well, if you decide you need a break, contact us

she hands him the card to which he
seems to take and almost insert
into the book he's holding

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you're being way too obvious with your filming

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you should be walking a few paces behind me

misun stops and stares until
the cameraman begins to
make his way behind her

she begins to walk again causing less
clear shots as misun continues to stop
people randomly on the street

enjoy the b roll~

wait did she just hand
her card to a grandma...?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [speaks into her mic] grandparents can have attractive grandkids

this continues before she stops
by the window of a... dojo?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; mission acquire the kicker

misun takes a spot leaning against
the wall by the window while the camera
catches film of a girl doing martial arts

we have consent for this video-

the video speeds until said girl is
walking out of the dojo an hour later

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; excuse me!

PARK ROSE [ the foodie ] ; [flinches & slowly looks up]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [grins] hi! i saw you practicing through the window and i think you'd be perfect for a survival show i'm recruiting for

misun, you're smiling like a serial killer

PARK ROSE [ the foodie ] ; [blinks, avoiding eye contact]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i might sound like a cult recruiter, but that isn't the case...

no response

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; do you have any music experience? actually, it doesn't matter... just, would you apply? it's a one in a lifetime opportunity

PARK ROSE [ the foodie ] ; um... i don't know but...

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you'll take my card?! thanks!

misun shoves the card into
her hand and walks away

the camera catching moments
of the left girl slowing shriveling

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [sighs] yeah i don't she's gonna end up calling

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i've found that peaceful strolls are a great way to blow off steam

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; don't you think so? [stares at the camera]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; oh? you're asking why i'm stressed?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; well... [sped up rant] and the casting department won't tell me if anyone called

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; "you'll know when you know"

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; can i quit?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; no, no i can't

quiet peaceful stroll footage

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; oh! there's a pretty girl!

points the camera at a blurry
girl leaving from a gate

misun's vision is really something...

misun begins to walk towards the
girl to catch her before she leaves

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; excuse me

the girl stops, her eyes darting to the camera
quickly, trying to take in the situation

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; could i ask you a question?

BAEK SOORAM [ the tiktoker ] ; oh? sure

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [smiles] good!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; do you have any interest in music?

what? are you taking a detour?

BAEK SOORAM [ the tiktoker ] ; yeah, i actually make a little bit of it too

BAEK SOORAM [ the tiktoker ] ; [mutters] if i can call it that

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; oh perfect! i've hit the jackpot today!

sooram stares at her,
confused by the 'overreaction'

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; how'd you like to join an idol survival show?

BAEK SOORAM [ the tiktoker ] ; [blanks] is this a prank camera?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; not that i know of

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [eager] so?

BAEK SOORAM [ the tiktoker ] ; [cautious] i'll think about it...

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; zoom in over there

the camera zooms in where misun
points, capturing an attractive boy
surrounded by a casual crowd

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; he's young, visually appealing, and generally magnetic

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; fitting right?

the camera nods

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; oh he's leaving?

MOON SEONGMIN [ the bankrupted ] ; make sure to check out the art exhibit!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; oh wow... how loud did he say that? did our mic catch it too?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; wait nevermind that! he's getting away!

the video showcases the rush as misun
tries to run into him casually knocking
his side a little too forcefully, misun
caused him to drop the papers in his hand

MOON SEONGMIN [ the bankrupted ] ; ah!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; oh sorry about that!

MOON SEONGMIN [ the bankrupted ] ; no no it's okay. i wasn't looking where i was going [kneels to pick the papers up]

misun stop running into
kind people challenge

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; let me help [starts to bend]

MOON SEONGMIN [ the bankrupted ] ; oh don't! i already got them all and no need to waste your energy [stands up]

they stare at each other as
seongmin flashes a smile

MOON SEONGMIN [ the bankrupted ] ; sorry for running into you, but i gotta go now. have a nice day!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; wait! i actually have a preposition for you

MOON SEONGMIN [ the bankrupted ] ; hm?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i'm currently recruiting for a survival show and i think someone with visuals such as yours would be a perfect contestant. would you be interested?

MOON SEONGMIN [ the bankrupted ] ; [flushes] i-i are you serious?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; completely

MOON SEONGMIN [ the bankrupted ] ; [goes through an internal monologue?] ok yes!


these will be extremely lighthearted
and yes misun gets a lot of screen
time it's in her contract /lh


(pw is 2156)

there will be a voting chance at
the end of each part of ep zero that
uses the same form as the first
look evaluation in the profiles.

they each have their own section
so make sure you are in the right
section before casting your vote as
multiple votes in one section
with be nullified!

only those who've read the chapter
can vote in this section! and the
section will close in 48 hours!


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