why RJ why

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Rose: (reads dare) RJ, why

RJ: because im evil. (smiles evilly)


Others: (comes in and sits on the couch)

Rose: MC get popcorn cuz we're about to watch a movie.

MC: which movie?

Rose: RJ?

RJ: I dare everyone to watch Annabelle: creation.

All: WHAT?!

RJ: uhuh.

Rebel: no.

Leo: yea, no.

Shy: you have to.

Leo: so do you.

After annabelle creation:

All: (pale)

Rose: U......uh, we have a special guest st-staying with us. Everyone, meet winter.

Winter: Hey guys.

All: Hi/Hey/Hey, sexy.

Jaz: Swift.

Winter: (blushes)

Rose: So what's your dare?

Winter: I dare raph to read leo x raph.

Raph: What, are you serious?!

Winter: Yes. (pulls up a (secretly lemon) leo x raph fanfic)

Raph: (reads it)

5 minutes ltr.

Raph: (barfs in the toilet)

Rose: (pats his back) Next dare plz.

Shy: From me. I dare Leo to get someone to tie you down so you can't move and have them melt ice cubes all over you.

Rose: What?!

Leo: (smirks) That's not a bad dare.

Rose: Oh crap.

2 minutes ltr.

Rose: Raph, help.

Raph: I'm sick, sorry babe.

Leo: Now time for the ice cubes. (puts them on me)

Rose: Ahhhhhhhhhh! The're so cold! Next dare Shy!

Shy: I dare MC to give every cactus in your yard a big hug.

MC: Aw shell naw.

Rose: (still freezing) You have to.

MC: Fine.


MC: How many of them are there?

Donnie: 25.

MC: (gulps)

30 minutes ltr.

MC: (comes inside with sticks in his skin) (limps to the couch) Ow, ow, ow, OW!

Shy: Next, I dare everyone to pull something out of mikey's bed.

Rose: (gets up from the ice) Finally! (runs to Mikey's room)

All: (follow)

Rose: (pulls out-) What's this?

Mikey: A 10 year old slice of pizza.

Rose: EW! (quickly puts it on Mikey's bed)

Rebel: (pulls out a spider web) Disgusting. (puts it on the bed)

30 minutes ltr.

Shy: Alright, 2 more dares to go. I dare Rebel to go out into the road and say 'I LOVE YOU' to the first person he sees.


Jaz: (holds him close) No he's not doing it.

Winter: He kinda has to.

Rebel: No I don't.

Shy: Yes....yes you do.

Rebel: Fine. (goes out to the road) (sees an old man) I LOVE YOU! (runs back inside)

Old man: (confused)

Rebel: (comes inside and shuts the door) I hate you so much.

Jaz: So do I. (glares at Shy)

Shy: Lastly, I dare everyone to remove the socks of a person sitting next to you with your teeth. Except us girls and Swift.

Swift: Yay, Im safe again.

All: (sits on the couch)

Raph: (secretly removes one of my socks with his teeth)

Rose: (realizes it and blushes)

Rebel: (removes one of jazzy's socks with his teeth)

Jaz: (red all over)

Leo: (removes both of Winter's socks with his teeth)

Winter: (blushes like hell)

Donnie: (does same thing)

RJ: (blushes)

Ghost: (does same thing but secretly smirks)

Shy: (nose-bleed)

Rose: ooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy! Time to end this chapter before Shy bleeds the whole floor up so bye readers.

All: Bye.

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