⋆ video three

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MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; congrats! you've made it to the final video of my troubles

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; enjoy and i'll see you again in the first episode!

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; do you think any mothers or fathers would be interested in becoming an idol?

is this why you're eyeing the swings so much?


MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [slumps] ah yeah, you're probably right... what parent has time for that?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i mean while just starting out- DON'T GET ME WRONG

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; can i still swing a little though?

CAMERAMAN ; [sighs] sure

now, the shots of misun swinging
would've been cut, but we caught
some audio that needed to be included

CHILD 1 ; don't worry princess rora! i'll save you!

CHILD 2 ; no! i'll save her!!

CHILD 3 ; you'll never get your hands on her as i'm the great evil prince NEVLOCK! with the greatest tower of the world! MWAHAHAHA

CHILD 4 ; ah ha! nevlock! your tower was nothing for me! as I, the GREAT princess of the ice, easily saved princess rora from your hands!

at this point, the camera had
finally moved to capture the group

JEONG AURAE [ the engineer ] ; thank you ice princess for the rescue <3


misun begins to approach the group

CHILD 1 ; [stops pouting and blinks] who are you?

CHILD 1 ; [gleams] you wanna play princes & princesses with us?!

JEONG AURAE [ the engineer ] ; *****! what did i tell you about talking to strangers?!

CHILD 1 ; ... that they have to be my height or have a kid ...

JEONG AURAE [ the engineer ] ; [faces misun] excuse me miss, but don't talk to my brother

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; oh sorry! i actually came over to talk to you

CHILD 1 ; WHAT YOU WANT WITH MY SISTER [pops out from aurae's side]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i wanted to invite her to be on a kpop survival show

CHILD 4 ; EHHH like where they're like bangle bangle on stage?!


JEONG AURAE [ the engineer ] ; uh... like to be an idol? i don't know about that...

CHILD 1 ; miss! does this mean i could see my sister on tv?!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [smiles & nods ] exactly

CHILD 1 ; [sparkles] RORA YOU SHOULD DO IT [pulls on her arm]

the other kids all chime in, agreeing,
causing aurae to say yes and take
the card in the moment.

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; ooo look over there !

minsun would run ahead the
camera following after, it would
then come to a stop

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; a food court !

CAMERAMAN ; [sighs]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; what ! i think i deserve a break every once in a while... anyways !

as misun is done grabbing her food
the camera would follow her
as someone would run past her,
knocking her down in the process...

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; HEY MY FOOD !!! COME BACK HERE

CAMERAMAN ; [face palms] why did i agree to this...

the two would follow the mysterious
figure they would then stop in the
middle of a train station

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; HEY COME BACK HERE [grabs them by the hand]

JI YUJUN [ the psychic ] ; **** ! what was that for ? you just made me miss my train !

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and you made my stomach miss my- woah

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; have you ever thought about being an idol?

JI YUJUN [ the psychic ] ; me an idol? I know i have the visuals but... i have school...

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; are you seriously gonna go to school over this...

yes people have lifes

JI YUJUN [ the psychic ] ; i dont know.... maybe ?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; im gonna take that as a yes ! [shoves the card in his hand]

the camera shows misun running
away as yujun looks... intrigued ?

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; it's too early

it's 11 am?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; that look is unappreciated, i'm sorry i went out as a stress reliever last night

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and yes, i'm not actually sorry

misun's eyes shift to something
in the background

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; at least i'm not the most hungover person this morning [gestures to someone in the background]

low and behold, there's someone
stumbling over the stairs

literally, this footage lasts
3 minutes as they make their
way into a convenience store

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you know for someone hungover, they still look rather graceful

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; which is a very difficult skill [blinks] i should know

don't worry misun, the
sunglasses you're wearing
are really helping you out

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; let's head over and wait for them to come out

minutes later, less with the time skip,
they exit carrying a bag. to which
misun quickly interjects them

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; hello, would you like to join a kpop survival show? i'm recruiting for one

SEVYN LEE [ the psychologist ] ; i'm just trying to eat some soup

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; ok, well take this card to think it over in a better mind

as misun walks away, the camera
captures moments of confusion
and excitement on sevyn's face

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you know, we've been doing this for how long? how has not a single person recognized me? am i that irrelevant?

yes... yes you are

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; dont answer that

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; hmm we should go somewhere crazy... OOH A ZOO ! you never know what talents could be there



MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; ugh fine... i guess we will just walk around this very... very... VERY... BORING street [side eyes]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i guess ill just- WHA [as she trips fall on top of someone]

LIU SOL  [ the bartender ] ; [gets up and holds their head] cutie what was that for-

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [gets up, flustered] hu-huh cutie? Um are you alright [hides face]

LIU SOL  [ the bartender ] ; other than you giving me an excuse to why i'm late for work i'm doing quite fine myself beautiful

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; beautiful- huh wait what- IM SORRY

CAMERAMAN ; seems like someone is blushing

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; s*** t** f*** u* !

LIU SOL  [ the bartender ] ; ... im still here you know

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; TAKE THIS ! [shoves the card in their hand then runs off]

LIU SOL  [ the bartender ] ; hey come back here ! ugh what will be my excuse now...

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; your gonna cut that out right?


MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you-!

BLEEP the rest of the footage does
not follow television guidelines
and had to be cut out, i think
you can infer what happened...

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; one of my recruits doesn't have a casting video as i forgot to film that day

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; but we have decided to add an interview of her instead!

cuts to the short interview

SEOL YERIM [ the lawyer ] ; hello, i'm seol yerim, a lawyer at ****

SEOL YERIM [ the lawyer ] ; ah, correction, former lawyer at ****

STAFF ; how were you casted?

SEOL YERIM [ the lawyer ] ; i was just getting off of work when misun approached me

SEOL YERIM [ the lawyer ] ; she complimented my looks and offered me a spot on the show

STAFF ; what did you think about this interaction?

SEOL YERIM [ the lawyer ] ; i appreciated the compliment, but i was quite surprised by the offer

SEOL YERIM [ the lawyer ] ; nonetheless, i found that it'd be interesting to try participating

STAFF ; were there any other deciding factors for you?

SEOL YERIM [ the lawyer ] ; i believe you shouldn't be asking that question

STAFF ; [caught off guard] ah yes! my apologies! [stumbles with her cards]

after a longer period of silence
than expected, with yerim watching
the staff, she spoke one again.

SEOL YERIM [ the lawyer ] ; now, we're done right? [stands up & bows] have a nice day.

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; hello everyone! my camera was off since i'm off of work, but i just met an arguably attractive man that i thought i should recruit

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; shall we go over and talk to him?

misun acts like she's waiting for
an answer before making her way over
to a man leaning against a lamp post

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; hello sir, I saw you from over there and was wondering if you'd be interested in joining an idol survival show?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i think you have the face for it

KANG JAEHYUK [ the model ] ; oh thank you! [smiles] but i don't think i have the skills to be an idol sorry

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [accidentally glares before forcing a smile] oh no worries! this show requires no former training

KANG JAEHYUK [ the model ] ; really? then count me in!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [smiles and hands over the card]

jaehyuk then immediately breaks character

KANG JAEHYUK [ the model ] ; misun, are you buying me chicken now?

KANG JAEHYUK [ the model ] ; oops are we still filming [giggles]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [punches him in the shoulder] you b****

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you weren't supposed to say that much

KANG JAEHYUK [ the model ] ; what? [rubs shoulder] i thought it'd make it more believable

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [unamused] editors, cut this part out if this d***a** makes it

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; look *** there's a bird on that statue man's head!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; wouldn't it be funny if it pooped on their head? [chuckles]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; what? is that mean? i'd laugh if anyone got pooped on the head-

misun stares at the statue and ponders

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i guess it would be upsetting if such an attractive man got bird poop on him

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; WAIT is that bird also pretending to be a statue???

an alarm can be heard nearby,
which is also a cue for the statue man
himself. who also began to gently
get the bird off his head before
making his way to a nearby area

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; oh! we should probably go recruit him now

misun approaches him as
he is taking a drink of water

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; excuse me sir, have you ever thought of becoming an idol? if so, i can help you become one

BENJAMIN SOBONG [ the statue ] ; [blinks, moving his water bottle away from his mouth] i'm sorry- what? become an idol-?

BENJAMIN SOBONG [ the statue ] ; i wouldn't mind, but why are you recruiting me...?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you seem like someone who has the talent for it.

misun, you literally only saw him stand there?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you know what, [smiles] just take my card and call us when you decide on it!

as misun walked away,
ben's last words were caught

BENJAMIN SOBONG [ the statue ] ; what the f*** just happened?

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; why are we at an amusement park?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i thought we were trying to avoid children? are we trying to recruit their parents instead?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; cause you shot that idea down last time...

misun, you realize there
are workers here too, right?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [spots something] you want me to recruit the character performers don't you?

the camera nods

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [sighs] let's go to the stage then

the two make it to the stage
just in time to catch this hour's
show, which causes misun to
just take a seat to watch

what catches her attention is
surprising, because why is she more
focused on the pink teddy bear
than the uncovered performers?

but the camera doesn't lie when
it films the stage, making it
seem like the stumbling bear with
exploding energy is the only one there.

PERFORMER ; thank you everyone! you can catch our next show at 1:30!

as the show concluded,
misun sprung to her feet with
one destination, backstage.

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; hey, do you know where i can find the person in the bear costume?

PERFORMER ; [rubs towel on head] jungjin! a fan is looking for you! [walks away]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; a fan?

what did you want them to call you?

a few moments later jungjin
emerged out of costume

HEO JUNGJIN [ the mascot ] ; hello! oh! [looking down but has to move his eyes up]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; oh?

HEO JUNGJIN [ the mascot ] ; [widens eyes] ah sorry! i just wasn't expecting an adult! most of my fans are children

HEO JUNGJIN [ the mascot ] ; WaIT! that doesn't mean you can't be my fan! i'm just surprised! [smiles] did you want a picture? i can go put my costume back on!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; oh, no! i don't want a picture, i just saw you on stage and was wondering if you'd like the chance to perform on stage without the costume?

HEO JUNGJIN [ the mascot ] ; like become a suitless performer? are you actually one of my managers?!

HEO JUNGJIN [ the mascot ] ; i'm SO sorry if i disrespected you by calling you my fan, miss!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; no, that's not what i meant. i'm actually a recruiter for an upcoming survival show and would like for you to be on it

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; if you aren't interested, just think it over and give us a call later

HEO JUNGJIN [ the mascot ] ; what? you thought i'd say no? NO WAY!

jungjin exclaims before
he hugs misun spontaneously

HEO JUNGJIN [ the mascot ] ; of course! i would love to!

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [blinks, her arms stuck at her side]

HEO JUNGJIN [ the mascot ] ; [lets go] sorry again! i just didn't expect this day to come so soon!

you expected a stranger to one
day approach you and invite
you to a survival show???

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; guys it's snack time [smiles]

misun enters a nearby convenience
store and nodding at the cashier,
she headed straight for the chip aisle

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [looks at her phone camera] would it be bad to buy 5 bags

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i think i was supposed to be on a diet

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [thinking] you know what, why not?

after grabbing 5 different bags
of chips, she went to get in line,
taking note of the girl in front of her.

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [mouths "she's pretty"]

misun finished paying while
her eyes watched the girl over
to make her ramen

therefore, misun also
ventured over to that area

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; hello

the girl turned her head a little
abruptly as she was entirely
focused on watching her ramen

SEO RYEON [ the skater ] ; [quietly] hello

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i'm sorry to bother you, but you're just so pretty i had to approach you. by any chance, are you a model?

SEO RYEON [ the skater ] ; [a bit shocked] oh..um..thank you, but no, i'm a figure skater

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [eye sparkle] really? even better

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i wanted to recruit you for a kpop survival show

SEO RYEON [ the skater ] ; [stares] i'm not too sure i want to do that...

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; no worries, you can just call the number on this card if you change your mind

bawk bawk

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; viewers, can you believe that not a single person in this gym took my card

misun was currently walking on
the treadmill for the cooldown
part of her workout

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; like this might just end up being a personal vlog because there's no use for it by the producers

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [sighs] would you look at that tho, it's time for me to leave

just as she stops the treadmill
and takes out her headphones,
she hears humming

misun turns to see a man running
on the treadmill down from her

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [mutters in disbelief] how is this guy so stable while running?

without thinking, she goes and
stands right by his treadmill,
waiting for him to notice her

SHIN KYUHYUN [ the buff guy ] ; [sees her & quite obviously ignores her]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [blinks] excuse me

finally, he slowed the treadmill
to a stop, keeping his hands on
the side of it after removing
his headphones too

SHIN KYUHYUN [ the buff guy ] ; yes?

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; hi, i was interested in recruiting you for a kpop survival show, would you be interested?

SHIN KYUHYUN [ the buff guy ] ; n-

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [cuts him off] okay i know it might not be your thing, but i'm really trying to meet my quota here and you know, you might not even be chosen so can you just please give us a call sometime soon [extends the card]

misun watches his hand closely as
a finger drags itself up and then down on
the side of the machine before the hand
lost contact with it all together.

SHIN KYUHYUN [ the buff guy ] ; ok [takes the card]

MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [bows slightly] thank you for your time! [runs off]


shoutout to RealityJacclyn
for writing yujun & sol's part!


(pw is 4545)

there will be a voting chance at
the end of each part of ep zero that
uses the same form as the first
look evaluation in the profiles.

they each have their own section
so make sure you are in the right
section before casting your vote as
multiple votes in one section
with be nullified!

only those who've read the chapter
can vote in this section! and the
section will close in 72 hours!
this is the last pre-vote section!


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