Second child

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Shy: (doing homework)

Shy's friend: hey shy

Shy: yes

Shy's friend: you need to get fit (she's doesnt know you're pregnant)

Shy: uhhhh yea I will soon

Shy's friend: 🤨 uhhh okay (leaves)

Shy: phew ngh Ow (feels pain and water breaks) shit (falls Ghost)

At home

Ghost: Sadie come back here

Sadie: no way I'm not taking a bath

Ghost: 😏 fine then you won't get any bubbles

Sadie: O0O (zooms towards him) bubbles bubbles bubbles

Ghost: (chuckles) that's what I thought (hears phone ring

Sadie: (gasp) mommy (grabs phone and picks it up) hi mommy

Shy: (breathes rapidly) hi honey, can you past the phone to daddy

Sadie: okay here daddy (Gives phone to Ghost)

Ghost: thx sweetie (takes phone and puts it up to his ear) Hey Shy what is it

Shy: teleport. Now. Baby. Coming. NOW!!!

Ghost: O_O Sadie stay right there okay sweetie

Sadie: okay as long as I get to see mommy

Ghost: (teleports to shy and comes back carrying shy)

Shy: ahhh the pain hurts so ahhhhh bad

Sadie: 😢😢 mommy are you 😢😢 Okay

Ghost: (puts her on the couch) don't mommy's gonna be fine. Hey Donnie all help here

Donnie: I'm on it RJ another baby is to be delivered

RJ: coming babe

2 hrs ltr.

Shy: (holding her new son)

Ghost: (smiles and shards a tear) he's so beautiful

Sadie: Mommy

Shy: hi sweetie come one come here

Sadie: okay (comes towards them) who's that

Shy: your baby brother.

Sadie: he's cute

Ghost: yes yes he is

Shy/Ghost: (kiss)

Sadie: ew

Ghost: (picks her up) hey you get kisses too (Gives her a shower of kisses)

Sadie: Ah daddy😂😂 stop it!!

Shy: 😂😂😂😂

Ghost: (stops) so what's his name

Shy: Gus, lets name him Gus

All: (hugs)

Sadie: does this mean I can skip my bath

Ghost: no

Sadie: (puppy eyes)

Ghost: alright we'll worry about your bath later

Sadie: 😁

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