Treat me better

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(Okay so this just slipped my mind. This is a scene from the movie overboard. Not the new one the old one so they're just actors okay. Winter (Sry winter) has amnesia but before that she was a snot to Swift and his family. So after her amnesia he thought being a snot to her was okay and you pretty much know the rest. So this scene contributes to when she's on the couch crying)

Winter sadly layer down on the couch. Swift went out again. Not telling her wether he was coming back or not. It broke her heart not knowing where he was. She felt a tear down her face as she thought about swift coming home.

Swift's POV

"Damn what a night." I said as I opened the door and walked into the house. I assumed everyone was asleep so I just put my back down on the table and went upstairs. Well that's what I thought I was going to do. "Where have you been?" I froze. Dammit that bitch. I turned around. "Out that's where I've been." I said with no regret whatsoever. Then she stood up. Face to face with me. I knew that if I still one strike at her she'd remembered who I am. I clenched my hands into a fish and waited for her reply. "You were gone for 5 hours Swift."

"So, why's that your problem?" The moment I said that a hand smacked across my face. "Is that all you care about!?" I heard Winter say as she beginned to walked around me. I held my face trying to calm its pain. "Looks Swift you say you're my husband but I'm starting to think otherwise." I widen my eyes. No no no please don't remember. "If you really are my husband, then act like it." Well it's true. I have been treating her like a snot. Alright, I guess we're even now. Besides if I keep doing it she's really gonna leave. "Alright so what do you want me to do?"

"Idk, maybe start by helping me take care of the kids." She said as I saw her slump on the couch again. She right. I should start taking care of my kids. But first I need to take care of her. She's been sleeping on the couch for too long and I remember from my mom that women never sleep on couches no matter what. "Alright cmere." I said as I picked her up bridal style as I begin to walk to my room. I felt her holding on to my neck. The feeling wasn't so bad. "You sleep in the bed, I'll sleep on the couch."

As we entered my room I put her on the bed and moved the covers towards her neck. "Swift you don't have to-"

"Believe me Winter, yes I do." I kissed her forehead and turned off the lights as I walked out. "She right." I said to myself. "I have to treat her better."

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