Harry Potter

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Me: dare from Cap

Luigi: What's the dare?

Amy: Nooooooo!

Captain: What? Harry Potter not bad


Frost: on with the dare!

Derrick: Yeah!

Rim and R.J: timeskip in 3...2...1

~timeskip brought to you by having to force some of them to dress as Harry Potter~

(Btw start the video at the top)


Amy: ....

Swift: Hm...it's nice

Rebel: Can we finish this yet?

M.C: I prefer my clothes

Mike: I agree with you

Raph: Not bad

Leo: Eh I wore worse

Mist: But you look cute

Leo:*lightly blushes* Thanks Mist

Don:*looks at Rim* You look nice

Rim:*blushes a bit and smiles shyly* Thanks you look nice too

April:*twirls a bit* Nice


Derrick: ....ehhh nice I think

Cookie: *shrugs*

Candy:*jumps around a bit* hmm

Caramel:*looks at everyone*

Zeyiah: Hmm it's cool


Luigi:*shrugs and looks at what he's wearing*

Captain:*has a huge smile* 😄

Me: Nice anyway that all for today! Bye stars *waves bye*

Everyone else:*waves bye* bye/adios/hasta la vista/ goodbye/see ya/....

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