Planning the party

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All: (planning Mikey's party)

Lexi: so what's the plan (has a check list)

Swift: Mikey's hanging out with Mc and he promised to keep him distracted until tomorrow morning.

Caesar: they'll be gone until tomorrow?

Swift: that's the plan

Raph: I saw them spray painting again. They're gonna go to Antonio's pizza place next.

Anthony: and then there gonna sleep on the roof at night at around 7

Leo: so when they head home they'll have enough energy to be at the house at midnight.

Lexi: sounds like a plan. You guys have the presents.

All(swags): Yep

Donnie: and we'll say that some of them are from the punks as well.

Lexi: really?

Leo: they didn't wanna be left out especially Mc 

Rebel: I might as well enjoy Mikey's birthday

Ghost: too......

Swift: (calls Mc) yo bro how's he distraction?

At Antonio's pizza

Mc: it's going well bro. He's enjoying it even though he is asking me questions about his birthday.

Mikey: so what did you give me?

Mc: I'm not saying

Mikey: Aw.

Swift: keep it up. See you tomorrow.

Mc: bye (hangs up and turns to Mikey) I'll tell you one thing.

Mikey: (gasp dramatically) a spoiler what is it?

Mc: (jesters him to come closer into his ear)

Mikey: okay (does what he's told)

Mc: (yells) FOOD FIGHT!

3 hours of nonstop food fighting ltr

Mc/Mikey: (comes out covered in pizza and soda)

Mikey: I hate you but at the same time I love you so much.

Mc: why hate me?

Mikey: I thought you were gonna tell me what my presents are.

Mc: can't tell you that

Mikey: okay (looks down)

Mc: cmon dude (puts hand on his shoulder) you got 2 more days until you're 19. You'll have the best party ever. Trust me.

Mikey: (sad smile) okay I guess I can wait a little longer.

Mc: there we go and one more thing

Mikey: what?

Mc: RETURN OF THE NOOGIE! (Jumps on him and noogies him)

Mikey: hey hey cut it out! Stop haha!

Raph: (watches from the roof)

Lexi: everything alright

Raph: (smiles) yep everything's just fine.

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