7 minutes of pranks

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Lexi: Guys we have dares again.

Rebel: Not again.

Lexi: Yes, again. Dragon, I FINALLY brought you back.

Dragon: Thank you. I dare the girls to prank the guys.

Lexi: (already has a water balloon)

Raph: Alright hit me with it, I'll make it easy.

Lexi: (throws it)

Raph: (gets hit and realizes-) IT'S OIL! AHHHHH! (tries to get it out of his mouth)

Jazzy: Oh, Rebel. Try this pie.

Rebel: Don't you-

Jazzy: (throws it at him)

Raph: (gets hit with cream-cheese pie) -dare.

Winter: MC, where's your spray paint? (smirks)

MC: Huh? (sees that he can't find it) AHHHHHHH! Where is it?! (goes to find it)

Winter: (chuckles as she pulls out his spray paint)

Leo: (comes in) Hey guys what's goin-AHH! (slips on a banana peel) Seriously?

Dragon: Still not used to you and Swift being together, but I'll allow it.

RJ: Donnie, I have your computer, it's in the closet.

Donnie: (goes in) Thanks-(gets hit with a bucket of water) -babe.

Shy: Oh Ghostie.

Ghost: What did I tell you about calling me that?

Shy: Whatever, here's some chocolate. (gives it to him)

Ghost: (confused and begins to eat but then the chocolate explodes in his face) (slowly glares at Shy)

Shy: Hehe. (runs)

Ghost: Get back here! (runs after her)

Lexi: Next dare.

Winter: I dare the boys to be Swift's servants for two chapters.

Swift: YES! (makes sure to NOT bounce because of the baby) Leo, come 're.

Leo: (goes to Leo) Yes?

Swift: (kisses him)

Leo: (returns the kiss)

Swift: MC, stay out of my room and Rebel, make my favorite dish.

Rebel: Which is?


Rebel: -_- I hope the baby comes soon. (goes to make the pizza)

Winter: Last dare, I dare the girls to play seven minutes in heaven and Ghost has to do it 3 times.

Ghost: -_- Seriously.....3 times?

Winter: Yup. (smiles like an idiot)

Ghost: (sighs and grabs Shy) C'mon cutie.

Both: (heads to his room)

Lexi: Why me?

Raph: Because you're my fiance. (smirks)

Lexi: (chuckles) True.

Both: (heads to his room)

Others: (does the same thing)

7 mins ltr.

All(except Shy and Ghost): (comes out of the rooms)

Lexi: (has bite marks on her neck) So........much.......love.

Raph: I also call it-

Lexi: Don't finish that sentence.

Raph: -_-

Dragon: Wait, where's Shy and Ghost.

Winter: I dared him to do it 3 times.

Dragon: Oh.

Lexi: Welp, chapter's over bye peeps.

All: Bye.

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