Almost time babies

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Dragon: (eating ice cream)

Caesar: (wide eyes) uh.....babe?

Dragon: yesh (turns to him with a mouth full of chocolate and vanilla ice cream)

Caesar: aren't you suppose to be eating breakfast?

Dragon: this is my breakfast (starts to get a little angry)

Caesar: yes I was thinking-

Lexi: Don't

Caesar: But-

Lexi: don't just don't okay

Caesar: you know what continue with you breakfast (walks away)

Dragon: (confused but continues to eat)

Caesar: (whispers) what's up with her

Lexi: (feeding Alexis) pregnancy problems

Caesar: (sighs)

Dragon: (goes to sit down)

Lexi: dang girlfriend you're gonna be having trouble sitting down in a few months.

Dragon: I know they're SO heavy

Lexi: you wanna trade I got room for o few more

Raph: (says from a distance) Not in a million years!

Caesar: well someone doesn't want more than one child.

Alexis: (opens her eyes and looks at Caesar and says a cute little voice)

Caesar: Huh?

Lexi: is she talking to you

Caesar: well she's trying.

Anthony: (comes through the door) I don't wanna miss this. (Goes over to me and sits down with Caesar)

Caesar: c-can I hold her?

Lexi: of course (hands Alexis to him)

Caesar: (holds her smiles) Hey cuz

Anthony: I told myself I wasn't gonna cry but- (cries)

Caesar: (chuckles) you just couldn't hold it in could you.

Anthony: nope (smiles)

Caesar: (shakes his head)

Alexis: (jesters to go to Anthony)

Anthony: y-you want me to hold you?

Caesar: (Gives her to him)

Anthony: (takes her) H-Hi it's me your cousin. This is the your other cousin Caesar who's not as great as me.

Caesar: 😑 really

Anthony: yep 😁😜

Caesar: 😑 I hate you

Anthony: I love you too😍

Caesar: 😒😏

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