(NOT) getting caught

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Lexi: (whispers) Psst, hey RJ wake up. (shakes her)

RJ: (wakes up) What do you want?

Lexi: We have a dare from Jazzy.

RJ: (sighs heavily) What does she want now?

Lexi: Only to kill us 'cause she dared us to wake up Ghost and Rebel with a prank.

RJ: Welp that leaves you with Ghost.

Lexi: (smirks) Funny part is, I get Rebel you have Ghost.

RJ: (eyes widen) O crap.

Lexi: Yea, you have to wake him up with a frying pan and smack him.

RJ: This is the day I die.

Lexi: When is it not?

RJ: Good point.

Lexi: Also if we get caught, well lets just say, crime don't pay.

RJ: Why Jazzy why?

Lexi: I'll ask her later. Right now get those pots and pans and make a sound speak will ya. (runs to get the tools for the prank)

15 mins ltr.

Lexi: Do we have everything?

RJ: Yep.

Lexi: Alright you go to Ghost and I'll get to Rebel. (goes to Rebel's room)

RJ: Why do I always get the harder dares?

With Ghost

Ghost: (sleeping soundly)

RJ: (gulps) Sorry Ghost. (3...........2............1 bangs the pots and pans) (shuts eyes and opens them realizing he's gone) What the-

Ghost: (taps her shoulder)

RJ: (turns around)

Ghost: (very, very, VERY, VERY, VERY, pissed)

RJ: Cya. (runs for her life)

With Rebel

Lexi: Wow, he's a heavy sleeper. (walks towards him and puts whip cream on his hand and slightly like a fly tickles his nose)

Rebel: (flinches and rubs his head and realizes its whip cream)

Lexi: (runs away)

Rebel: (furious) LEXI!

In the hallway

Lexi: (accidentally runs into RJ)

RJ: You running too?

Lexi: Yep, you?

RJ: Totally.

Ghost: RJ!

Rebel: LEXI!

Lexi: Time to end this chapter before they decide what to do with us.

RJ: It won't change anything.

Lexi: I'm the author I can change ANYTHING in this story like making them forget what happen today. (snaps fingers)

Rebel/Ghost: (holds head painfully)

Ghost: What happened?

Rebel: Shouldn't I be in bed?

Lexi: Cya readers.

RJ: Bye.

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